

概述1.上代码。//第一部分;importandroid.content.Context;importandroid.content.res.ColorStateList;importandroid.content.res.TypedArray;;;importan 1.上代码。


package;import androID.content.Context;import androID.content.res.colorStateList;import androID.content.res.TypedArray;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import androID.os.Build;import androID.text.TextUtils;import androID.util.AttributeSet;import androID.vIEw.MotionEvent;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import androID.Widget.linearLayout;import androID.Widget.TextVIEw;import;import;import androIDx.annotation.Nullable;import androIDx.annotation.RequiresAPI;public class ShadowlinearLayout extends linearLayout {    private Drawable clickAbleFalseDrawable;    private int clickAbleFalsecolor = -101;    private Drawable layoutBackground;    private Drawable layoutBackground_true;    private VIEw firstVIEw;    private int mBackGroundcolor;    private int mBackGroundcolor_true = -101;    private int mShadowcolor;    private float mShadowlimit;    private float mCornerRadius;    private float mDx;    private float mDy;    private boolean leftShow;    private boolean rightShow;    private boolean topShow;    private boolean bottomShow;    private Paint shadowPaint;    private Paint paint;    private int leftpadding;    private int toppadding;    private int rightpadding;    private int bottompadding;    //阴影布局子空间区域    private RectF rectf = new RectF();    //ShadowlinearLayout的样式,是只需要pressed还是selected。默认是pressed.    private int selectorType = 1;    private boolean isShowShadow = true;    private boolean isSym;    //增加各个圆角的属性    private float mCornerRadius_lefttop;    private float mCornerRadius_righttop;    private float mCornerRadius_leftBottom;    private float mCornerRadius_rightBottom;    //边框画笔    private Paint paint_stroke;    private float stroke_with;    private int stroke_color;    private int stroke_color_true;    private boolean isClickable;    //关于控件填充渐变色    private int startcolor;    private int centercolor;    private int endcolor;    private int angle;    //在普遍情况,在点击或选中按钮时,很可能伴随着textVIEw的字体颜色变化    private int mTextVIEwResID = -1;    private TextVIEw mTextVIEw;    private int textcolor;    private int textcolor_true;    private String text;    private String text_true;    public ShadowlinearLayout(Context context) {        this(context, null);    }    public ShadowlinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        this(context, attrs, 0);    }    public ShadowlinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        initVIEw(context, attrs);    }    public voID setClickable(boolean clickable) {        super.setClickable(clickable);        this.isClickable = clickable;        changeSwitchClickable();        if (isClickable) {            super.setonClickListener(onClickListener);        }        if (paint != null) {            if (startcolor != -101 && endcolor != -101) {                gradIEnt(paint);            }        }    }    //解决xml设置clickable = false时。代码设置true时,点击事件无效的BUG    private OnClickListener onClickListener;    @OverrIDe    public voID setonClickListener(@Nullable OnClickListener l) {        this.onClickListener = l;        if (isClickable) {            super.setonClickListener(l);        }    }    public voID changeSwitchClickable() {        //不可点击的状态只在press mode的模式下生效        if (selectorType == 1 && firstVIEw != null) {            //press mode            if (!isClickable) {                //不可点击的状态。                if (clickAbleFalsecolor != -101) {                    //说明设置了颜色                    if (layoutBackground != null) {                        //说明此时是设置了图片的模式                        firstVIEw.getBackground().setAlpha(0);                    }                    paint.setcolor(clickAbleFalsecolor);                    postInvalIDate();                } else if (clickAbleFalseDrawable != null) {                    //说明设置了背景图                    setmBackGround(clickAbleFalseDrawable);                    paint.setcolor(color.parsecolor("#00000000"));                    postInvalIDate();                }            } else {                //可点击的状态                if (layoutBackground != null) {                    setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                } else {                    if (firstVIEw.getBackground() != null) {                        firstVIEw.getBackground().setAlpha(0);                    }                }                paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);                postInvalIDate();            }        }    }    //增加selector样式    @OverrIDe    public voID setSelected(boolean selected) {        super.setSelected(selected);        if (getWIDth() != 0) {            if (selectorType == 2) {                if (selected) {                    if (mBackGroundcolor_true != -101) {                        paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor_true);                    }                    paint.setShader(null);                    if (stroke_color_true != -101) {                        paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color_true);                    }                    if (layoutBackground_true != null) {                        setmBackGround(layoutBackground_true);                    }                    if (mTextVIEw != null) {                        mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor_true);                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text_true)) {                            mTextVIEw.setText(text_true);                        }                    }                } else {                    paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);                    if (startcolor != -101) {                        gradIEnt(paint);                    }                    if (stroke_color != -101) {                        paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color);                    }                    if (layoutBackground != null) {                        setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                    }                    if (mTextVIEw != null) {                        mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor);                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {                            mTextVIEw.setText(text);                        }                    }                }                postInvalIDate();            }        } else {            addOnLayoutchangelistener(new OnLayoutchangelistener() {                @OverrIDe                public voID onLayoutChange(VIEw v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldleft, int oldtop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {                    removeOnLayoutchangelistener(this);                    setSelected(isSelected());                }            });        }    }    //是否隐藏阴影    public voID setShadowHIDden(boolean isShowShadow) {        this.isShowShadow = !isShowShadow;        if (getWIDth() != 0 && getHeight() != 0) {            setBackgroundCompat(getWIDth(), getHeight());        }    }    //设置x轴偏移量    public voID setShadowOffsetX(float mDx) {        if (isShowShadow) {            if (Math.abs(mDx) > mShadowlimit) {                if (mDx > 0) {                    this.mDx = mShadowlimit;                } else {                    this.mDx = -mShadowlimit;                }            } else {                this.mDx = mDx;            }            setpadding();        }    }    //动态设置y轴偏移量    public voID setShadowOffsetY(float mDy) {        if (isShowShadow) {            if (Math.abs(mDy) > mShadowlimit) {                if (mDy > 0) {                    this.mDy = mShadowlimit;                } else {                    this.mDy = -mShadowlimit;                }            } else {                this.mDy = mDy;            }            setpadding();        }    }    public float getCornerRadius() {        return mCornerRadius;    }    //动态设置 圆角属性    public voID setCornerRadius(int mCornerRadius) {        this.mCornerRadius = mCornerRadius;        if (getWIDth() != 0 && getHeight() != 0) {            setBackgroundCompat(getWIDth(), getHeight());        }    }    public float getShadowlimit() {        return mShadowlimit;    }    //动态设置阴影扩散区域    public voID setShadowlimit(int mShadowlimit) {        if (isShowShadow) {            int dip5 = (int) getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dp_5);            if (mShadowlimit >= dip5) {                this.mShadowlimit = mShadowlimit;            } else {                this.mShadowlimit = dip5;            }            setpadding();        }    }    //动态设置阴影颜色值    public voID setShadowcolor(int mShadowcolor) {        this.mShadowcolor = mShadowcolor;        if (getWIDth() != 0 && getHeight() != 0) {            setBackgroundCompat(getWIDth(), getHeight());        }    }    public voID setSpecialCorner(int lefttop, int righttop, int leftBottom, int rightBottom) {        mCornerRadius_lefttop = lefttop;        mCornerRadius_righttop = righttop;        mCornerRadius_leftBottom = leftBottom;        mCornerRadius_rightBottom = rightBottom;        if (getWIDth() != 0 && getHeight() != 0) {            setBackgroundCompat(getWIDth(), getHeight());        }    }    //是否隐藏阴影的上边部分    public voID setShadowHIDdentop(boolean topShow) {        this.topShow = !topShow;        setpadding();    }    public voID setShadowHIDdenBottom(boolean bottomShow) {        this.bottomShow = !bottomShow;        setpadding();    }    public voID setShadowHIDdenRight(boolean rightShow) {        this.rightShow = !rightShow;        setpadding();    }    public voID setShadowHIDdenleft(boolean leftShow) {        this.leftShow = !leftShow;        setpadding();    }    public voID setLayoutBackground(int color) {        if (layoutBackground_true != null) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowlinearLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true属性,要与ShadowlinearLayout_hl_layoutBackground属性统一为颜色");        }        mBackGroundcolor = color;        if (selectorType == 2) {            //select模式            if (!this.isSelected()) {                paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);            }        } else {            paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);        }        postInvalIDate();    }    public voID setLayoutBackgroundTrue(int color) {        if (layoutBackground != null) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowlinearLayout_hl_layoutBackground属性,要与ShadowlinearLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true属性统一为颜色");        }        mBackGroundcolor_true = color;        if (selectorType == 2) {            //select模式            if (this.isSelected()) {                paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor_true);            }        }        postInvalIDate();    }    public voID setstrokecolor(int color) {        stroke_color = color;        if (selectorType == 2) {            //select模式            if (!this.isSelected()) {                paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color);            }        } else {            paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color);        }        postInvalIDate();    }    public voID setstrokecolorTrue(int color) {        stroke_color_true = color;        if (selectorType == 2) {            //select模式            if (this.isSelected()) {                paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color_true);            }        }        postInvalIDate();    }    public voID setstrokeWIDth(int stokeWIDth) {        this.stroke_with = stokeWIDth;        if (stroke_with > dip2px(7)) {            stroke_with = dip2px(5);        }        paint_stroke.setstrokeWIDth(stroke_with);        postInvalIDate();    }    @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)    @OverrIDe    protected voID onFinishInflate() {        super.onFinishInflate();        if (mTextVIEwResID != -1) {            mTextVIEw = findVIEwByID(mTextVIEwResID);            if (mTextVIEw == null) {                throw new NullPointerException("ShadowlinearLayout找不到hl_bindTextVIEw,请确保绑定的资源ID在ShadowlinearLayout内");            } else {                if (textcolor == -101) {                    textcolor = mTextVIEw.getCurrentTextcolor();                }                if (textcolor_true == -101) {                    textcolor_true = mTextVIEw.getCurrentTextcolor();                }                mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor);                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {                    mTextVIEw.setText(text);                }            }        }        firstVIEw = getChildAt(0);        if (firstVIEw == null) {            firstVIEw = ShadowlinearLayout.this;            //当子VIEw都没有的时候。默认不使用阴影            isShowShadow = false;        }        if (firstVIEw != null) {            //selector样式不受clickable的影响            if (selectorType == 2) {                //if (this.isSelected()) {                //这个方法内已经判断了是否为空                //  setmBackGround(layoutBackground_true);                //} else {                //  setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                //  }            } else {                if (isClickable) {                    setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                } else {                    setmBackGround(clickAbleFalseDrawable);                    if (clickAbleFalsecolor != -101) {                        paint.setcolor(clickAbleFalsecolor);                    }                }            }        }    }    @OverrIDe    protected voID onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int olDW, int oldh) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, olDW, oldh);        if (w > 0 && h > 0) {            setBackgroundCompat(w, h);            if (startcolor != -101) {                gradIEnt(paint);            }        }    }    private voID initVIEw(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        initAttributes(attrs);        shadowPaint = new Paint();        shadowPaint.setAntiAlias(true);        shadowPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        paint_stroke = new Paint();        paint_stroke.setAntiAlias(true);        paint_stroke.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke);        paint_stroke.setstrokeWIDth(stroke_with);        if (stroke_color != -101) {            paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color);        }        //矩形画笔        paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_AliAS_FLAG);        paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        //打个标记        paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);        setpadding();    }    //将画笔附上 渐变色    public voID gradIEnt(Paint paint) {        if (!isClickable) {            paint.setShader(null);            return;        }        //左上 x,y   leftpadding, toppadding,        //右下 x,y   getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding        int[] colors;        if (centercolor == -101) {            colors = new int[]{startcolor, endcolor};        } else {            colors = new int[]{startcolor, centercolor, endcolor};        }        if (angle < 0) {            int trueAngle = angle % 360;            angle = trueAngle + 360;        }        //当设置的角度大于0的时候        //这个要算出每隔45度        int trueAngle = angle % 360;        int angleFlag = trueAngle / 45;        linearGradIEnt linearGradIEnt;        switch (angleFlag) {            case 