xcodebuild -scheme "myScheme" archive -archivePath /my/path/myArchive
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath myArchive.xcarchive -exportPath /my/path/myfile.ipa -exportProvisioningProfile 'my adhoc profile name'
解决方法 请参阅答案底部的Xcode 8更新.首先要回答问题的最后一部分 – 是的App Store配置配置文件需要通过iTunes连接提交您的应用程序.它不会通过预验证步骤,除非它具有正确的配置文件.您将需要在会员中心创建App Store分销档案
选择“App Store”,然后点击继续
以下是可用于使用嵌入式Ad Hoc配置文件创建归档的脚本示例,为Ad Hoc分发创建IPA.作为奖励,DSYMs zip文件被创建用于上传到TestFlight.然后再提供两个脚本.第一个将从现有xcarchive创建一个App Store版本的IPA,第二个将显示如何修改xcarchive,以便其可以由Enterprise In House分发的第三方辞职.
#!/bin/sh# SETME# set to name of signing certification usually starts something like "iPhone distribution: ...."# (the associated private key must be available in the key store)## use the command "security find-IDentity" to List all the possible values available#codeSignIDentity="iPhone distribution"# SETME# set to location of Ad Hoc provisioning profile# (this profile must have the codeSignIDentity specifIEd above included in it)#provisioningProfile=ProvisioningProfiles/MyAppAdHocdistribution.mobileprovision# The keychain needs to be unlocked for signing,which requires the keychain# password. This is stored in a file in the build account only accessible to# the build account userif [ ! -f $HOME/.pass ] ; then echo "no keychain password file available" exit 1ficase `stat -L -f "%p" $HOME/.pass`in *400) ;; *) echo "keychain password file permissions are not restrictive enough" echo "chmod 400 $HOME/.pass" exit 1 ;;esac## turn off tracing if it is on for security command# to prevent logging of password#case `set -o | grep xtrace`in *on) xon=yes ;; *) xon=no ;;esac## unlock the keychain,automatically lock keychain on script exit#[ $xon == yes ] && set +xsecurity unlock-keychain -p `cat $HOME/.pass` $HOME/library/Keychains/login.keychain[ $xon == yes ] && set -xtrap "security lock-keychain $HOME/library/Keychains/login.keychain" EXIT## Extract the profile UUID from the checked in Provisioning Profile.#uuID=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:UUID /dev/stdin <<< \ \`security CMS -D -i $provisioningProfile\``## copy the profile to the location XCode expects to find it and start the build,# specifying which profile and signing IDentity to use for the archived app#cp -f $provisioningProfile \ "$HOME/library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/$uuID.mobileprovision"## Build the xcarchive - this will only be done once,will will then# distribute it for Ad Hoc,App Store and Enterprise In House scenarios# (profile must be specifIEd by UUID for this step)#xcodebuild \ -workspace MyApp.xcworkspace \ -scheme MyApp \ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive \ archive \ PROVISIONING_PROfile="$uuID" \ CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="$codeSignIDentity"## Create a zip of the DSYMs for TestFlight#/usr/bin/zip -r MyApp.dSYM.zip build/MyApp.xcarchive/dSYMs/MyApp.app.dSYM## Now distribute the xcarchive using an Ad Hoc profile# (for QA testing for example)#profilename=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:name /dev/stdin <<< \ \`security CMS -D -i $provisioningProfile\``## The profile must be specifIEd by name for this step#xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -exportFormat IPA \ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive \ -exportPath MyAppForAdHoc.ipa \ -exportProvisioningProfile "$profilename"
要使用App Store distribution配置文件重新分发xcarchive,请使用新配置文件重新导出xcarchive(Ad Hoc和App Store配置文件的签名身份相同).
# SETME# set to location of App Store provisioning profile#appStoreProvisioningProfile=ProvisioningProfiles/MyAppAppStoredistribution.mobileprovision## Extract the App Store profile UUID from the checked in Provisioning Profile.#uuID=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:UUID /dev/stdin <<< \ \`security CMS -D -i $appStoreProvisioningProfile\``## copy the profile to the location XCode expects to find it and start the export,# specifying which profile to use for the archived app# (Profile must match with signing IDentity used to create xcarchive)#cp -f $appStoreProvisioningProfile \ "$HOME/library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/$uuID.mobileprovision"## Extract the enterprise profile name from the checked in App Store Provisioning Profile.# and redistribute the xcarchive as an App Store ready IPA#profilename=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:name /dev/stdin <<< \ \`security CMS -D -i $appStoreProvisioningProfile\``## Profile must be specifIEd by name for this step#xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -exportFormat IPA \ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive \ -exportPath MyAppForStore.ipa \ -exportProvisioningProfile "$profilename"
最后只要完成,如果你想用新的身份和配置文件来辞职xcarchive呢?如果您将内部分发xcarchives分发给第三方公司,可能会发生这种情况.收件人需要使用其企业证书签署您的xcarchive进行分发. xcodebuild不能强制覆盖xcarchive中的现有代码签名,因此必须直接使用codeignign.
