#pragma mark - Picker VIEw - (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerVIEw:(UIPickerVIEw *)pickerVIEw{ return 1;}- (NSInteger)pickerVIEw:(UIPickerVIEw *)pickerVIEw numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component{ return 4;}- (Nsstring *)pickerVIEw:(UIPickerVIEw *)pickerVIEw TitleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component{ timersArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [timersArray addobject:@"No timer"]; [timersArray addobject:@"15 seconds"]; [timersArray addobject:@"30 seconds"]; [timersArray addobject:@"60 seconds"]; return [timersArray objectAtIndex:row];}- (voID)pickerVIEw:(UIPickerVIEw *)pickerVIEw dIDSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component{ if ([[timersArray objectAtIndex:row] isEqual:@"No timer"]) { timerIndication.text = @"No timer selected"; timersPickerVIEw.hIDden = YES; // Animation code to dismiss picker should go here } else if ([[timersArray objectAtIndex:row] isEqual:@"15 seconds"]) { timerIndication.text = @"15 seconds selected"; timersPickerVIEw.hIDden = YES; // Animation code to dismiss picker should go here } else if ([[timersArray objectAtIndex:row] isEqual:@"30 seconds"]) { timerIndication.text = @"30 seconds selected"; timersPickerVIEw.hIDden = YES; // Animation code to dismiss picker should go here } else if ([[timersArray objectAtIndex:row] isEqual:@"60 seconds"]) { timerIndication.text = @"60 seconds selected"; timersPickerVIEw.hIDden = YES; // Animation code to dismiss picker should go here }}#pragma mark - Delay method// This is where Send button should be enabled- (IBAction)selectTimer{ timersPickerVIEw.hIDden = NO; // Animation code to present picker vIEw should go here}解决方法 按下按钮后,您可以使用以下代码为选取器视图设置动画:
-(IBAction)button:(ID)sender{ [UIVIEw beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIVIEw setAnimationDuration:0.6]; CGAffinetransform transfrom = CGAffinetransformMakeTranslation(0,200); PickerVIEw.transform = transfrom; PickerVIEw.Alpha = PickerVIEw.Alpha * (-1) + 1; [UIVIEw commitAnimations];}
PickerVIEw.Alpha = 0; [self.vIEw addSubvIEw:PickerVIEw];
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的iphone – 如何在按下按钮后显示UIPickerView动画?全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决iphone – 如何在按下按钮后显示UIPickerView动画?所遇到的程序开发问题。