Android 实现伸缩布局效果示例代码

Android 实现伸缩布局效果示例代码,第1张


最近项目实现下面的图示的效果,本来想用ListvIEw+grIDvIEw实现,但是貌似挺麻烦的于是就用flowlayout 来addvIEw实现添加伸缩的效果,实现也比较简单。

mainActivity 布局

<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="utf-8"?><linearLayout   xmlns:androID=""  androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"  androID:layout_height="match_parent"  androID:orIEntation="vertical"   >  <relativeLayout      androID:ID="@+ID/rl_category_Title_bar_layout"     androID:layout_height="wrap_content"     androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"     >     <relativeLayout        androID:layout_height="50dp"       androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"       >     <TextVIEw        androID:ID="@+ID/tv_category_Title"       androID:layout_height="50dp"       androID:layout_wIDth="wrap_content"       androID:text="分类"       androID:textSize="18sp"       androID:layout_centerInParent="true"       androID:gravity="center"       />     </relativeLayout>   </relativeLayout>    <ListVIEw       androID:ID="@+ID/lv_category_menu"       androID:layout_height="match_parent"       androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"       /></linearLayout>


package comskyball.addflowlayout;import androID.content.Context;import androID.content.res.TypedArray;import androID.util.AttributeSet;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import androID.vIEw.VIEwGroup;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class FlowLayout extends VIEwGroup {  private Context mContext;  private int usefulWIDth; // the space of a line we can use(line's wIDth minus the sum of left and right padding  private int linespacing = 0; // the spacing between lines in flowlayout  List<VIEw> childList = new ArrayList();  List<Integer> lineNumList = new ArrayList();  public FlowLayout(Context context) {    this(context,null);  }  public FlowLayout(Context context,AttributeSet attrs) {    this(context,attrs,0);  }  public FlowLayout(Context context,AttributeSet attrs,int defStyleAttr) {    super(context,defStyleAttr);    mContext = context;    TypedArray mTypedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,R.styleable.FlowLayout);    linespacing = mTypedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(        R.styleable.FlowLayout_linespacing,0);    mTypedArray.recycle();  }  @OverrIDe  protected voID onMeasure(int wIDthMeasureSpec,int heightmeasureSpec) {    int mpaddingleft = getpaddingleft();    int mpaddingRight = getpaddingRight();    int mpaddingtop = getpaddingtop();    int mpaddingBottom = getpaddingBottom();    int wIDthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(wIDthMeasureSpec);    int heightmode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightmeasureSpec);    int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightmeasureSpec);    int lineUsed = mpaddingleft + mpaddingRight;    int lineY = mpaddingtop;    int lineHeight = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < this.getChildCount(); i++) {      VIEw child = this.getChildAt(i);      if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) {        continue;      }      int spaceWIDth = 0;      int spaceHeight = 0;      LayoutParams childLp = child.getLayoutParams();      if (childLp instanceof marginLayoutParams) {        measureChilDWithmargins(child,wIDthMeasureSpec,heightmeasureSpec,lineY);        marginLayoutParams mlp = (marginLayoutParams) childLp;        spaceWIDth = mlp.leftmargin + mlp.rightmargin;        spaceHeight = mlp.topmargin + mlp.bottommargin;      } else {        measureChild(child,heightmeasureSpec);      }      int chilDWIDth = child.getMeasureDWIDth();      int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();      spaceWIDth += chilDWIDth;      spaceHeight += childHeight;      if (lineUsed + spaceWIDth > wIDthSize) {        //approach the limit of wIDth and move to next line        lineY += lineHeight + linespacing;        lineUsed = mpaddingleft + mpaddingRight;        lineHeight = 0;      }      if (spaceHeight > lineHeight) {        lineHeight = spaceHeight;      }      lineUsed += spaceWIDth;    }    setMeasuredDimension(        wIDthSize,heightmode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ? heightSize : lineY + lineHeight + mpaddingBottom    );  }  @OverrIDe  protected voID onLayout(boolean changed,int l,int t,int r,int b) {    int mpaddingleft = getpaddingleft();    int mpaddingRight = getpaddingRight();    int mpaddingtop = getpaddingtop();    int lineX = mpaddingleft;    int lineY = mpaddingtop;    int linewidth = r - l;    usefulWIDth = linewidth - mpaddingleft - mpaddingRight;    int lineUsed = mpaddingleft + mpaddingRight;    int lineHeight = 0;    int lineNum = 0;    lineNumList.clear();    for (int i = 0; i < this.getChildCount(); i++) {      VIEw child = this.getChildAt(i);      if (child.getVisibility() == GONE) {        continue;      }      int spaceWIDth = 0;      int spaceHeight = 0;      int left = 0;      int top = 0;      int right = 0;      int bottom = 0;      int chilDWIDth = child.getMeasureDWIDth();      int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();      LayoutParams childLp = child.getLayoutParams();      if (childLp instanceof marginLayoutParams) {        marginLayoutParams mlp = (marginLayoutParams) childLp;        spaceWIDth = mlp.leftmargin + mlp.rightmargin;        spaceHeight = mlp.topmargin + mlp.bottommargin;        left = lineX + mlp.leftmargin;        top = lineY + mlp.topmargin;        right = lineX + mlp.leftmargin + chilDWIDth;        bottom = lineY + mlp.topmargin + childHeight;      } else {        left = lineX;        