var locationarray = [AnyObject]()var userbutton = [UIbutton]() overrIDe func vIEwWillAppear(animated: Bool) { let userlocation = PFUser.query() PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground(){ (point:PFGeoPoint?,error:NSError?) -> VoID in NSLog("Test log 1") // Never printed if point != nil { // Succeeding in getting current location NSLog("Got current location successfully") // never printed PFUser.currentUser()!.setValue(point,forKey: "userlocation") PFUser.currentUser()!.saveInBackground() } else { // Failed to get location NSLog("Failed to get current location") // never printed } var query = PFUser.query() query?.whereKey("userlocation",nearGeoPoint: point!,withinMiles: 2.0) query?.findobjectsInBackgrounDWithBlock({ (objects: [AnyObject]?,error: NSError?) -> VoID in if(error == nil){ for object in objects! { self.locationarray.append(object) print(self.locationarray) } }else{ print(error) } }) } for users in locationarray{ let button = UIbutton() button.addTarget(self,action: "buttonAction:",forControlEvents: .touchUpInsIDe) button.frame = CGRectMake(100,100,50) let buttonWIDth = button.frame.wIDth let buttonHeight = button.frame.height // Find the wIDth and height of the enclosing vIEw let vIEwWIDth = button.supervIEw!.bounds.wIDth let vIEwHeight = button.supervIEw!.bounds.height let xwIDth = vIEwWIDth - buttonWIDth let yheight = vIEwHeight - buttonHeight // Generate a random x and y offset let xoffset = CGfloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(xwIDth))) let yoffset = CGfloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(yheight))) // Offset the button's center by the random offsets. = xoffset + buttonWIDth / 2 = yoffset + buttonHeight / 2 self.userbutton.append(button) print("called") print(self.userbutton) self.vIEw.addSubvIEw(button) }}解决方法 我在你的代码中发现了问题 – findobjectsInBackgrounDWithBlock是异步函数,你的位置数组循环在findobjectsInBackgrounDWithBlock完成之前被调用.并且由于此时locationArray为空 – 不调用for循环.
overrIDe func vIEwWillAppear(animated: Bool) { let userlocation = PFUser.query() PFGeoPoint.geoPointForCurrentLocationInBackground(){ (point:PFGeoPoint?,error:NSError?) -> VoID in NSLog("Test log 1") // Never printed if point != nil { // Succeeding in getting current location NSLog("Got current location successfully") // never printed PFUser.currentUser()!.setValue(point,forKey: "userlocation") PFUser.currentUser()!.saveInBackground() }else{ // Failed to get location NSLog("Failed to get current location") // never printed } var query = PFUser.query() query?.whereKey("userlocation",withinMiles: 2.0) query?.findobjectsInBackgrounDWithBlock({ (objects: [AnyObject]?,error: NSError?) -> VoID in if(error == nil){ for object in objects! { self.locationarray.append(object) print(self.locationarray) } self.locationsSet() }else{ print(error) } }) }}func locationsSet(){ for users in locationarray{ let button = UIbutton() button.addTarget(self,forControlEvents: .touchUpInsIDe) button.frame = CGRectMake(100,50) let buttonWIDth = button.frame.wIDth let buttonHeight = button.frame.height // Find the wIDth and height of the enclosing vIEw let vIEwWIDth = self.vIEw.bounds.wIDth let vIEwHeight = self.vIEw.bounds.height let xwIDth = vIEwWIDth - buttonWIDth let yheight = vIEwHeight - buttonHeight // Generate a random x and y offset let xoffset = CGfloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(xwIDth))) let yoffset = CGfloat(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(yheight))) // Offset the button's center by the random offsets. = xoffset + buttonWIDth / 2 = yoffset + buttonHeight / 2 self.userbutton.append(button) print("called") print(self.userbutton) self.vIEw.addSubvIEw(button) }}总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 为数组中的每个对象添加按钮全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 为数组中的每个对象添加按钮所遇到的程序开发问题。