0://0°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(leftpadding, toppadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, toppadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 1://45°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(leftpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, toppadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 2://90°                int x_ = (getWIDth() - rightpadding - leftpadding) / 2 + leftpadding;                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(x_, getHeight() - bottompadding, x_, toppadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 3://135°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding, leftpadding, toppadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 4://180°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(getWIDth() - rightpadding, toppadding, leftpadding, toppadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 5://225°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(getWIDth() - rightpadding, toppadding, leftpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 6://270°                int x = (getWIDth() - rightpadding - leftpadding) / 2 + leftpadding;                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(x, toppadding, x, getHeight() - bottompadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;            case 7://315°                linearGradIEnt = new linearGradIEnt(leftpadding, toppadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding, colors, null, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);                paint.setShader(linearGradIEnt);                break;        }    }    public int dip2px(float dipValue) {        float scale = getContext().getResources().getdisplayMetrics().density;        return (int) (dipValue * scale + 0.5f);    }    public voID setpadding() {        if (isShowShadow && mShadowlimit > 0) {            //控件区域是否对称,默认是对称。不对称的话,那么控件区域随着阴影区域走            if (isSym) {                int xpadding = (int) (mShadowlimit + Math.abs(mDx));                int ypadding = (int) (mShadowlimit + Math.abs(mDy));                if (leftShow) {                    leftpadding = xpadding;                } else {                    leftpadding = 0;                }                if (topShow) {                    toppadding = ypadding;                } else {                    toppadding = 0;                }                if (rightShow) {                    rightpadding = xpadding;                } else {                    rightpadding = 0;                }                if (bottomShow) {                    bottompadding = ypadding;                } else {                    bottompadding = 0;                }            } else {                if (Math.abs(mDy) > mShadowlimit) {                    if (mDy > 0) {                        mDy = mShadowlimit;                    } else {                        mDy = 0 - mShadowlimit;                    }                }                if (Math.abs(mDx) > mShadowlimit) {                    if (mDx > 0) {                        mDx = mShadowlimit;                    } else {                        mDx = 0 - mShadowlimit;                    }                }                if (topShow) {                    toppadding = (int) (mShadowlimit - mDy);                } else {                    toppadding = 0;                }                if (bottomShow) {                    bottompadding = (int) (mShadowlimit + mDy);                } else {                    bottompadding = 0;                }                if (rightShow) {                    rightpadding = (int) (mShadowlimit - mDx);                } else {                    rightpadding = 0;                }                if (leftShow) {                    leftpadding = (int) (mShadowlimit + mDx);                } else {                    leftpadding = 0;                }            }            setpadding(leftpadding, toppadding, rightpadding, bottompadding);//            setpadding(dip2px(leftpadding), dip2px(toppadding),//                    dip2px(rightpadding), dip2px(bottompadding));        }    }    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")    private voID setBackgroundCompat(int w, int h) {        if (isShowShadow) {            //判断传入的颜色值是否有透明度            isAddAlpha(mShadowcolor);            Bitmap bitmap = createShadowBitmap(w, h, mCornerRadius, mShadowlimit, mDx, mDy, mShadowcolor, color.transparent);            BitmapDrawable drawable = new BitmapDrawable(bitmap);            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                setBackgroundDrawable(drawable);            } else {                setBackground(drawable);            }        } else {            if (getChildAt(0) == null) {                if (layoutBackground != null) {                    firstVIEw = ShadowlinearLayout.this;                    if (isClickable) {                        setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                    } else {                        changeSwitchClickable();                    }                } else {                    //解决不执行onDraw方法的BUG就是给其设置一个透明色                    this.setBackgroundcolor(color.parsecolor("#00000000"));                }            } else {                this.setBackgroundcolor(color.parsecolor("#00000000"));            }        }    }    private voID initAttributes(AttributeSet attrs) {        TypedArray attr = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ShadowLayout);        if (attr == null) {            return;        }        try {            //默认是显示            isShowShadow = !attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowHIDden, false);            leftShow = !attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowHIDdenleft, false);            rightShow = !attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowHIDdenRight, false);            bottomShow = !attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowHIDdenBottom, false);            topShow = !attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowHIDdentop, false);            mCornerRadius = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_cornerRadius, getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dp_0));            mCornerRadius_lefttop = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_cornerRadius_lefttop, -1);            mCornerRadius_leftBottom = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_cornerRadius_leftBottom, -1);            mCornerRadius_righttop = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_cornerRadius_righttop, -1);            mCornerRadius_rightBottom = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_cornerRadius_rightBottom, -1);            //默认扩散区域宽度            mShadowlimit = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowlimit, 0);            if (mShadowlimit == 0) {                //如果阴影没有设置阴影扩散区域,那么默认隐藏阴影                isShowShadow = false;            } else {                int dip5 = (int) getContext().getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.dp_5);                if (mShadowlimit < dip5) {                    mShadowlimit = dip5;                }            }            //x轴偏移量            mDx = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowOffsetX, 0);            //y轴偏移量            mDy = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowOffsetY, 0);            mShadowcolor = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowcolor, getResources().getcolor(R.color.default_shadow_color));            selectorType = attr.getInt(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shapeMode, 1);            isSym = attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_shadowSymmetry, true);            //背景颜色的点击(默认颜色为白色)            mBackGroundcolor = getResources().getcolor(R.color.default_shadowback_color);            Drawable background = attr.getDrawable(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground);            if (background != null) {                if (background instanceof colorDrawable) {                    colorDrawable colorDrawable = (colorDrawable) background;                    mBackGroundcolor = colorDrawable.getcolor();                } else {                    layoutBackground = background;                }            }            Drawable trueBackground = attr.getDrawable(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true);            if (trueBackground != null) {                if (trueBackground instanceof colorDrawable) {                    colorDrawable colorDrawableTrue = (colorDrawable) trueBackground;                    mBackGroundcolor_true = colorDrawableTrue.getcolor();                } else {                    layoutBackground_true = trueBackground;                }            }            if (mBackGroundcolor_true != -101 && layoutBackground != null) {                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true属性,必须先设置ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground属性。