platform :ios,'8.0'use_frameworks!target 'WxArticle' do pod 'Alamofire','~> 3.0' pod 'SwiftyJsON',:git => 'https://github.com/SwiftyJsON/SwiftyJsON.git' pod 'SnapKit','~> 0.17.0'end
4.App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext http (http://www.jb51.cc/tag/http://) resource load since it is insecure.参考:http://www.jb51.cc/article/p-acbjaooh-tg.html
//// request.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import Foundationclass Request { var appID: Int var timestamp: String { return NSDate.currentDate("yyyyMMddHHmmss") } var signmethod = "md5" var resGzip = 0 var allParams = [(String,String)]() init(appID: Int) { self.appID = appID } func sign(appParams: [(String,String)],secret: String) -> String { self.allParams = appParams self.allParams.append(("showAPI_appID",String(self.appID))) self.allParams.append(("showAPI_timestamp",self.timestamp)) let sortedParams = allParams.sort{$0.0 < $1.0} var str = "" for item in sortedParams { str += (item.0 + item.1) } str += secret.lowercaseString return str.md5() } func url(mainUrl: String,sign: String) -> String { var url = mainUrl + "?" for param in self.allParams { url += "\(param.0)=\(param.1)&" } url += "showAPI_sign=\(sign)" return url }}class hotwordcategoryRequest: Request { init () { super.init(appID: 17262) } func url() -> String { let sign = self.sign([(String,String)](),secret: "21b693f98bd64e71a9bdbb5f7c76659c") return super.url("http://route.showAPI.com/313-1",sign: sign) }}class hotwordRequest: Request { var typeID = 1 init(typeID: Int) { super.init(appID: 17262) self.typeID = typeID } func url() -> String { let sign = self.sign([("typeID","\(self.typeID)")],secret: "21b693f98bd64e71a9bdbb5f7c76659c") return super.url("http://route.showAPI.com/313-2",sign: sign) }}
//// response.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import Foundationimport SwiftyJsONclass Response { var showAPI_res_code = -1 var showAPI_res_error = ""}struct categoryChildItem { var ID = 0 var name = ""}struct categoryItem { var name = "" var childList = [categoryChildItem]()}class hotwordcategoryResponse: Response { var List = [categoryItem]() func setData(data: AnyObject) { let Json = JsON(data) super.showAPI_res_code = Json["showAPI_res_code"].int ?? -1 super.showAPI_res_error = Json["showAPI_res_error"].string ?? "" if let List = Json["showAPI_res_body"]["List"].array { for item in List { var categoryItem = categoryItem() guard let name = item["name"].string,let childList = item["childList"].array else { continue } categoryItem.name = name for child in childList { guard let ID = child["ID"].string,let name = child["name"].string else { continue } categoryItem.childList.append(categoryChildItem(ID: Int(ID)!,name: name)) } self.List.append(categoryItem) } } }}struct hotwordInfo { var level = -1 var name = "" var num = -1 var trend = ""}class hotwordResponse: Response { var List = [hotwordInfo]() func setData(data: AnyObject) { let Json = JsON(data) super.showAPI_res_code = Json["showAPI_res_code"].int ?? -1 super.showAPI_res_error = Json["showAPI_res_error"].string ?? "" if let List = Json["showAPI_res_body"]["List"].array { for item in List { guard let name = item["name"].string else { continue } var hotwordInfo = hotwordInfo() hotwordInfo.level = Int(item["level"].string ?? "-1") ?? -1 hotwordInfo.name = name hotwordInfo.num = Int(item["num"].string ?? "-1") ?? -1 hotwordInfo.trend = item["trend"].string ?? "" self.List.append(hotwordInfo) } } } func clear() { self.List.removeAll() }}
//// dataManage.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import Foundationclass Data { static let sharedManage = Data() var hotwordcategory = hotwordcategoryResponse() var hotword = hotwordResponse()}
//// Objective-CBrIDgingheader.h// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//#ifndef queryPhoneNumber_Objective_CBrIDgingheader_h#define queryPhoneNumber_Objective_CBrIDgingheader_h#import <CommonCrypto/CommonHMAC.h>#endif
//// extension.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import Foundationextension String { func md5() -> String! { let str = self.cStringUsingEnCoding(NSUTF8StringEnCoding) let strLen = CUnsignedInt(self.lengthOfBytesUsingEnCoding(NSUTF8StringEnCoding)) let digestLen = Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH) let result = UnsafeMutablePointer<CUnsignedChar>.alloc(digestLen) CC_MD5(str!,strLen,result) let hash = NSMutableString() for i in 0..<digestLen { hash.appendFormat("%02x",result[i]) } result.destroy() return String(format: hash as String) }}extension NSDate { static func currentDate(dateFormat: String) -> String { let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateFormat = dateFormat dateFormatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() return dateFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()) }}
