我想在数据库表中使用“ ORDER BY”对所有数据库条目进行排序.
class NoteHelper extends sqliteOpenHelper {private static final String DATABASE_name = "note.db";private static final int SCHEMA_VERSION = 1;public NoteHelper(Context context){ super(context, DATABASE_name, null, SCHEMA_VERSION);}@OverrIDepublic voID onCreate(sqliteDatabase db){ db.execsql("CREATE table Notes (_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY autoINCREMENT, note TEXT);");}@OverrIDepublic voID onUpgrade(sqliteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion){ //no-op, since will not be called until 2nd schema //version exists}public voID insert(String note) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("note", note); //you must pass it at lease one name of a colum getWritableDatabase().insert("Notes", "note", cv);}public voID update(String ID, String note){ ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); String[] args = {ID}; cv.put("note", note); getWritableDatabase().update("Notes", cv, "_ID=?", args);}public voID delete(String ID){ getWritableDatabase().delete("Notes", "_ID=?", new String[] {ID});}public Cursor getAll(){ return (getReadableDatabase().rawquery("SELECT _ID, note FROM Notes", null));}public Cursor getAllSorted(){ return (getReadableDatabase().rawquery("SELECT note FROM Notes ORDER BY note ColLATE NOCASE", null));}public String getNote(Cursor c){ return(c.getString(1));}public Cursor getByID(String ID) { String[] args = {ID}; return(getReadableDatabase().rawquery("SELECT _ID, note FROM Notes WHERE _ID=?", args));} }
NoteAdapter adapter = null;NoteHelper helper = null;Cursor dataset_cursor = null;EditText editNote = null;//this is how track which note we are working onString noteID = null;@OverrIDeprotected voID onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Todo auto-generated method stub super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); try{ setContentVIEw(R.layout.history); ListVIEw List = (ListVIEw)findVIEwByID(R.ID.List); editNote = (EditText)findVIEwByID(R.ID.myEditText); helper = new NoteHelper(this); dataset_cursor = helper.getAll(); startManagingCursor(dataset_cursor); adapter = new NoteAdapter(dataset_cursor); List.setAdapter(adapter);class NoteAdapter extends CursorAdapter { NoteAdapter(Cursor c){ super(Ztutorial11.this, c); } public voID bindVIEw(VIEw row, Context ctxt, Cursor c) { NoteHolder holder = (NoteHolder)row.getTag(); holder.populateFrom(c, helper); } public VIEw newVIEw(Context ctxt, Cursor c, VIEwGroup parent) { LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater(); VIEw row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row, parent, false); NoteHolder holder = new NoteHolder(row); row.setTag(holder); return (row); }}static class NoteHolder { private TextVIEw noteText = null; NoteHolder(VIEw row){ noteText = (TextVIEw)row.findVIEwByID(R.ID.note); } voID populateFrom(Cursor c, NoteHelper helper) { noteText.setText(helper.getNote(c)); }} public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu){super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);MenuInflater awesome = getMenuInflater();awesome.inflate(R.menu.menu_expresions, menu);return true; } public boolean onoptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item){switch(item.getItemID()){case R.ID.Az: //something to do helper.getAllSorted(); //update the vIEw dataset_cursor.requery(); return true;case R.ID.Za: //something to do return true;case R.ID.deleteall: //something to do helper.deleteall(); dataset_cursor.requery(); return true;case R.ID.undo: //something to do return true;}return false; } };
public boolean onoptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemID()) { case R.ID.Az: dataset_cursor = helper.getAllSorted(); adapter.changeCursor(dataset_cursor); return true; case R.ID.Za: // something to do return true; case R.ID.deleteall: // something to do helper.deleteall(); dataset_cursor.requery(); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); return true; case R.ID.undo: // something to do return true; } return false;}
首先,您将新的排序结果分配给dataset_cursor,然后告诉适配器光标已更改. deleteall情况可能需要使用adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();.行添加到那里.