Compile the.lua
files to.luac
cocos luacompile [arguments]
Available Arguments
arg | available value | sample | description | necessary |
-h,--help | - | - | Show the help message and exit | no |
-s,--src | source directory | ./projects/MyLuaGame/src | Specify source directory of lua files needed to be compiled. | yes |
-d,--dst | destination directory | ./projects/MyLuaGame/src | Specify destination directory bytecode files to be stored. | yes |
-e,--encrypt | - | - | Enable the encrypting of lua files. | no |
-k,--encryptkey | any string | MyLuaKey | Specify the encrypt key for the encrypting of lua scripts. It's only take effect when-e,--encrypt is enabled. Default value is2dxLua . | no |
-b,--encryptsign | any string | MyLuaSign | Specify the encrypt sign for the encrypting of lua scripts. It's only take effect when--encrypt is enabled. Default value isXXTEA . | no |
cocos luacompile -h
. Show the help message. cocos luacompile -s ./projects/MyLuaGame/src -d ./projects/MyLuaGame/src -e -k MyLuaKey -b MyLuaSign
Compile the
in directory./projects/MyLuaGame/src
. Then encrypt the luac files with key isMyLuaKey
and sign isMyLuaSign
cocos luacompile -s src/ -d <span >out</span>/ -e -k testKey123456 -b testSign123456 --disable-compile
我用的普通的cocos2d lua,没用quick,quick好像可以对整个资源包括图像和音频都加密,打包成zip。但我没用quick.看了下luacompile 的 help,比较简单啊。
cocos luacompile -s src/ -d <span >out</span>/
cocos luacompile -s src/ -d <span >out</span>/ -e -k testKey123456 -b testSign123456
他用的是XXTEA加密算法,可以看这篇文章《XXTEA 可逆加密解密算法 C++ C#兼容版本》
还需要在AppDelegate.cpp文件的applicationDIDFinishLaunching方法中加入setXXTEAKeyAndSign。这点它那个luacompile 的help就没提了,这是第一个坑。
LuaStack* stack = engine->getLuaStack(); stack->setXXTEAKeyAndSign(<span >"testKey123456"</span>,strlen(<span >"testKey123456"</span>),<span >"testSign123456"</span>,strlen(<span >"testSign123456"</span>)); <span >if</span> (engine->executeScriptfile(<span >"src/main.lua"</span>)) { <span >return</span> false;2.不支持64bit
第二个坑马上来了:刚开始在IPhone4S模拟器运行好好的,IPhone5s就漆黑一片了。原来这样把lua编译后,虽然速度变快了,但还未支持64位系统,据说cocos2d 年底会给出luajit 64位解决方案,因为苹果要求的啊。
突然注意到luacompile help中最后一个选项:–disable-compile ,然后把命令改成下面这种:
cocos luacompile -s src/ -d <span >out</span>/ -e -k testKey123456 -b testSign123456 --disable-compile
项目测试: /// decode: const char * key = "testKey123456"; int keylen = (int)strlen(key); const char * sign = "testSign123456"; int signlen = (int)strlen(sign); Data srcInfo = fileUtils::getInstance()->getDataFromfile("BUGAnt.luac"); //decode: xxtea_long len = 0; unsigned char * result = xxtea_decrypt(srcInfo.getBytes() + signlen,(xxtea_long)srcInfo.getSize() - signlen,(unsigned char* )key,(xxtea_long)keylen,&len); printf("\n result: %s \n len; %ld",result,len); 读取正常; 总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的cocos lua 加密与解密 混淆 (版本cocos3.4)全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决cocos lua 加密与解密 混淆 (版本cocos3.4)所遇到的程序开发问题。