public voID updatealbumImage(String path,int albumID) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM_ART,path); int n = contentResolver.update(MediaStore.Audio.Albums.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,values,MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM_ID + "=" + albumID,null); Log.e(TAG,"updatealbumImage(" + path + "," + albumID + "): " + n); }
03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: UnkNown or unsupported URL: content://media/external/audio/albums03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at androID.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:131)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at androID.database.DatabaseUtils.readExceptionFromParcel(DatabaseUtils.java:111)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at androID.content.ContentProvIDerProxy.update(ContentProvIDerNative.java:405)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at androID.content.ContentResolver.update(ContentResolver.java:554)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at com.liviu.app.smpp.managers.AudioManager.updatealbumImage(AudioManager.java:563)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at com.liviu.app.smpp.ShowAlbumsActivity.saveImagefile(ShowAlbumsActivity.java:375)03-24 03:09:46.323: ERROR/AndroIDRuntime(5319): at com.liviu.app.smpp.ShowAlbumsActivity.onClick(ShowAlbumsActivity.java:350)
解决方法 看这篇文章:Android set Album Thumbnail
ContentResolver res = context.getContentResolver(); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedID(sArtworkUri,album_ID); if (uri != null) { inputStream in = null; try { in = res.openinputStream(uri); return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in,null,sBitmapOptions); } catch (fileNotFoundException ex) { // The album art thumbnail does not actually exist. Maybe the user deleted it,or // maybe it never existed to begin with. Bitmap bm = getArtworkFromfile(context,album_ID); if (bm != null) { // Put the newly found artwork in the database. // Note that this shouldn't be done for the "unkNown" album,// but if this method is called correctly,that won't happen. // first write it somewhere String file = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/albumthumbs/" + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (ensurefileExists(file)) { try { OutputStream outstream = new fileOutputStream(file); if (bm.getConfig() == null) { bm = bm.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565,false); if (bm == null) { return getDefaultArtwork(context); } } boolean success = bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,75,outstream); outstream.close(); if (success) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("album_ID",album_ID); values.put("_data",file); Uri newuri = res.insert(sArtworkUri,values); if (newuri == null) { // Failed to insert in to the database. The most likely // cause of this is that the item already existed in the // database,and the most likely cause of that is that // the album was scanned before,but the user deleted the // album art from the sd card. // We can ignore that case here,since the media provIDer // will regenerate the album art for those entrIEs when // it detects this. success = false; } } if (!success) { file f = new file(file); f.delete(); } } catch (fileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG,"error creating file",e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG,e); } } } else { bm = getDefaultArtwork(context); } return bm; } finally { try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { } } }总结
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