//// VIEwController.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/25.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import UIKitimport Alamofireclass VIEwController: UItableVIEwController { overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() { super.vIEwDIDLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the vIEw,typically from a nib. self.navigationItem.Title = "热搜分类" let request = hotwordcategoryRequest() Alamofire.request(.GET,request.url()).responseJsON { (response) -> VoID in if response.result.isSuccess { if let value = response.result.value { Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.setData(value) self.tableVIEw.reloadData() } } } } overrIDe func dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() // dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { if section < Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count { let item = Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[section] print("child List count:\(item.childList.count)") // return Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[section].childList.count } return 0 } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UItableVIEwCell { let CELL_ID = "HOT_WORD_category_CELL_ID" let cell = tableVIEw.dequeueReusableCellWithIDentifIEr(CELL_ID,forIndexPath: indexPath) if indexPath.section < Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count { var item = Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[indexPath.section] if indexPath.row < item.childList.count { cell.textLabel?.text = item.childList[indexPath.row].name } } return cell } overrIDe func numberOfSectionsIntableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw) -> Int { return Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,TitleForheaderInSection section: Int) -> String? { if section < Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count { return Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[section].name } return "" } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,dIDSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) { print("index:\(indexPath.row)") if indexPath.section < Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count { let item = Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[indexPath.section] if indexPath.row < item.childList.count { print("\(item.childList[indexPath.row].name),\(item.childList[indexPath.row].ID)") } } } overrIDe func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue,sender: AnyObject?) { if segue.IDentifIEr == "HOT_WORD_SEGUE" { let target = segue.destinationVIEwController as? hotwordtableVIEwController let indexPath = tableVIEw.indexPathForSelectedRow if indexPath?.section < Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List.count { let item = Data.sharedManage.hotwordcategory.List[(indexPath?.section)!] if indexPath?.row < item.childList.count { target?.name = item.childList[(indexPath?.row)!].name target?.typeID = item.childList[(indexPath?.row)!].ID } } } }}
//// hotwordtableVIEwController.swift// HotSearch//// Created by tutujiaw on 16/3/26.// copyright © 2016年 tujiaw. All rights reserved.//import UIKitimport Alamofireclass hotwordtableVIEwController: UItableVIEwController { var name = "" var typeID = 0 overrIDe func vIEwDIDLoad() { super.vIEwDIDLoad() // Do any additional setup after loading the vIEw,typically from a nib. self.navigationItem.Title = name let request = hotwordRequest(typeID: self.typeID) Alamofire.request(.GET,request.url()).responseJsON { (response) -> VoID in if response.result.isSuccess { if let value = response.result.value { Data.sharedManage.hotword.clear() Data.sharedManage.hotword.setData(value) self.tableVIEw.reloadData() } } } } overrIDe func dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.dIDReceiveMemoryWarning() // dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return Data.sharedManage.hotword.List.count } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UItableVIEwCell { let CELL_ID = "HOT_WORD_CELL_ID" let cell = tableVIEw.dequeueReusableCellWithIDentifIEr(CELL_ID,forIndexPath: indexPath) if indexPath.row < Data.sharedManage.hotword.List.count { let item = Data.sharedManage.hotword.List[indexPath.row] cell.textLabel?.text = item.name } return cell } overrIDe func tableVIEw(tableVIEw: UItableVIEw,dIDSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) { if indexPath.row < Data.sharedManage.hotword.List.count { let keyword = Data.sharedManage.hotword.List[indexPath.row].name if let newKeyword = keyword.stringByAddingPercentEnCodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet()) { if let url = NSURL(string: "https://www.baIDu.com/s?wd=\(newKeyword)") { UIApplication.sharedApplication().openURL(url) } } } }}
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