horizontalscrollview.scrollTo(12,0);@OverrIDepublic voID onPageSelected(int page) { for(int i = 0; i < holeTitle.length; i++) { if(i == page) { Title[i].setTextcolor(0xffffffff);horizontalscrollview.scrollTo(12,0); } else { Title[i].setTextcolor(0xffe0e0e0); } }}
解决方法 DmRomantsov的答案是滚动到第12个按钮的正确方法.但是,getleft()和getRight()方法返回0,因为屏幕上尚未显示布局.现在计算布局父级和子级的宽度还为时过早.要实现它,您需要在onWindowFocusChanged
内进行自动滚动. @OverrIDepublic voID onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus){ super.onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus); if(hasFocus){ // do smoothScrollTo(...); }}
但是,在Fragment中,上面的方法不起作用.我只是写它来提供线索,了解这个概念.要在Fragment中具有相同的行为,您只需要执行一个Runnable,它可以显示您的UI时间.然后,使用面向水平的linearLayout执行此 *** 作:
// Init variableshorizontalscrollview mHS;linearLayout mLL; // onCreateVIEw method@OverrIDepublic VIEw onCreateVIEw(LayoutInflater inflater,VIEwGroup container,Bundle savedInstanceState) { VIEw vIEw = inflater.inflate(R.layout.layout_container,container,false); // Find your vIEws mHS = (horizontalscrollview)vIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.hscrollvIEw); mLL = (linearLayout)vIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.hscrollvIEw_container); // Do a Runnable on the inflated vIEw vIEw.post(new Runnable() { @OverrIDe public voID run() { Log.v("","left position of 12th child = "+mLL.getChildAt(11).getleft()); mHS.smoothScrollTo(mLL.getChildAt(11).getleft(),0); } }); return vIEw;}
MIDdle HorizontalScrollVIEw:
// auto scroll to the mIDdle (regardless of the wIDth screen)vIEw.post(new Runnable() { @OverrIDe public voID run() { // WIDth of the screen displayMetrics metrics = getActivity().getResources() .getdisplayMetrics(); int wIDthScreen = metrics.wIDthPixels; Log.v("","WIDth screen total = " + wIDthScreen); // WIDth of the container (linearLayout) int wIDthContainer = mLL.getWIDth(); Log.v("","WIDth container total = " + wIDthContainer ); // WIDth of one child (button) int wIDthChild = mLL.getChildAt(0).getWIDth(); Log.v("","WIDth child = " + wIDthChild); // Nb children in screen int nbChildInScreen = wIDthScreen / wIDthChild; Log.v("","WIDth screen total / WIDth child = " + nbChildInScreen); // WIDth total of the space outsIDe the screen / 2 (= left position) int positionleftWIDth = (wIDthContainer - (wIDthChild * nbChildInScreen))/2; Log.v("","position left to the mIDdle = " + positionleftWIDth); // auto scroll to the mIDdle mHS.smoothScrollTo(positionleftWIDth,0); }});/** * Your value might be resumed by: * * int positionleftWIDth = * ( mLL.getWIDth() - ( mLL.getChildAt(0).getWIDth() * * ( metrics.wIDthPixels / mLL.getChildAt(0).getWIDth() ) ) ) / 2; ***/
具有所选值的MIDdle HorizontalScrollVIEw:
然后,我更改了最后一个int positionleftWIDth,它现在引用所选视图相对于其父项的左侧位置,一个屏幕中包含的子项数以及所选视图的半宽.所以,除了positionleftWIDth之外,代码与上面相同:
// For example the chosen value is 7// 7th Child position left int positionChildAt = mLL.getChildAt(6).getleft();// WIDth total of the auto-scroll (positionleftWIDth)int positionleftWIDth = positionChildAt - // position 7th child from left less ( ( nbChildInScreen // ( how many child contained in screen * wIDthChild ) / 2 ) // multiplIEd by their wIDth ) divIDe by 2 + ( wIDthChild / 2 ); // plus ( the child vIEw divIDe by 2 )// auto-scroll to the 7th childmHS.smoothScrollTo(positionleftWIDth,0);
总结以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的android – Auto滚动到HorizontalScrollView全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android – Auto滚动到HorizontalScrollView所遇到的程序开发问题。