[backgroundContext performBlock:^{ NSFetchRequest *myRequest = ...; __block NSArray *result= nil; [backgroundContext performBlockAnDWait:^{ results = [backgroundContext executeFetchRequest:myRequest error:NulL]; }];}];
-(voID)updateObjects:(BOol)synchronous{ if (YES == synchronous) [self fetchHelper]; else { [backgroundContext performBlock:^{ [self fetchHelper]; }]; }}-(NSArray*)fetchHelper{ [self.backgroundContext performBlockAnDWait:^{ //Fetch the objects... [self.backgroundContext executeFetchRequest: (...)]; }];}
解决方法 是的,performBlockAnDWait是可重入的.直接来自Apple的发行说明……总结Core Data formalizes the concurrency model for the NSManagedobjectContext class with new options. When you create a context,you can specify the concurrency pattern to use with it: thread confinement,a private dispatch queue,or the main dispatch queue. The NSConfinementConcurrencyType option provIDes the same behavior that was present on versions of iOS prior to 5.0 and is the default. When sending messages to a context created with a queue association,you must use the performBlock: or performBlockAnDWait: method if your code is not already executing on that queue (for the main queue type) or within the scope of a performBlock… invocation (for the private queue type). Within the blocks passed to those methods,you can use the methods of NSManagedobjectContext freely. The performBlockAnDWait: method supports API reentrancy. The performBlock: method includes an autorelease pool and calls the processpendingChanges method upon completion.
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的ios – 嵌套的performBlock:在NSManagedObjectContext上全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决ios – 嵌套的performBlock:在NSManagedObjectContext上所遇到的程序开发问题。