解决方法 我发现自己编写绘图代码是最好的方法:>处理潜在的透明度问题(其他一些选项确实为整个图像添加了白色背景)
下面的代码并不完美,因为它不处理从边界到帧的扩展问题,但它确实考虑了isFlipped状态,并且非常适合我使用它.请注意,它只绘制子视图(和子视图,…递归),但让它自己绘制也很容易,只需在imageWithSubvIEws的实现中添加[self drawRect:[self bounds]].
- (voID)drawSubvIEws{ BOol flipped = [self isFlipped]; for ( NSVIEw *subvIEw in [self subvIEws] ) { // changes the coordinate system so that the local coordinates of the subvIEw (bounds) become the coordinates of the supervIEw (frame) // the transform assumes bounds and frame have the same size,and bounds origin is (0,0) // handling of 'isFlipped' also probably unreliable NSAffinetransform *transform = [NSAffinetransform transform]; if ( flipped ) { [transform translateXBy:subvIEw.frame.origin.x yBy:NSMaxY(subvIEw.frame)]; [transform scaleXBy:+1.0 yBy:-1.0]; } else [transform translateXBy:subvIEw.frame.origin.x yBy:subvIEw.frame.origin.y]; [transform concat]; // recursively draw the subvIEw and sub-subvIEws [subvIEw drawRect:[subvIEw bounds]]; [subvIEw drawSubvIEws]; // reset the transform to get back a clean graphic contexts for the rest of the drawing [transform invert]; [transform concat]; }}- (NSImage *)imageWithSubvIEws{ NSImage *image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:[self bounds].size] autorelease]; [image lockFocus]; // it seems NSImage cannot use flipped coordinates the way NSVIEw does (the method 'setFlipped:' does not seem to help) // Use instead an NSAffinetransform if ( [self isFlipped] ) { NSAffinetransform *transform = [NSAffinetransform transform]; [transform translateXBy:0 yBy:NSMaxY(self.bounds)]; [transform scaleXBy:+1.0 yBy:-1.0]; [transform concat]; } [self drawSubvIEws]; [image unlockFocus]; return image;}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的objective-c – 在Cocoa中将视图层次结构绘制到特定上下文中全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决objective-c – 在Cocoa中将视图层次结构绘制到特定上下文中所遇到的程序开发问题。