在同一台服务器上是Silverlight 3应用程序/ClIEntBin/bla.xap.
我试过< Image x:name = img“/>然后在代码设置this.img.source = new BitmAPImage(new Uri(”/ dir / subdir / bla.gif“))但没有成功.
解决方法 您可以在Codeplex: http://imagetools.codeplex.com/上查看Silverlight ImagetoolsProject Description总结Imagetools for Silverlight is a library,which provIDes additional
functionality for loading,saving and manipulation images from
different sources and with different formats.At the moment the library is able to load the most important png,jpg,bmp and gif formats. Please have a look at the following demo and select a image which should be displayed. If an error messages appears this means,that the file is not supported yet and I would very happy for a comment with the image attached,which you used for testing.
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的图像 – 在Silverlight中显示GIF全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决图像 – 在Silverlight中显示GIF所遇到的程序开发问题。