

概述刚查了Apple的文档,图片命名规则如下即可: Devices with out retina: ImageName.png - For iPhone/iPod ImageName~ipad.png -- For iPad Devices with retina display: ImageName@2x~ipad.png -- For iPad ImageName@2x.png - For i 刚查了Apple的文档,图片的命名规则如下即可:

Devices with out retina:
Imagename.png - For iPhone/iPod
Imagename~ipad.png -- For iPad

Devices with retina display:
Imagename@2x~ipad.png -- For iPad
ImageName@2x.png - For iPhone/iPod

Applications running in iOS 4 should Now include two separate files for each  image  resource. One file provIDes a standard-resolution version of a given image,and the second provIDes a high-resolution version of the same image. The naming conventions for each pair of image files is as follows:
Standard: <Imagename><device_modifIEr>.<filename_extension>
High resolution: <Imagename>@2x<device_modifIEr>.<filename_extension>
The <Imagename> and <filename_extension> portions of each name specify the usual name and extension for the file. The <device_modifIEr>portion is optional and contains either the string ~ipad or ~iphone. You include one of these modifIErs when you want to specify different versions of an image for iPad and  iPhone . The inclusion of the @2x modifIEr for the high-resolution image is new and lets the system kNow that the image is the high-resolution variant of the standard image.
important When creating high-resolution versions of your images,place the new versions in the same location in your application bundle as the original. 总结




原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/web/1092133.html

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