Find the kth largest element in an unsorted array. Note that it is the kth largest element in the sorted order,not the kth distinct element.
Example 1:
input: and k = 2Output: 5[3,2,1,5,6,4]
Example 2:
input: and k = 4Output: 4[3,3,4,6]
You may assume k is always valID,1 ≤ k ≤ array‘s length.
在未排序的数组中找到第 k 个最大的元素。请注意,你需要找的是数组排序后的第 k 个最大的元素,而不是第 k 个不同的元素。
示例 1:
输入: k = 2输出: 5[3,4] 和
示例 2:
输入: k = 4输出: 4[3,6] 和
你可以假设 k 总是有效的,且 1 ≤ k ≤ 数组的长度。
1 class Solution {2 func findKthLargest(_ nums: [Int],_ k: Int) -> Int {3 return nums.sorted(by: >)[k - 1]4 }5 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findKthLargest(_ nums: [Int],_ k: Int) -> Int { 3 var newNums = nums 4 buildMaxhead(&newNums)//建最大堆 5 for i in ((newNums.count - k - 1)..<newNums.count).reversed() { 6 swap(&newNums,0,i) 7 if i == newNums.count - k { 8 return newNums[i] 9 }10 headify(&newNums,i)11 }12 return 013 }14 //MARK: 堆排序15 func headSort(_ nums:inout [Int]) {16 buildMaxhead(&nums)17 for i in (1..<nums.count).reversed() {18 swap(&nums,i,0)19 headify(&nums,i)20 }21 }22 //建最大堆23 func buildMaxhead(_ nums:inout [Int]) {24 for i in (0...nums.count/2).reversed() {25 headify(&nums,nums.count)26 }27 }28 //堆调整29 func headify(_ nums:inout [Int],_ index: Int,_ length: Int) {30 let leftChild = index * 2 + 1 // index节点的左孩子节点31 let rightChild = index * 2 + 2 //index节点的右孩子节点32 var largertIndex = index //节点与左右孩子的最大值33 if leftChild < length && nums[leftChild] > nums[largertIndex] {34 largertIndex = leftChild35 }36 if rightChild < length && nums[rightChild] > nums[largertIndex] {37 largertIndex = rightChild38 }39 //如果交换了40 if largertIndex != index {41 swap(&nums,largertIndex,index)//交换节点值42 headify(&nums,length)//调整变动的节点43 }44 }45 func swap(_ nums:inout [Int],_ i:Int,_ j: Int) {46 let temp = nums[i]47 nums[i] = nums[j]48 nums[j] = temp49 }50 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findKthLargest(_ nums: [Int],_ k: Int) -> Int { 3 var nums = nums 4 return find(&nums,0,nums.count - 1,k) 5 } 6 7 func find(_ nums: inout [Int],_ start: Int,_ end: Int,_ k: Int) -> Int { 8 let pivot = partition(&nums,start,end) 9 let j = nums.count - pivot10 if j > k {11 return find(&nums,pivot + 1,end,k)12 }13 if j == k {14 return nums[pivot]15 }16 return find(&nums,pivot - 1,k)17 }18 19 func partition(_ nums: inout [Int],_ end: Int) -> Int {20 guard start < end else {21 return start22 }23 let pivot = Int.random(in: start...end)24 nums.swapAt(pivot,end)25 var index = start26 for i in start..<end where nums[i] < nums[end] {27 nums.swapAt(i,index)28 index += 129 }30 nums.swapAt(index,end)31 return index32 }33 }
1 class Solution { 2 func findKthLargest(_ nums: [Int],_ k: Int) -> Int { 3 var arr = nums 4 return quickselect(arr: &arr,start: 0,end: arr.count - 1,k: arr.count - k) 5 } 6 7 private func quickselect(arr: inout[Int],start: Int,end: Int,k: Int) -> Int { 8 let pivot = partition(arr: &arr,start: start,end: end) 9 if pivot > k { return quickselect(arr: &arr,end: pivot - 1,k: k) }10 if pivot == k { return arr[pivot] }11 return quickselect(arr: &arr,start: pivot + 1,end: end,k: k)12 }13 14 private func partition(arr: inout[Int],end: Int) -> Int {15 guard start < end else { return start }16 17 var i = start18 let pivotIndex = Int.random(in: start ... end)19 let pivot = arr[pivotIndex]20 (arr[pivotIndex],arr[end]) = (arr[end],arr[pivotIndex])21 22 for j in start ..< end {23 if arr[j] < pivot {24 (arr[i],arr[j]) = (arr[j],arr[i])25 i += 126 }27 }28 29 (arr[i],arr[i])30 return i31 }32 33 }
1 class Solution { 2 private var heapSize = 0 3 4 func findKthLargest(_ nums: [Int],_ k: Int) -> Int { 5 guard nums.count > 0 else { 6 return 0 7 } 8 var nums = nums 9 buildMaxHeap(&nums)10 var i = 011 while i < k - 1 {12 swap(&nums,heapSize - 1)13 heapSize -= 114 maxHeapAdjust(&nums,0)15 i += 116 }17 return nums[0]18 }19 20 func buildMaxHeap(_ nums: inout [Int]) {21 heapSize = nums.count22 var i = heapSize >> 1 - 123 while i >= 0 {24 maxHeapAdjust(&nums,i)25 i -= 126 }27 }28 29 func maxHeapAdjust(_ nums: inout [Int],_ index: Int) {30 var largest = index31 var l = index << 1 + 132 var r = index << 1 + 233 if l < heapSize && nums[l] > nums[largest] {34 largest = l35 }36 if r < heapSize && nums[r] > nums[largest] {37 largest = r38 }39 if largest != index {40 swap(&nums,largest,index)41 maxHeapAdjust(&nums,largest)42 }43 }44 45 func swap(_ nums: inout [Int],_ i: Int,_ j: Int) {46 let temp = nums[i]47 nums[i] = nums[j]48 nums[j] = temp49 }50 }总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的[Swift]LeetCode215. 数组中的第K个最大元素 | Kth Largest Element in an Array全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决[Swift]LeetCode215. 数组中的第K个最大元素 | Kth Largest Element in an Array所遇到的程序开发问题。