//// VIEwController.swift// swiftDemo//// Created by Jack on 16/4/6.// copyright © 2016年 Jack. All rights reserved.//protocol ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescription: String { get } mutating func adjust()}import UIKitclass VIEwController: UIVIEwController { overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() { super.vIEwDIDLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the vIEw,typically from a nib. //类、枚举和结构体都可以实现接口。 class SimpleClass: ExampleProtocol { //类实现接口 var simpleDescription: String = "A very simple class." var anotherProperty: Int = 69105 func adjust() { simpleDescription += " Now 100% adjusted." } } let a = SimpleClass() a.adjust() let aDescription = a.simpleDescription print(aDescription); struct SimpleStructure: ExampleProtocol { //结构体实现接口 var simpleDescription: String = "A simple structure" mutating func adjust() { simpleDescription += " (adjusted)" } } var b = SimpleStructure() b.adjust() let bDescription = b.simpleDescription print(bDescription); enum MyEnum: ExampleProtocol { //枚举实现接口 case Earth,Moon,Mars var simpleDescription: String { get { switch self { case .Earth: return "earth" case .Moon: return "moon" case .Mars: return "mars" } } } mutating func adjust() { switch self { case .Earth: self = .Moon case .Moon: self = .Mars case .Mars: self = .Earth } } } var myEnum = MyEnum.Earth print(myEnum.simpleDescription) myEnum.adjust() print(myEnum.simpleDescription) myEnum.adjust() print(myEnum.simpleDescription) myEnum.adjust() print(myEnum.simpleDescription) } overrIDe func dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() // dispose of any resources that can be recreated. }}