用Silverlight 1.0实现一个基于客户端系统时间的电子表。
Clock.xaml(用Expression Blend开发)
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window.Clock = {} ;
Clock.Page = function ()
Clock.Page.prototype =
handleLoad: function(control, userContext, rootElement)
this.control = control;
// Sample event hookup:
rootElement.addEventListener("MouseleftbuttonDown", Silverlight.createDelegate(this,
// Sample event handler
handleMouseDown: function(sender, eventArgs)
// The following line of code shows how to find an element by name and call a method on it.
// this.control.content.findname("Timeline1").Begin();
// TextBlock的MouseleftbuttonDown调用的方法
function MouseleftbuttonDown(sender, args)
// TextBlock的MouseMove调用的方法
function MouseMove(sender, args)
// TextBlock.foreground
sender.foreground = "red";
// TextBlock.textdecorations
sender.textdecorations = "underline";
// TextBlock的MouseLeave调用的方法
function MouseLeave(sender, args)
// TextBlock.foreground
sender.foreground = "#FF100888";
// TextBlock.textdecorations
sender.textdecorations = "none";} 总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的用Silverlight 1.0实现一个基于客户端系统时间的电子表。全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决用Silverlight 1.0实现一个基于客户端系统时间的电子表。所遇到的程序开发问题。