且设置颜色时,必须保持都为颜色");            }            if (layoutBackground == null && layoutBackground_true != null) {                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true属性,必须先设置ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground属性。且设置图片时,必须保持都为图片");            }            //边框颜色的点击            stroke_color = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_strokecolor, -101);            stroke_color_true = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_strokecolor_true, -101);            if (stroke_color == -101 && stroke_color_true != -101) {                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowLayout_hl_strokecolor_true属性,必须先设置ShadowLayout_hl_strokecolor属性");            }            stroke_with = attr.getDimension(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_strokeWith, dip2px(1));            //规定边框长度最大不错过7dp            if (stroke_with > dip2px(7)) {                stroke_with = dip2px(5);            }            Drawable clickAbleFalseBackground = attr.getDrawable(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground_clickFalse);            if (clickAbleFalseBackground != null) {                if (clickAbleFalseBackground instanceof colorDrawable) {                    colorDrawable colorDrawableClickableFalse = (colorDrawable) clickAbleFalseBackground;                    clickAbleFalsecolor = colorDrawableClickableFalse.getcolor();                } else {                    clickAbleFalseDrawable = clickAbleFalseBackground;                }            }            startcolor = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_startcolor, -101);            centercolor = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_centercolor, -101);            endcolor = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_endcolor, -101);            if (startcolor != -101) {                //说明设置了渐变色的起始色                if (endcolor == -101) {                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("使用了ShadowLayout_hl_startcolor渐变起始色,必须搭配终止色ShadowLayout_hl_endcolor");                }            }            angle = attr.getInt(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_angle, 0);            if (angle % 45 != 0) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("linear gradIEnt requires 'angle' attribute to be a multiple of 45");            }            if (selectorType == 3) {                //如果是ripple的话                if (mBackGroundcolor == -101 || mBackGroundcolor_true == -101) {                    throw new NullPointerException("使用了ShadowLayout的水波纹,必须设置使用了ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground和使用了ShadowLayout_hl_layoutBackground_true属性,且为颜色值");                }                //如果是设置了图片的话,那么也不支持水波纹                if (layoutBackground != null) {                    selectorType = 1;                }            }            mTextVIEwResID = attr.getResourceID(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_bindTextVIEw, -1);            textcolor = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_textcolor, -101);            textcolor_true = attr.getcolor(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_textcolor_true, -101);            text = attr.getString(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_text);            text_true = attr.getString(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_hl_text_true);            isClickable = attr.getBoolean(R.styleable.ShadowLayout_clickable, true);            setClickable(isClickable);        } finally {            attr.recycle();        }    }    private Bitmap createShadowBitmap(int shadowWIDth, int shadowHeight, float cornerRadius, float shadowRadius,                                      float dx, float dy, int shadowcolor, int fillcolor) {        //优化阴影bitmap大小,将尺寸缩小至原来的1/4。        dx = dx / 4;        dy = dy / 4;        shadowWIDth = shadowWIDth / 4 == 0 ? 1 : shadowWIDth / 4;        shadowHeight = shadowHeight / 4 == 0 ? 1 : shadowHeight / 4;        cornerRadius = cornerRadius / 4;        shadowRadius = shadowRadius / 4;        Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(shadowWIDth, shadowHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444);        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);        //这里缩小limit的是因为,setShadowLayer后会将bitmap扩散到shadowWIDth,shadowHeight        //同时也要根据某边的隐藏情况去改变        float rect_left = 0;        float rect_right = 0;        float rect_top = 0;        float rect_bottom = 0;        if (leftShow) {            rect_left = shadowRadius;        } else {//            rect_left = 0;            float maxlefttop = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_lefttop);            float maxleftBottom = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_leftBottom);            float maxleft = Math.max(maxlefttop, maxleftBottom);            rect_left = maxleft;        }        if (topShow) {            rect_top = shadowRadius;        } else {//            rect_top = 0;            float maxlefttop = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_lefttop);            float maxRighttop = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_righttop);            float maxtop = Math.max(maxlefttop, maxRighttop);            rect_top = maxtop;        }        if (rightShow) {            rect_right = shadowWIDth - shadowRadius;        } else {//            rect_right = shadowWIDth;            float maxRighttop = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_righttop);            float maxRightBottom = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_rightBottom);            float maxRight = Math.max(maxRighttop, maxRightBottom);            rect_right = shadowWIDth - maxRight;        }        if (bottomShow) {            rect_bottom = shadowHeight - shadowRadius;        } else {//            rect_bottom = shadowHeight;            float maxleftBottom = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_leftBottom);            float maxRightBottom = Math.max(cornerRadius, mCornerRadius_rightBottom);            float maxBottom = Math.max(maxleftBottom, maxRightBottom);            rect_bottom = shadowHeight - maxBottom;        }        RectF shadowRect = new RectF(                rect_left,                rect_top,                rect_right,                rect_bottom);        if (isSym) {            if (dy > 0) {       += dy;                shadowRect.bottom -= dy;            } else if (dy < 0) {       += Math.abs(dy);                shadowRect.bottom -= Math.abs(dy);            }            if (dx > 0) {                shadowRect.left += dx;                shadowRect.right -= dx;            } else if (dx < 