我下载了孤岛危机 v1.2繁体中文D5完整版 怎么安装啊。。 小白提问。。

我下载了孤岛危机 v1.2繁体中文D5完整版 怎么安装啊。。 小白提问。。,第1张

很简单,吧GBT_setup .ex.这个文件的ex后面加一个e字就可以安装了,前面的GBT_setup2 setup3都安装了,把压缩文件中的补丁覆盖到游戏目录下就可以了,有什么不懂再问吧.

首先把“[SCG]纪元1404 圣城家园简体汉化版.ex

后面加个e就变成“[SCG]纪元1404 圣城家园简体汉化版.exe

然后就可以安装游戏了 安装过程不要动,因为动了就可能出现内存不足


然后安装DX的时候,安装完DX10 就去C盘 SYSTEM32里面的 DXD10。dll删掉




.MP Multiplan File

Maya Personal Learning Edition File

EARS Component File (EARS = UK Liberal Democrats Election Agents Record System) [Filename starts with E]

.MP+ MpegPlus Audio File (replaced by .MPC)

.MP1 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer I

.MP2 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MP2V MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MP3 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III [IrfanView]

SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MP4 iVAST MPEG-4 (hold BIFS-Binary Information For Scene representation) [MPEG-4 Industry Forum]

.MPA MPEG Audio Stream, Layer I, II or III

Palm Memo File

.MPC MS Project Calender

MP3 Collector Collection Manager File

VersaPro Compiled Motion Block

Musepack Audio File (new format replacing .MP+)

.MPD Mini Port Driver

MS Project Database File

.MPDEX MPdex MP3 Database Utility

.MPE MPEG Movie Clip

.MPE.EXE MP3 Digital Player Wrapper


.MPF MS Design Gallery

MosASCII Project Workspace File

.MPG MPEG Animation [IrfanView]

MPEG 1 System Stream

.MPGA Mpeg-1 Layer3 Audio Stream

.MPH MS Publisher

.MPJ RoboHTML Project

Mountain Video Editing File (Atari)

.MPK Augmented MS-Project File

.MPM WordPerfect MathPlan Macro

Max Payne MOD Archive [Added Info]

.MPNT MacPaint Bitmap File [XnView]

.MPO Augmented MS-Project File

.MPP MS Project File

CAD Drawing File

.MPQ Blizzard Game Data File

(also other games)

.MPR Foxpro Program

Westwood Studios Game File (e.g., Red Alert, et.al. - should be a text file)

FileMaker Spelling Dictionary

.MPS Multimedia File

MPEG-1 Audio and Video File (system stream)

Casio PDL Pocket Streets Map (Microsoft product - see just below)

MS Pocket Streets Map File

Max Payne Saved Game

Garmin Mapsource GPS Mapping Interface

MySweetNix! (change MSN Messenger Service nickname every n seconds)

.MPT MS Project Template File

Multipage TIFF Bitmap

.MPV MS Project View

MPEG-1 Video File

.MPV2 MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II

.MPW MosASCII Project Workspace File

.MPX Foxpro Compiler Menu

MS Project Export File

RCA/Lyra Handheld MP3 Player File (secure MP3 format that only plays in this player)

.MRB MS C++ Multiple Resolution Bitmap Graphic

.MRC MIRC Script File

Bibliographic Data Format

.MRF Marks Russel File [XnView]


.MRK Informative Graphics Markup File

.MRO SharpEye Music Reader File

.MRS WordPerfect Macro Resource File

.MRW Minolta Diamage RAW Graphic (use view software supplied with camera)

.MS Checksum File for Anti-Virus

.MS1 OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Message File

.MS3D MilkShape 3D Model

.MSA Magic Shadow Archive

.MSC Microsoft Common Console Document

MS C Makefile

.MSF Multiple Sequence File (biomedical analysis)

.MSG Program Message

OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Message File

MS Mail Message

.MSH MASH (The Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper)

