#mainPage { wIDth: 400px; height: 165px; margin: 10% auto;}#mainPage>p { text-align: center;}.bicycle { wIDth: 48px; height: 30px; background: red;}#bicycleOriginal { animation: moveBicycleOriginal 20s infinite;}#bicycleFlipped { animation: moveBicycleFlipped 20s infinite;}#mainTxt { letter-spacing: 7px; Font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;}@keyframes moveBicycleOriginal { from { transform: translate(0,0); } 1% { transform: translate(0,0) rotate(0deg); } 25% { transform: translate(350px,0); } 26% { transform: translate(350px,0) rotate(90deg); } 50% { transform: translate(350px,150px); } 51% { transform: translate(350px,150px) rotate(180deg); } 75% { transform: translate(0,150px); } 76% { transform: translate(0,150px) rotate(270deg); } to { transform: translate(0,0); }}@keyframes moveBicycleFlipped { from { transform: translate(350px,0); } 1% { transform: translate(350px,0) rotate(0deg); } 25% { transform: translate(0,0); } 26% { transform: translate(0,0) rotate(90deg); } 50% { transform: translate(0,-150px); } 51% { transform: translate(0,-150px) rotate(180deg); } 75% { transform: translate(350px,-150px); } 76% { transform: translate(350px,-150px) rotate(270deg); } to { transform: translate(350px,0); }}
<div ID="mainPage"> <div ID="bicycleOriginal"></div> <p ID="mainTxt">DRAHTESEL</p> <div ID="bicycleFlipped"></div></div>
解决方法 您需要始终保持在变换中定义的旋转,因为每个变换将覆盖前一个变换,并且移除旋转意味着旋转(0).为了使动画更准确,最后一个状态应该类似于第一个状态,以避免重新启动动画时的跳转.所以你应该进行360度旋转,相当于0度. (就像你在翻译中所做的那样,你回到初始值).
#mainPage { wIDth: 400px; height: 165px; margin: 10% auto;}#mainPage>p { text-align: center;}.bicycle { wIDth: 48px; height: 30px; background: red;}#bicycleOriginal { animation: moveBicycleOriginal 20s infinite;}#bicycleFlipped { animation: moveBicycleFlipped 20s infinite;}#mainTxt { letter-spacing: 7px; Font-size: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;}@keyframes moveBicycleOriginal { from { transform: translate(0,0) rotate(0deg); } 26% { transform: translate(350px,150px) rotate(90deg); } 51% { transform: translate(350px,150px) rotate(180deg); } 76% { transform: translate(0,150px) rotate(270deg); } 98% { transform: translate(0,0) rotate(270deg); } to { transform: translate(0,0) rotate(360deg); }}@keyframes moveBicycleFlipped { from { transform: translate(350px,0) rotate(0deg); } 26% { transform: translate(0,-150px) rotate(90deg); } 51% { transform: translate(0,-150px) rotate(180deg); } 76% { transform: translate(350px,-150px) rotate(270deg); } 97% { transform: translate(350px,0) rotate(270deg); } to { transform: translate(350px,0) rotate(360deg); }}
<div ID="mainPage"> <div ID="bicycleOriginal"></div> <p ID="mainTxt">DRAHTESEL</p> <div ID="bicycleFlipped"></div></div>总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的html – 在CSS中顺畅地围绕对象旋转全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决html – 在CSS中顺畅地围绕对象旋转所遇到的程序开发问题。