谢谢解决方法 我举几个例子:
//path to APN tablefinal Uri APN_table_URI = Uri.parse("content://telephony/carrIErs");//path to preffered APNsfinal Uri PREFERRED_APN_URI = Uri.parse("content://telephony/carrIErs/preferapn");//receiving cursor to preffered APN tableCursor c = getContentResolver().query(PREFERRED_APN_URI,null,null);//moving the cursor to beggining of the tablec.movetoFirst();//Now the cursor points to the first preffered APN and we can get some//information about it//for example first preffered APN ID int index = c.getColumnIndex("_ID"); //getting index of required columnShort ID = c.getShort(index); //getting APN's ID from//we can get APN name by the same wayindex = c.getColumnIndex("name");String name = c.getString(index); //and any other APN propertIEs: numeric,mcc,mnc,apn,user,server,//password,proxy,port,mmsproxy,mmsport,mmsc,type,current
//first we have to create a new row in APN tableint ID = -1;ContentResolver resolver = this.getContentResolver();ContentValues values = new ContentValues();//create value,you can define any other APN propertIEs in the same wayvalues.put("name","Your APN name"); //choose APN name,like 3G Orangevalues.put("apn","Your APN address"); //choose APN address,like cellcom.wapu.co.il//Now we have to define APN setting page UI. You have to get operator numeric property//you can obtain it from TelephonyManager.getNetworkOperator() methodvalues.put("mcc","your operator numeric high part"); //for example 242values.put("mnc","your operator numeric low part"); //for example 501values.put("numeric","your operator numeric"); //for example 242501Cursor c = null;try{ //insert new row to APN table Uri newRow = resolver.insert(APN_table_URI,values); if(newRow != null) { c = resolver.query(newRow,null); //obtain the APN ID int index = c.getColumnIndex("_ID"); c.movetoFirst(); ID = c.getShort(index); }}catch(Exception e){}//Now after we created a new APN in APN table//and APN's ID stored in ID variable (or -1 if any troubles was happaned)//we can define a new APN as defaultvalues = new ContentValues();values.put("apn_ID",ID); try{ resolver.update(PREFERRED_APN_URI,values,null);}catch (Exception e){}
所以,它必须工作,但如果不是 – 告诉我,我会尝试检查问题.
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