ios – iTunes Store拒绝了114×114图标

ios – iTunes Store拒绝了114×114图标,第1张

概述我仍然试图在iTunes Store中批准我的第一个应用程序.现在他们想要一个120 x 120的图标.这很好,但xCode不接受120 x 120图标. 我错过了什么? 截止今天,所有提交的应用都应该有一个120×120应用图标.您只需将其添加到捆绑包即可.无需添加图标列表. Dear developer, We have discovered one or more issues with y 我仍然试图在iTunes Store中批准我的第一个应用程序.现在他们想要一个120 x 120的图标.这很好,但xCode不接受120 x 120图标.


解决方法 截止今天,所有提交的应用都应该有一个120×120应用图标.您只需将其添加到捆绑包即可.无需添加图标列表.

Dear developer,

We have discovered one or more issues with your recent
delivery for “…”. Your delivery was successful,but you may wish to
correct the following issues in your next delivery: InvalID Image –
For iOS applications,icons included in the binary submission must be
in the PNG format. If your application supports the iPhone device
family,you must include square icons of the following dimensions:
57×57 pixels and 120×120 pixels. If your application supports the iPad
device family,you must include square icons of the following
dimensions: 72×72 pixels,76×76 pixels and 152×152 pixels For Mac OS X
applications,icons included in the binary submission must be in the
icns format and must include a square 512×512@2x image. If you would
like to update your binary for this app,you can reject this binary
from the Binary Details page in iTunes Connect. Note that rejecting
your binary will remove your app from the revIEw queue and the revIEw
process will start over from the beginning when you resubmit your

Regards,The App Store team


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