0) {                shadowRect.left += Math.abs(dx);                shadowRect.right -= Math.abs(dx);            }        } else {   -= dy;            shadowRect.bottom -= dy;            shadowRect.right -= dx;            shadowRect.left -= dx;        }        shadowPaint.setcolor(fillcolor);        if (!isInEditMode()) {//dx  dy            shadowPaint.setShadowLayer(shadowRadius / 2, dx, dy, shadowcolor);        }        if (mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1 && mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_righttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {            //如果没有设置整个属性,那么按原始去画            canvas.drawRoundRect(shadowRect, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, shadowPaint);        } else {            //目前最佳的解决方案            rectf.left = leftpadding;   = toppadding;            rectf.right = getWIDth() - rightpadding;            rectf.bottom = getHeight() - bottompadding;            shadowPaint.setAntiAlias(true);            int lefttop;            if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1) {                lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius / 4;            } else {                lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius_lefttop / 4;            }            int leftBottom;            if (mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1) {                leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius / 4;            } else {                leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_leftBottom / 4;            }            int righttop;            if (mCornerRadius_righttop == -1) {                righttop = (int) mCornerRadius / 4;            } else {                righttop = (int) mCornerRadius_righttop / 4;            }            int rightBottom;            if (mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {                rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius / 4;            } else {                rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_rightBottom / 4;            }            float[] outerR = new float[]{lefttop, lefttop, righttop, righttop, rightBottom, rightBottom, leftBottom, leftBottom};//左上,右上,右下,左下            Path path = new Path();            path.addRoundRect(shadowRect, outerR, Path.Direction.CW);            canvas.drawPath(path, shadowPaint);        }        return output;    }    @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP)    @OverrIDe    protected voID dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {        int trueHeight = (int) (rectf.bottom -;        if (getChildAt(0) != null) {            if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1 && mCornerRadius_righttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {                //说明没有设置过任何特殊角、且是半圆。                if (mCornerRadius > trueHeight / 2) {                    Path path = new Path();                    path.addRoundRect(rectf, trueHeight / 2, trueHeight / 2, Path.Direction.CW);                    canvas.clipPath(path);                } else {                    Path path = new Path();                    path.addRoundRect(rectf, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, Path.Direction.CW);                    canvas.clipPath(path);                }            } else {                float[] outerR = getCornerValue(trueHeight);                Path path = new Path();                path.addRoundRect(leftpadding, toppadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding, outerR, Path.Direction.CW);                canvas.clipPath(path);            }        }        super.dispatchDraw(canvas);    }    @OverrIDe    protected voID onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        super.onDraw(canvas);        rectf.left = leftpadding; = toppadding;        rectf.right = getWIDth() - rightpadding;        rectf.bottom = getHeight() - bottompadding;        int trueHeight = (int) (rectf.bottom -;        //如果都为0说明,没有设置特定角,那么按正常绘制        if (getChildAt(0) != null) {            if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1 && mCornerRadius_righttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {                if (mCornerRadius > trueHeight / 2) {                    if (selectorType != 3) {                        if (layoutBackground == null && layoutBackground_true == null) {                            //画圆角矩形                            canvas.drawRoundRect(rectf, trueHeight / 2, trueHeight / 2, paint);                            //解决边框线太洗时,四角的wIDth偏大和其他边不同                            if (stroke_color != -101) {                                int the_height = (int) (rectf.bottom -;                                int the_height_stoke = (int) (rectf.bottom - stroke_with / 2 - - stroke_with / 2);                                int trueCorner = (int) (trueHeight * the_height_stoke / 2 / the_height);                                RectF rectFstroke = new RectF(rectf.left + stroke_with / 2, + stroke_with / 2, rectf.right - stroke_with / 2, rectf.bottom - stroke_with / 2);                                canvas.drawRoundRect(rectFstroke, trueCorner, trueCorner, paint_stroke);                            }                        }                    } else {                        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP) {                            float[] outerR = getCornerValue(trueHeight);                            ripple(outerR);                        }                    }                } else {                    if (selectorType != 3) {                        if (layoutBackground == null && layoutBackground_true == null) {                            canvas.drawRoundRect(rectf, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, paint);                            if (stroke_color != -101) {                                int the_height = (int) (rectf.bottom -;                                int the_height_stoke = (int) (rectf.bottom - stroke_with / 2 - - stroke_with / 2);                                int trueCorner = (int) (mCornerRadius * the_height_stoke / the_height);                                RectF rectFstroke = new RectF(rectf.left + stroke_with / 2, + stroke_with / 2, rectf.right - stroke_with / 2, rectf.bottom - stroke_with / 2);                                canvas.drawRoundRect(rectFstroke, trueCorner, trueCorner, paint_stroke);                            }                        }                    } else {                        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP) {                            float[] outerR = getCornerValue(trueHeight);                            ripple(outerR);                        }                    }                }            } else {                if (layoutBackground == null && layoutBackground_true == null) {                    setSpaceCorner(canvas, trueHeight);                }            }        }    }    public float[] getCornerValue(int trueHeight) {        int lefttop;        int righttop;        int rightBottom;        int leftBottom;        if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1) {            lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius_lefttop;        }        if (lefttop > trueHeight / 2) {            lefttop = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_righttop == -1) {            righttop = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            righttop = (int) mCornerRadius_righttop;        }        if (righttop > trueHeight / 2) {            righttop = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {            rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_rightBottom;        }        if (rightBottom > trueHeight / 2) {            rightBottom = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1) {            leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_leftBottom;        }        if (leftBottom > trueHeight / 2) {            leftBottom = trueHeight / 2;        }        float[] outerR = new float[]{lefttop, lefttop, righttop, righttop, rightBottom, rightBottom, leftBottom, leftBottom};//左上,右上,右下,左下        return outerR;    }    //这里是为了解决stokeWith很大时,圆角盖不住底部四个角的BUG(issues #86)    public float[] getCornerValueOther(int trueHeight, int stokeWith) {        trueHeight = trueHeight - stokeWith * 2;        int lefttop;        int righttop;        int rightBottom;        int leftBottom;        if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1) {            lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius_lefttop;        }        if (lefttop > trueHeight / 2) {            lefttop = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_righttop == -1) {            righttop = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            righttop = (int) mCornerRadius_righttop;        }        if (righttop > trueHeight / 2) {            righttop = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {            rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_rightBottom;        }        if (rightBottom > trueHeight / 2) {            rightBottom = trueHeight / 2;        }        if (mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1) {            leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;        } else {            leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_leftBottom;        }        if (leftBottom > trueHeight / 2) {            leftBottom = trueHeight / 2;        }        lefttop = lefttop - stokeWith;        righttop = righttop - stokeWith;        leftBottom = leftBottom - stokeWith;        rightBottom = rightBottom - stokeWith;        float[] outerR = new float[]{lefttop, lefttop, righttop, righttop, rightBottom, rightBottom, leftBottom, leftBottom};//左上,右上,右下,左下        return outerR;    }    //这是自定义四个角的方法。    private voID setSpaceCorner(Canvas canvas, int trueHeight) {        float[] outerR = getCornerValue(trueHeight);        if (stroke_color != -101) {            if (selectorType != 3) {                ShapeDrawable mDrawables = new ShapeDrawable(new RoundRectShape(outerR, null, null));                if (paint.getShader() != null) {                    mDrawables.getPaint().setShader(paint.getShader());                } else {                    mDrawables.getPaint().setcolor(paint.getcolor());                }                mDrawables.setBounds(leftpadding, toppadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding);                mDrawables.draw(canvas);                float[] outerR_stroke = getCornerValueOther(trueHeight, (int) stroke_with);                ShapeDrawable mDrawablesstroke = new ShapeDrawable(new RoundRectShape(outerR_stroke, null, null));                mDrawablesstroke.getPaint().setcolor(paint_stroke.getcolor());                mDrawablesstroke.getPaint().setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke);                mDrawablesstroke.getPaint().setstrokeWIDth(stroke_with);                mDrawablesstroke.setBounds((int) (leftpadding + stroke_with / 2), (int) (toppadding + stroke_with / 2), (int) (getWIDth() - rightpadding - stroke_with / 2), (int) (getHeight() - bottompadding - stroke_with / 2));                mDrawablesstroke.draw(canvas);            } else {                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP) {                    ripple(outerR);                }            }        } else {            if (selectorType != 3) {                ShapeDrawable mDrawables = new ShapeDrawable(new RoundRectShape(outerR, null, null));                if (paint.getShader() != null) {                    mDrawables.getPaint().setShader(paint.getShader());                } else {                    mDrawables.getPaint().setcolor(paint.getcolor());                }                mDrawables.setBounds(leftpadding, toppadding, getWIDth() - rightpadding, getHeight() - bottompadding);                mDrawables.draw(canvas);            } else {                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP) {                    ripple(outerR);                }            }        }    }    @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.LolliPOP)    private voID ripple(float[] ouTradius) {        int[][] stateList = new int[][]{                new int[]{androID.R.attr.state_pressed},                new int[]{androID.R.attr.state_focused},                new int[]{androID.R.attr.state_activated},                new int[]{}        };        //深蓝        int normalcolor = mBackGroundcolor;        //玫瑰红        int pressedcolor = mBackGroundcolor_true;        int[] statecolorList = new int[]{                pressedcolor,                pressedcolor,                pressedcolor,                normalcolor        };        colorStateList colorStateList = new colorStateList(stateList, statecolorList);        RoundRectShape roundRectShape = new RoundRectShape(ouTradius, null, null);        ShapeDrawable maskDrawable = new ShapeDrawable();        maskDrawable.setShape(roundRectShape);        maskDrawable.getPaint().setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        if (startcolor != -101) {            //如果设置了渐变色的话            gradIEnt(maskDrawable.getPaint());        } else {            maskDrawable.getPaint().setcolor(normalcolor);        }        ShapeDrawable contentDrawable = new ShapeDrawable();        contentDrawable.setShape(roundRectShape);        contentDrawable.getPaint().setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        if (startcolor != -101) {            //如果设置了渐变色的话            gradIEnt(contentDrawable.getPaint());        } else {            contentDrawable.getPaint().setcolor(normalcolor);        }        //contentDrawable实际是默认初始化时展示的;maskDrawable 控制了rippledrawable的范围        rippledrawable rippledrawable = new rippledrawable(colorStateList, contentDrawable, maskDrawable);        firstVIEw.setBackground(rippledrawable);    }    public voID isAddAlpha(int color) {        //获取单签颜色值的透明度,如果没有设置透明度,默认加上#2a        if (color.Alpha(color) == 255) {            String red = Integer.toHexString(;            String green = Integer.toHexString(;            String blue = Integer.toHexString(;            if (red.length() == 1) {                red = "0" + red;            }            if (green.length() == 1) {                green = "0" + green;            }            if (blue.length() == 1) {                blue = "0" + blue;            }            String endcolor = "#2a" + red + green + blue;            mShadowcolor = convertTocolorInt(endcolor);        }    }    public static int convertTocolorInt(String argb)            throws IllegalArgumentException {        if (!argb.startsWith("#")) {            argb = "#" + argb;        }        return color.parsecolor(argb);    }    @OverrIDe    public boolean ontouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        if (selectorType == 3) {            //如果是水波纹模式,那么不需要进行下面的渲染,采用系统ripper即可            if (isClickable) {                switch (event.getAction()) {                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                        if (selectorType == 3) {                            if (mTextVIEw != null) {                                mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor_true);                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text_true)) {                                    mTextVIEw.setText(text_true);                                }                            }                        }                        break;                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                        if (selectorType == 3) {                            if (mTextVIEw != null) {                                mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor);                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {                                    mTextVIEw.setText(text);                                }                            }                        }                        break;                }            }            return super.ontouchEvent(event);        }        if (mBackGroundcolor_true != -101 || stroke_color_true != -101 || layoutBackground_true != null) {            if (isClickable) {                switch (event.getAction()) {                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                        if (selectorType == 1) {                            if (mBackGroundcolor_true != -101) {                                paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor_true);                                //打个标记                                paint.setShader(null);                            }                            if (stroke_color_true != -101) {                                paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color_true);                            }                            if (layoutBackground_true != null) {                                setmBackGround(layoutBackground_true);                            }                            postInvalIDate();                            if (mTextVIEw != null) {                                mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor_true);                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text_true)) {                                    mTextVIEw.setText(text_true);                                }                            }                        }                        break;                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                    case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                        if (selectorType == 1) {                            //打个标记                            paint.setcolor(mBackGroundcolor);                            if (startcolor != -101) {                                gradIEnt(paint);                            }                            if (stroke_color != -101) {                                paint_stroke.setcolor(stroke_color);                            }                            if (layoutBackground != null) {                                setmBackGround(layoutBackground);                            }                            postInvalIDate();                            if (mTextVIEw != null) {                                mTextVIEw.setTextcolor(textcolor);                                if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {                                    mTextVIEw.setText(text);                                }                            }                        }                        break;                }            }        }        return super.ontouchEvent(event);    }    public voID setmBackGround(Drawable drawable) {        if (firstVIEw != null && drawable != null) {            if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1 && mCornerRadius_righttop == -1 && mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {                GlIDeRoundManager.setRoundCorner(firstVIEw, drawable, mCornerRadius);            } else {                int lefttop;                if (mCornerRadius_lefttop == -1) {                    lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius;                } else {                    lefttop = (int) mCornerRadius_lefttop;                }                int leftBottom;                if (mCornerRadius_leftBottom == -1) {                    leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;                } else {                    leftBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_leftBottom;                }                int righttop;                if (mCornerRadius_righttop == -1) {                    righttop = (int) mCornerRadius;                } else {                    righttop = (int) mCornerRadius_righttop;                }                int rightBottom;                if (mCornerRadius_rightBottom == -1) {                    rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius;                } else {                    rightBottom = (int) mCornerRadius_rightBottom;                }                GlIDeRoundManager.setCorners(firstVIEw, drawable, lefttop, leftBottom, righttop, rightBottom);            }        }    }}
//第二部分package;import;import androID.os.Build;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import com.bumptech.glIDe.GlIDe;import com.bumptech.glIDe.load.resource.bitmap.CenterCrop;import com.bumptech.glIDe.load.resource.bitmap.RoundedCorners;import;import com.bumptech.glIDe.request.Transition.Transition;import;import androIDx.annotation.NonNull;import androIDx.annotation.Nullable;import androIDx.annotation.RequiresAPI;/** * author    : Urasaki * e-mail    : [email protected] * date      : 2021/3/31 10:55 * introduce : */public class GlIDeRoundManager {      public static voID setRoundCorner(final VIEw vIEw, final Drawable resourceID, final float cornerDipValue) {            if (cornerDipValue == 0) {         if (vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth() == 0 && vIEw.getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {            vIEw.addOnLayoutchangelistener(new VIEw.OnLayoutchangelistener() {               @OverrIDe               public voID onLayoutChange(VIEw v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldleft, int oldtop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {                  vIEw.removeOnLayoutchangelistener(this);                  GlIDe.with(vIEw)                     .asDrawable()                     .load(resourceID)                     .transform(new CenterCrop())                     .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())                     .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                        @OverrIDe                        public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                           if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                              vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                           } else {                              vIEw.setBackground(resource);                           }                                                   }                                                @OverrIDe                        public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                                }                     });               }            });         } else {            GlIDe.with(vIEw)               .asDrawable()               .load(resourceID)               .transform(new CenterCrop())               .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())               .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                  @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                  @OverrIDe                  public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                     if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                        vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                     } else {                        vIEw.setBackground(resource);                     }                  }                                    @OverrIDe                  public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                    }               });         }               } else {                  if (vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth() == 0 && vIEw.getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {            vIEw.addOnLayoutchangelistener(new VIEw.OnLayoutchangelistener() {               @OverrIDe               public voID onLayoutChange(VIEw v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldleft, int oldtop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {                  vIEw.removeOnLayoutchangelistener(this);                  GlIDe.with(vIEw)                     .load(resourceID)                     .transform(new CenterCrop(), new RoundedCorners((int) cornerDipValue))                     .