.MSI Windows Installer File (associates components with features and contains installation control info)

.MSK Autodesk Mask File

PaintShop Pro Mask File [XnView]

.MSM MultiSIM Circuit Diagram

.MSN MS Network Document (possibly nicknames)

Descent Mission File

.MSO MS Word OLE Web Page Storage Stream [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

MS FrontPage File [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

Math Script Object File

.MSP MS Paint Graphic File [XnView]

Windows Installer Patch

Magix Music Studio File

.MSPX Related to Microsoft's .NET (still researching)

.MSR OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access SYSOP File

.MSRCINCIDENT MS Remote Assistance Request

.MSS Manuscript Text File (various)

Game Score

.MSSYTLES Windows Visual Style File

.MST Minispecification

DATAIR Pension System Master File

Windows SDK Setup Transform Script (contains mods to apply to package during installation)

ChemFinder Chemical Structure Index

Visual Test Source File

.MSW Word Text File [Buy Office XP at Shop.Microsoft]

.MSWMM Microsoft Windows Movie Maker Project (Part of WinME &XP)

.MSV Sony Memory Stick Format

.MSW MS Word Text File

.MSX Compressed CP/M File Archive

.MTA MS Flight Simulator Maintenance File

.MTB MINITAB Exec File (a macro file)

.MTD Digital Sheet Music [Viewer]

.MTF Darkstone Archive [Dragon UnPACKer]

MicroSurfer File (Link manager/accelerator)

.MTH Derive Math File

.MTK Matrikon Software License File

.MTL MathLook File

.MTM Sound File

MultiTracker Music Module

.MTP L&H Power Translator Pro

.MTV MTV Ray-tracer [XnView]

.MTW Minitab Data File

.MTX Temporary File often used by a browser or TWAIN device

.MU Quattro Menu

.MUC Music Collector Collection Manager File

.MUF ProtoMuck Multi User Forth Program

.MUL Ultima Online Game

.MUP Music Publisher File

.MUS MusicTime Audio File

Finale Music Score

Harmony Assistant, Melody Assistant, Myriad Music plug-in, Melody Player

.MV Miva Script

.MV3 Oozic 3D MusicVideo

.MVA Matrox Video Card Driver

.MVB Database

MS Multimedia Viewer File [Viewer Download]

Note: The viewer download is old. Don't overwrite any new files with old.

.MVC Music Collector Collection Manager File

.MVD MicroDVD DVD Movie

.MVE Interplay Video File [Descent2]

.MVF Movie Stop Frame File

.MVI AutoCAD Movie Command File

.MVW Saber LAN Log File

.MW4 MechWarrior 4 Map

.MWD Photo Soap2 File

.MWF ProMotion Animation

Autodesk MapGuide Author Map Window File

.MWM Mail Warrior File

.MWP Lotus Wordpro 97 Smartmaster File

MegaWorks Pack File [Dutch]

.MWS Maple Spreadsheet

.MWV MovieWorks File

.MX3 Bitbop Tuner Locked Sound File

.MXD GIS Project File (map information)

.MXE Macro Express

Mindex Effect Album

.MXI Proteus File (personal light and sound stimulation system)

Macromedia Extension Information

Mindex Indices file for Indexed Images

.MXM MS Project/Outlook Team Assign Task

Mindex Master Index File for a Category

.MXP Macromedia Extension Manager

ArcReader Published Map


ArcMap Map Template

.MYD MySQL Data File

.MYI MySQL Data File

.MYDOCS MyDocs Drop Target

.MYP Make Your Point Presentation

.MYS Myst Saved Game

.MYW MyWorld Education Drawing

.MZ MOZART Music Document

.MZB MegaZeux Board

.MZF SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZP MOZART Percussion File

.MZQ SHARP MZ-series Emulator QuickDisk File

.MZS SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZT MOZART Template File

SHARP MZ-series Emulator File

.MZX MegaZeux World


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/tougao/12102012.html

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