Silverlight ContextMenu Silverlight工具栏 Toolbar
上下文菜单ContextMenu的Silverlight Demo源码下载请点击 这儿, SplitButton的Silverlight Demo源码下载请点击 这儿
< splitbutton:Splitbutton Content ="Open" Click ="Open_Click" >
toolkit:MenuItem header
Image Source ="/SilverlightApplication3;component/images/search.png" WIDth ="14" Height ="14" /> </ toolkit:MenuItem ="Open read-only" ="OpenReadonly_Click" ="Open as copy" ="Opencopy_Click"
splitbutton:Splitbutton > Silverlight Splitbutton源码 1 using System;
2 System.Collections.ObjectModel;
7 namespace Delay
8 {
9 /// <summary> 10 Implements a "split button" for Silverlight and WPF.
11 </summary>
12 [TemplatePart(name = SplitElementname, Type typeof (UIElement))]
13 public class Splitbutton : button
14 {
15 16 Stores the public name of the split element.
17 18 private const string SplitElementname " SplitElement " ;
19 20 21 Stores a reference to the split element.
22 23 UIElement _splitElement;
24 25 26 Stores a reference to the ContextMenu.
27 28 ContextMenu _contextMenu;
29 30 31 32 Stores the initial location of the ContextMenu.
33 34 Point _contextMenuInitialOffset;
35 36 37 Stores the backing collection for the buttonMenuItemsSource property.
38 39 ObservableCollection < object > _buttonMenuItemsSource new ();
40 41 42 Gets the collection of items for the split button's menu.
43 44 Collection buttonMenuItemsSource { get { return _buttonMenuItemsSource; } }
45 46 47 Gets or sets a value indicating whetherthe mouse is over the split element.
48 49 protected bool IsMouSEOverSplitElement { ; set ; }
50 51 52 Initializes a new instance of the Splitbutton class.
53 54 Splitbutton()
55 {
56 DefaultStyleKey (Splitbutton);
57 }
58 59 60 Called when the template is changed.
61 62 overrIDe voID OnApplyTemplate()
63 64 // Unhook existing handlers 65 if ( null != _splitElement)
66 {
67 _splitElement.MouseEnter -= MouseEventHandler(SplitElement_MouseEnter);
68 _splitElement.MouseLeave MouseEventHandler(SplitElement_MouseLeave);
69 _splitElement 70 }
71 _contextMenu)
72 73 _contextMenu.Opened RoutedEventHandler(ContextMenu_Opened);
74 _contextMenu.Closed RoutedEventHandler(ContextMenu_Closed);
75 _contextMenu 76 77 78 Apply new template 79 base .OnApplyTemplate();
80 81 Hook new event handlers 82 _splitElement GetTemplateChild(SplitElementname) as UIElement;
83 84 85 += 86 87 88 ContextMenuService.GetContextMenu(_splitElement);
89 90 {
91 92 _contextMenu.Opened 93 _contextMenu.Closed 94 }
95 96 97 98 99 Called when the button is clicked.
100 101 OnClick()
102 103 (IsMouSEOverSplitElement)
104 105 OpenbuttonMenu();
106 107 else 108 109 .OnClick();
110 111 112 113 114 Called when a key is pressed.
115 116 OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
117 118 == e)
119 120 throw ArgumentNullException( e );
121 122 123 ((Key.Down e.Key) || (Key.Up e.Key))
124 125 WPF requires this to happen via BeginInvoke 126 dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => OpenbuttonMenu()));
127 128 129 130 .OnKeyDown(e);
131 132 133 134 135 Opens the button menu.
136 137 OpenbuttonMenu()
138 139 (( 0 _buttonMenuItemsSource.Count) && _contextMenu))
140 141 _contextMenu.HorizontalOffset 142 _contextMenu.VerticalOffset 143 _contextMenu.IsOpen true 144 145 146 147 148 Called when the mouse goes over the split element.
149 </summary> 150 <param name="sender"> Event source. </param> 151 <param name="e"> Event arguments. </param> 152 SplitElement_MouseEnter( sender, MouseEventArgs e)
153 154 IsMouSEOverSplitElement 155 156 157 158 Called when the mouse goes off the split element.
159 160 161 162 SplitElement_MouseLeave( 163 164 false 165 166 167 168 Called when the ContextMenu is opened.
169 170 171 172 ContextMenu_Opened( 173 174 Offset the ContextMenu correctly 175 176 _contextMenuInitialOffset _contextMenu.transformToVisual( ).transform( Point());
177 178 UpdateContextMenuOffsets();
179 180 Hook LayoutUpdated to handle application resize and zoom changes 181 LayoutUpdated EventHandler(Splitbutton_LayoutUpdated);
182 183 184 185 Called when the ContextMenu is closed.
186 187 188 189 ContextMenu_Closed( 190 191 No longer need to handle LayoutUpdated 192 193 194 Restore focus to the button 195 Focus();
196 197 198 199 Called when the ContextMenu is open and layout is updated.
200 201 202 203 Splitbutton_LayoutUpdated( 204 205 206 207 208 209 Updates the ContextMenu's Horizontal/VerticalOffset propertIEs to keep it under the Splitbutton.
210 211 UpdateContextMenuOffsets()
212 213 Calculate desired offset to put the ContextMenu below and left-aligned to the button 214 215 Point currentOffset _contextMenuInitialOffset;
216 Point desiredOffset transformToVisual(Application.Current.RootVisual).transform( Point( , ActualHeight));
217 218 _contextMenu.HorizontalOffset desiredOffset.X - currentOffset.X;
219 _contextMenu.VerticalOffset desiredOffset.Y currentOffset.Y;
220 Adjust for RTL 221 (FlowDirection.RightToleft FlowDirection)
222 223 _contextMenu.UpdateLayout();
224 _contextMenu.ActualWIDth;
225 226 227 228 229 }
230 }
Silverlight工具栏 Toolbar源码
GrID Height ="33" HorizontalAlignment ="Stretch" margin ="0,5,0" name ="grID1" VerticalAlignment ="top" ="auto" border borderThickness ="0" Background ="transparent" CornerRadius ="3" borderBrush ="Gray" GrID GrID.ColumnDeFinitions
ColumnDeFinition WIDth ="*" ="auto"
sdk:DataPager GrID.Column ="1" ="24" ="left" ="dataPager1" PageSize ="10" ="169" borderThickness autoEllipsis ="True" AllowDrop ="False" displayMode ="FirstLastPrevIoUsNext" IsTotalitemCountFixed StackPanel ="stackPanel1" ="Center" OrIEntation ="Horizontal" button ="30" padding ="5" Cursor ="Hand" ="tsbAddNew" ="transparent"
Opacity ="0.7" ="-2,-2,0)"> Source ="/SilverlightApplication2;component/images/plus.png" ="16" TextBlock Text ="Add New Person" ="5,0)">StackPanel button padding ="tsbTest3" ="10,255)">="/SilverlightApplication2;component/images/zoom.png" ="Advanced Search" ="tsbTest" ="/SilverlightApplication2;component/images/refresh2.png" ="Refresh" border >
my:PopupMenu RightClickElements leftClickElements AccessShortcut ="Ctrl+Alt+M" >
ListBox >
my:PopupMenuItem ="Menu1" />
my:PopupMenuSeparator ="SubMenuheader1" ImageRightSource ="images/arrow.png" >
my:PopupMenu >
="SubMenu1" />
my:PopupMenuItem ="Menu2" ="Menu3" />
this.myMenu.AddTrigger(TriggerTypes.Hover, this.button1);