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())                     .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                        @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                        @OverrIDe                        public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                           if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                              vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                           } else {                              vIEw.setBackground(resource);                           }                        }                                                @OverrIDe                        public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                                }                     });               }            });         } else {            GlIDe.with(vIEw)               .load(resourceID)               .transform(new CenterCrop(), new RoundedCorners((int) cornerDipValue))               .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())               .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                  @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                  @OverrIDe                  public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                     if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                        vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                     } else {                        vIEw.setBackground(resource);                     }                  }                                    @OverrIDe                  public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                    }               });         }               }         }      public static voID setCorners(final VIEw vIEw, final Drawable resourceID, final float lefttop_corner, final float leftBottom_corner, final float righttop_corner, final float rightBottom_corner) {      if (lefttop_corner == 0 && leftBottom_corner == 0 && righttop_corner == 0 && rightBottom_corner == 0) {         if (vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth() == 0 && vIEw.getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {            vIEw.addOnLayoutchangelistener(new VIEw.OnLayoutchangelistener() {               @OverrIDe               public voID onLayoutChange(VIEw v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldleft, int oldtop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {                  vIEw.removeOnLayoutchangelistener(this);                  GlIDe.with(vIEw)                     .load(resourceID)                     .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())                     .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                        @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                        @OverrIDe                        public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                           if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                              vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                           } else {                              vIEw.setBackground(resource);                           }                        }                                                @OverrIDe                        public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                                }                     });               }            });         } else {            GlIDe.with(vIEw)               .load(resourceID)               .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())               .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                  @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                  @OverrIDe                  public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                     if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                        vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                     } else {                        vIEw.setBackground(resource);                     }                  }                                    @OverrIDe                  public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                    }               });         }               } else {         if (vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth() == 0 && vIEw.getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {            vIEw.addOnLayoutchangelistener(new VIEw.OnLayoutchangelistener() {               @OverrIDe               public voID onLayoutChange(VIEw v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldleft, int oldtop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {                  vIEw.removeOnLayoutchangelistener(this);                  GlIDeRoundtransform transform = new GlIDeRoundtransform(vIEw.getContext(), lefttop_corner, leftBottom_corner, righttop_corner, rightBottom_corner);                  GlIDe.with(vIEw)                     .load(resourceID)                     .transform(transform)                     .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())                     .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                        @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                        @OverrIDe                        public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                           if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                              vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                           } else {                              vIEw.setBackground(resource);                           }                        }                                                @OverrIDe                        public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                                }                     });               }            });         } else {                        GlIDeRoundtransform transform = new GlIDeRoundtransform(vIEw.getContext(), lefttop_corner, leftBottom_corner, righttop_corner, rightBottom_corner);            GlIDe.with(vIEw)               .load(resourceID)               .transform(transform)               .overrIDe(vIEw.getMeasureDWIDth(), vIEw.getMeasuredHeight())               .into(new CustomTarget<Drawable>() {                  @RequiresAPI(API = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN)                  @OverrIDe                  public voID onResourceReady(@NonNull Drawable resource, @Nullable Transition<? super Drawable> Transition) {                     if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                        vIEw.setBackgroundDrawable(resource);                     } else {                        vIEw.setBackground(resource);                     }                  }                                    @OverrIDe                  public voID onl oadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) {                                    }               });                     }               }         }   }


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