(Unzip all the files in the compressed package to the root directory run program of CSBTE to modify the related parameters of the game weapon. This modifier only applies to the version of CSBTE-RSJ, if your weapon parameter file weapons.ini should be modified in the Cstrike directory.)
顺便提一下,MOD在F,你只要拿随便一个抢的W模型,然后改斗灶名换成w_uts15g.mdl就行了cstrikemodels(这是我的目录:yundownload这个就是你的MODLES种少了UTS15G这个W模型CSBTE Final 预览版,羡逗你只要把路空派扮径CSBTE前面的换成你的CSBTE所在地就行了) 别改错了欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出