%An example to generate an nc file
% ---------------------------- DEFINE THE FILE --------------------------- %
ncquiet % No NetCDF warnings.
nc = netcdf('ncexample.nc', 'clobber') % Create NetCDF file,输入文件名.
nc.description = '闭游NetCDF Example' % Global attributes,基本信息.
nc.author = 'Dr. Charles R. Denham'
nc.date = 'June 9, 1997'
nc('latitude') = 10% Define dimensions,数组维数.
nc('longitude') = 10
nc{'latitude'} = 'latitude'% Define variables,定义变量.
nc{'longitude'} = 'longitude'
nc{'depth'} = {'顷卜latitude', 'longitude'}
nc{'latitude'}.units = 'degrees' % Attributes,单位信息.
nc{'longitude'}.units = 'degrees'
nc{'depth'}.units = 'meters'
% ---------------------------- STORE THE DATA ---------------------------- %
latitude = % Matlab data,变量数值.
longitude =
depth = rand(length(latitude), length(longitude))
nc{'latitude'}(:) = latitude % Put all the data,对nc文件赋各变量的值.
nc{'longitude'}(:) = longitude
nc{'depth'}(:) = depth
nc = close(nc) % Close the file,关闭文件.
% ---------------------------- RECALL THE DATA ---------------------------%读文件
nc = netcdf('ncexample.nc', 'nowrite') % Open NetCDF file.
description = nc.description(:) % Global attribute.
variables = var(nc)% Get variable data.
for i = 1:length(variables)
disp(), disp(' ')
nc = close(nc) % Close the file.
% --------------------------------- DONE --------------------------------- %
1、打开arcgis的一个空图层。2、在搜索中输入netcdf,选择创建灶培岩netcdf栅格图层,点击它,出现了 *** 作框,在【输入netCDF文件】里面打开刚刚下载的文件,在【变量】选择SST。地理信息系统(GeographicInformationSystem或Geo-Informationsystem,中并GIS)有时又称为地学隐御信息系统。