android – 曲廊的可能性

android – 曲廊的可能性,第1张

概述是否可以更改 Android Gallery的默认安排? 我的意思是,我们可以将画廊置于弯曲的路径中,图像将沿着弯曲的路径,同时它具有Android图库的所有属性? 如果可能,请告诉我你的想法.欢迎所有的想法. 谢谢&问候, 森 扩展图库并覆盖drawChild. 将为需要绘制的每个小孩调用drawChild. protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas, 是否可以更改 Android gallery的默认安排?



解决方法 扩展图库并覆盖drawChild.


protected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas,VIEw child,long drawingTime) {    final int left = child.getleft();    int adjustedXOrigin = left - (getWIDth() / 2) + (child.getWIDth()/2);    int newtop = (int) (ellipseYOffset - Math.sqrt( ellipseMinor2 * (1 - ((Math.pow(adjustedXOrigin,2)) / ellipseMajor2))));    newtop -= (child.getHeight() / 2);    if( newtop >= 0 )    {        child.layout(left,newtop,left + child.getWIDth(),newtop + child.getHeight());        return super.drawChild(canvas,child,drawingTime);    }    return true;}


ellipseYOffset = getMeasuredHeight() + (ellipseMinor - (getMeasuredHeight() / 2));

“if(newtop> = 0)”部分是因为该视图随机地被绘制在奇怪的地方.这样就停了.



public class Carousel extends gallery {private static final float INITIAL_MInor_RATIO = 0.75f;private static final float INITIAL_MAJOR_RATIO = 1.0f;private int mEllipseMajor;private int mEllipseMinor;private int mEllipseMajor2;private int mEllipseMinor2;private int mEllipseYOffset;private Animation mgalleryAlphaOut;private Animation mgalleryAlphaIn;private OnAnimationEndListener mFadeInEndListener;private OnAnimationEndListener mFadeOutEndListener;private boolean mCustomEllipseDim = false;private boolean mInfinite = true;private int mXOff = 0;private AnimationListener mFadeInAnimationListener = new AnimationListener() {    public voID onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {}    public voID onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {}    public voID onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {        if( mFadeInEndListener != null )        {            mFadeInEndListener.onAnimationEnd();        }    }};private AnimationListener mFadeOutAnimationListener = new AnimationListener() {    public voID onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {}    public voID onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {}    public voID onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {        if( mFadeOutEndListener != null )        {            mFadeOutEndListener.onAnimationEnd();        }    }};public Carousel(Context context,AttributeSet attrs,int defStyle) {    super(context,attrs,defStyle);    init();}public Carousel(Context context,AttributeSet attrs) {    super(context,attrs);    init();}public Carousel(Context context) {    super(context);    init();}private voID init(){    setHorizontalFadingEdgeEnabled(false);    setCallbackDuringFling(true);    setUnselectedAlpha(1.0f);    setHapticFeedbackEnabled(false);    int dur = getResources().getInteger(R.integer.Transition_dur);    mgalleryAlphaOut = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getContext(),androID.R.anim.fade_out);    mgalleryAlphaOut.setFillAfter(true);    mgalleryAlphaOut.setDuration(dur);    mgalleryAlphaOut.setAnimationListener(mFadeOutAnimationListener);    mgalleryAlphaIn = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getContext(),androID.R.anim.fade_in);    mgalleryAlphaIn.setFillAfter(true);    mgalleryAlphaIn.setDuration(dur);    mgalleryAlphaIn.setAnimationListener(mFadeInAnimationListener);}public int getEllipseMajor() {    return mEllipseMajor;}public voID setEllipseMajor(int ellipseMajor) {    if( ellipseMajor == 0 )    {        mCustomEllipseDim = false;    }    this.mEllipseMajor = ellipseMajor;}public int getEllipseMinor() {    return mEllipseMinor;}public voID setEllipseMinor(int ellipseMinor) {    if( ellipseMinor == 0 )    {        mCustomEllipseDim = false;    }    this.mEllipseMinor = ellipseMinor;}@OverrIDeprotected boolean drawChild(Canvas canvas,long drawingTime) {    final int left = child.getleft();    final int chilDWIDth = child.getWIDth();    final int childHeight = child.getHeight();    int adjustedXOrigin = left - mXOff + (chilDWIDth>>1);    int newtop = (int) (mEllipseYOffset - Math.sqrt( mEllipseMinor2 * (1 - ((Math.pow(adjustedXOrigin,2)) / mEllipseMajor2))));    newtop -= (childHeight>>1);    if( newtop >= 0 )    {        child.layout(left,left + chilDWIDth,newtop + childHeight);        return super.drawChild(canvas,drawingTime);    }    return true;}@OverrIDeprotected voID onLayout(boolean changed,int l,int t,int r,int b) {    super.onLayout(changed,l,t,r,b);    if( !mCustomEllipseDim )    {        mEllipseMajor = (int) (getMeasureDWIDth() * INITIAL_MAJOR_RATIO + 0.5f);        mEllipseMinor = (int) (getMeasuredHeight() * INITIAL_MInor_RATIO + 0.5f);        mEllipseMajor2 = (int) Math.pow( mEllipseMajor,2 );        mEllipseMinor2 = (int) Math.pow( mEllipseMinor,2 );    }    mEllipseYOffset = getMeasuredHeight() + (mEllipseMinor - (getMeasuredHeight() / 2));    mXOff = (getWIDth() / 2);}@OverrIDepublic voID setAdapter(SpinnerAdapter adapter) {    super.setAdapter(adapter);    if( mInfinite )    {        resetposition();    }}public voID resetposition(){    int pos = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;    if( getAdapter() != null && getAdapter().getClass() == CarouselAdapter.class )    {        int size = ((CarouselAdapter)getAdapter()).getList().size();        if( size > 2 )            pos = pos - (pos % ((CarouselAdapter)getAdapter()).getList().size());        else            pos = 0;        setSelection(pos);    }}public OnAnimationEndListener getFadeInEndListener() {    return mFadeInEndListener;}public voID setFadeInEndListener(OnAnimationEndListener fadeInEndListener) {    this.mFadeInEndListener = fadeInEndListener;}public OnAnimationEndListener getFadeOutEndListener() {    return mFadeOutEndListener;}public voID setFadeOutEndListener(OnAnimationEndListener fadeOutEndListener) {    this.mFadeOutEndListener = fadeOutEndListener;}public voID fadeIn(){    startAnimation(mgalleryAlphaIn);}public voID fadeOut(){    startAnimation(mgalleryAlphaOut);}public interface OnAnimationEndListener{    public abstract voID onAnimationEnd();}//This disables the effect of a vehicle becoming focused when it is clicked.@OverrIDepublic boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {    if( getAdapter() != null )    {        if( pointToposition((int)e.getX(),(int)e.getY()) != getSelectedItemposition() )            return true;        else            return super.onSingleTapUp(e);    }    else        return true;}}

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