ios – 在layoutSubviews中旋转视图

ios – 在layoutSubviews中旋转视图,第1张

概述背景和目标 目标:我想旋转并翻转UITextView. (为什么:看我的previous question) 问题:如果我直接在UITextView上进行转换,文本布局会因某种未知原因而混乱. 解决方案:将UITextView放在UIView容器中,然后对容器进行转换. 新问题:旋转视图上的自动布局(或任何类型的布局)变为a major headache. 建议的解决方案:创建一个UIView的子 背景和目标

目标:我想旋转并翻转UITextVIEw. (为什么:看我的previous question)



新问题:旋转视图上的自动布局(或任何类型的布局)变为a major headache.







class MongolTextVIEw: UIVIEw {    // propertIEs    var rotationVIEw: UIVIEw!    var textVIEw: UITextVIEw!    // This method gets called if you create the vIEw in the Interface Builder    required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {        super.init(coder: aDecoder)    }    // This method gets called if you create the vIEw in code    overrIDe init(frame: CGRect){        super.init(frame: frame)        self.setup()    }    overrIDe func awakeFromNib() {        super.awakeFromNib()        self.setup()    }    func setup() {        rotationVIEw = UIVIEw(frame: self.frame)        rotationVIEw.backgroundcolor = UIcolor.redcolor()        self.addSubvIEw(rotationVIEw)        textVIEw = UITextVIEw(frame: CGRectZero)        textVIEw.backgroundcolor = UIcolor.yellowcolor()        textVIEw.text = "This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text "    }    overrIDe func layoutSubvIEws() {        super.layoutSubvIEws()        // set the size of the rotation container vIEw        let wIDth = self.bounds.wIDth        let height = self.bounds.height        rotationVIEw.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: CGfloat(0),y: CGfloat(0)),size: CGSize(wIDth: height,height: wIDth))        textVIEw.frame = rotationVIEw.bounds // Problem lines here???        rotationVIEw.addSubvIEw(textVIEw)    // Problem lines here???        // rotate,translate,and flip the container vIEw        var rotation = CGAffinetransformMakeRotation(CGfloat(-M_PI_2))        // the following translation repositions the top left corner at the origin of the supervIEw        var translation = CGAffinetransformMakeTranslation((rotationVIEw.bounds.height / 2)-(rotationVIEw.bounds.wIDth / 2),(rotationVIEw.bounds.wIDth / 2)-(rotationVIEw.bounds.height / 2))        var rotationAndTranslation = CGAffinetransformConcat(rotation,translation)        var transformPlusScale = CGAffinetransformScale(rotationAndTranslation,CGfloat(-1),CGfloat(1))        rotationVIEw.transform = transformPlusScale    }}



解决方法 问题中的代码问题似乎是转换不断相互添加.为了解决这个问题,解决方案是每次都重置转换,即将其设置为身份转换.

rotationVIEw.transform = CGAffinetransformIDentity


import UIKit@IBDesignable class UIVerticalTextVIEw: UIVIEw {    var textVIEw = UITextVIEw()    let rotationVIEw = UIVIEw()    var underlyingTextVIEw: UITextVIEw {        get {            return textVIEw        }        set {            textVIEw = newValue        }    }    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {        super.init(coder: aDecoder)    }    overrIDe init(frame: CGRect){        super.init(frame: frame)        self.setup()    }    overrIDe func awakeFromNib() {        super.awakeFromNib()        self.setup()    }    func setup() {        rotationVIEw.backgroundcolor = UIcolor.redcolor()        textVIEw.backgroundcolor = UIcolor.yellowcolor()        self.addSubvIEw(rotationVIEw)        rotationVIEw.addSubvIEw(textVIEw)        // Could also do this with auto layout constraints        textVIEw.frame = rotationVIEw.bounds    }    overrIDe func layoutSubvIEws() {        super.layoutSubvIEws()        rotationVIEw.transform = CGAffinetransformIDentity // *** key line ***        rotationVIEw.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPointZero,size: CGSize(wIDth: self.bounds.height,height: self.bounds.wIDth))        rotationVIEw.transform = translateRotateFlip()    }    func translateRotateFlip() -> CGAffinetransform {        var transform = CGAffinetransformIDentity        // translate to new center        transform = CGAffinetransformTranslate(transform,(self.bounds.wIDth / 2)-(self.bounds.height / 2),(self.bounds.height / 2)-(self.bounds.wIDth / 2))        // rotate counterclockwise around center        transform = CGAffinetransformRotate(transform,CGfloat(-M_PI_2))        // flip vertically        transform = CGAffinetransformScale(transform,-1,1)        return transform    }}

我最近的实施最有可能在this github link中找到.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 在layoutSubviews中旋转视图全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 在layoutSubviews中旋转视图所遇到的程序开发问题。




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