# SETME# set to name of enterprise signing certification usually starts something like# "iPhone distribution: ...."## use the command "security find-IDentity" to List all the possible values available#enterpriseCodeSignIDentity="iPhone distribution: Acme Ltd"# SETME# set to location of Enterprise In-House provisioning profile# (this profile must be associated with the enterprise code signing IDentity)#enterpriseProvisioningProfile=ProvisioningProfiles/MyAppInHousedistribution.mobileprovision# SETME# A resigning of the app with a different certificate requires a new bundle ID# that is registered by the Enterprise and is included in the In-House distribution# profile (This Could be automatically extracted from the Enterprise In-House distribution# profile,I leave that as an ETTR)enterpriseBundleID="com.enterprise.myapp"## Extract the enterprise profile UUID from the checked in Provisioning Profile.#euuID=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:UUID /dev/stdin <<< \ \`security CMS -D -i $enterpriseProvisioningProfile\``## copy the profile to the location XCode expects to find it and start the build,# specifying which profile and signing IDentity to use for the archived app#cp -f $enterpriseProvisioningProfile \ "$HOME/library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/$euuID.mobileprovision"## copy,modify and resign the xcarchive ready for Enterprise deployment# (has to be resigned as the production certificate is different for enterprise)#cp -Rp build/MyApp.xcarchive build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive## Remove old code signature#rm -rf build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/_CodeSignature## copy in the enterprise provisioning profile#cp $enterpriseProvisioningProfile \ build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/embedded.mobileprovision## Modify the bundle ID to that of the enterprise bundle ID# /usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c "Set:CFBundleIDentifIEr $enterpriseBundleID" \ build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app/Info.pList## resign the xcarchive with the enterprise code signing IDentity#/usr/bin/codesign -f -v -s $enterpriseCodeSignIDentity \ build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app ## Update the DSYM bundle ID and create a zip of the DSYMs for TestFlight (if applicable)#/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c "Set:CFBundleIDentifIEr com.apple.xcode.dsym.${enterpriseBundleID}" \ build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/dSYMs/MyApp.app.dSYM/Contents/Info.pList/usr/bin/zip -r MyAppEnterprise.dSYM.zip build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive/dSYMs/MyApp.app.dSYM## Extract the enterprise profile name from the checked in Provisioning Profile.#enterpriseProfilename=`/usr/libexec/pListbuddy -c Print:name /dev/stdin <<< \ l\`security CMS -D -i $enterpriseProvisioningProfile\``## Profile must be specifIEd by name for this step#xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -exportFormat IPA \ -archivePath build/MyAppEnterprise.xcarchive \ -exportPath MyAppEnterprise.ipa \ -exportProvisioningProfile "$enterpriseProfilename"
在OSX Mavericks(v10.9.5)和OSX Yosemite上,您可能会看到代码签名错误:
Codesign check fails : ...../MyApp.app: resource envelope is obsolete
检查这里发贴的原因xcodebuild – codesign -vvvv says”resource envelope is obsolete”
要在引用的帖子中实现Apple Support建议的更改,请运行以下命令:
sudo perl -pi.bak -e 's/--verify"./--verify","--no-strict",/ if /codesign.*origApp/;' `xcrun -sdk iphoneos -f PackageApplication`
如果您希望使用自动签名,以下是我们尝试使其与IBM Jazz和Jenkins CI环境相结合的一些观察结果.
>如果您使用具有多个构建机器的分布式CI环境,则它不能正常工作.首先,您有上述问题,您必须手动将开发人员帐户添加到所有Xcode实例,其次,每个帐户必须是不同的Apple ID,否则您将获得常见构建帐户的证书生成问题(所有计算机正在共享一个导致开发人员证书发生冲突的帐户,因为它绑定到特定的机器).
我们运行一个分布式的Jenkins CI环境,所以我们停留了手动签名,但是导出IPA的方法改变了,现在必须使用-exportoptionsplist选项.
## Build the xcarchive - this will only be done once,App Store and Enterprise In House scenarios#xcodebuild \ -workspace MyApp.xcworkspace \ -scheme MyApp \ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive \ archive
存档使用与构建帐户相关联的iOS开发人员证书进行签名(因此请确保它已在钥匙串中安装了一个).现在可以使用-exportoptionsplist选项将档案导出为Ad-hoc,Enterprise和App Store的IPA格式.
<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pList PUBliC "-//Apple//DTD PList 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"><pList version="1.0"><dict> <key>method</key> <string>app-store</string></dict></pList>
有关可用于-exportoptionsplist选项的键的完整列表,请参阅输出xcodebuild -help.
现在修改export archive命令以使用新的导出选项pList文件
xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -archivePath build/MyApp.xcarchive \ -exportoptionsplist exportAppStore.pList \ -exportPath MyAppForStore.ipa总结
以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的通过命令行存档和分发iOS应用程序到App Store全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决通过命令行存档和分发iOS应用程序到App Store所遇到的程序开发问题。