top = lineY;        right = lineX + chilDWIDth;        bottom = lineY + childHeight;      }      spaceWIDth += chilDWIDth;      spaceHeight += childHeight;      if (lineUsed + spaceWIDth > linewidth) {        //approach the limit of wIDth and move to next line        lineNumList.add(lineNum);        lineY += lineHeight + linespacing;        lineUsed = mpaddingleft + mpaddingRight;        lineX = mpaddingleft;        lineHeight = 0;        lineNum = 0;        if (childLp instanceof marginLayoutParams) {          marginLayoutParams mlp = (marginLayoutParams) childLp;          left = lineX + mlp.leftmargin;          top = lineY + mlp.topmargin;          right = lineX + mlp.leftmargin + chilDWIDth;          bottom = lineY + mlp.topmargin + childHeight;        } else {          left = lineX;          top = lineY;          right = lineX + chilDWIDth;          bottom = lineY + childHeight;        }      }      child.layout(left,top,right,bottom);      lineNum ++;      if (spaceHeight > lineHeight) {        lineHeight = spaceHeight;      }      lineUsed += spaceWIDth;      lineX += spaceWIDth;    }    // add the num of last line    lineNumList.add(lineNum);  }  /**   * resort child elements to use lines as few as possible   */  public voID relayoutToCompress() {    int childCount = this.getChildCount();    if (0 == childCount) {      //no need to sort if flowlayout has no child vIEw      return;    }    int count = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {      VIEw v = getChildAt(i);      if (v instanceof BlankVIEw) {        //BlankVIEw is just to make childs look in alignment,we should ignore them when we relayout        continue;      }      count++;    }    VIEw[] childs = new VIEw[count];    int[] spaces = new int[count];    int n = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {      VIEw v = getChildAt(i);      if (v instanceof BlankVIEw) {        //BlankVIEw is just to make childs look in alignment,we should ignore them when we relayout        continue;      }      childs[n] = v;      LayoutParams childLp = v.getLayoutParams();      int chilDWIDth = v.getMeasureDWIDth();      if (childLp instanceof marginLayoutParams) {        marginLayoutParams mlp = (marginLayoutParams) childLp ;        spaces[n] = mlp.leftmargin + chilDWIDth + mlp.rightmargin;      } else {        spaces[n] = chilDWIDth;      }      n++;    }    int[] compressspaces = new int[count];    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {      compressspaces[i] = spaces[i] > usefulWIDth ? usefulWIDth : spaces[i];    }    sortToCompress(childs,compressspaces);    this.removeAllVIEws();    for (VIEw v : childList) {      this.addVIEw(v);    }    childList.clear();  }  private voID sortToCompress(VIEw[] childs,int[] spaces) {    int childCount = childs.length;    int[][] table = new int[childCount + 1][usefulWIDth + 1];    for (int i = 0; i < childCount +1; i++) {      for (int j = 0; j < usefulWIDth; j++) {        table[i][j] = 0;      }    }    boolean[] flag = new boolean[childCount];    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {      flag[i] = false;    }    for (int i = 1; i <= childCount; i++) {      for (int j = spaces[i-1]; j <= usefulWIDth; j++) {        table[i][j] = (table[i-1][j] > table[i-1][j-spaces[i-1]] + spaces[i-1]) ? table[i-1][j] : table[i-1][j-spaces[i-1]] + spaces[i-1];      }    }    int v = usefulWIDth;    for (int i = childCount ; i > 0 && v >= spaces[i-1]; i--) {      if (table[i][v] == table[i-1][v-spaces[i-1]] + spaces[i-1]) {        flag[i-1] = true;        v = v - spaces[i - 1];      }    }    int rest = childCount;    VIEw[] restArray;    int[] restSpaces;    for (int i = 0; i < flag.length; i++) {      if (flag[i] == true) {        childList.add(childs[i]);        rest--;      }    }    if (0 == rest) {      return;    }    restArray = new VIEw[rest];    restSpaces = new int[rest];    int index = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < flag.length; i++) {      if (flag[i] == false) {        restArray[index] = childs[i];        restSpaces[index] = spaces[i];        index++;      }    }    table = null;    childs = null;    flag = null;    sortToCompress(restArray,restSpaces);  }  /**   * add some blank vIEw to make child elements look in alignment   */  public voID relayoutToAlign() {    int childCount = this.getChildCount();    if (0 == childCount) {      //no need to sort if flowlayout has no child vIEw      return;    }    int count = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {      VIEw v = getChildAt(i);      if (v instanceof BlankVIEw) {        //BlankVIEw is just to make childs look in alignment,we should ignore them when we relayout        continue;      }      childs[n] = v;      LayoutParams childLp = v.getLayoutParams();      int chilDWIDth = v.getMeasureDWIDth();      if (childLp instanceof marginLayoutParams) {        marginLayoutParams mlp = (marginLayoutParams) childLp ;        spaces[n] = mlp.leftmargin + chilDWIDth + mlp.rightmargin;      } else {        spaces[n] = chilDWIDth;      }      n++;    }    int linetotal = 0;    int start = 0;    this.removeAllVIEws();    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {      if (linetotal + spaces[i] > usefulWIDth) {        int blankWIDth = usefulWIDth - linetotal;        int end = i - 1;        int blankCount = end - start;        if (blankCount >= 0) {          if (blankCount > 0) {            int eachBlankWIDth = blankWIDth / blankCount;            marginLayoutParams lp = new marginLayoutParams(eachBlankWIDth,0);            for (int j = start; j < end; j++) {              this.addVIEw(childs[j]);              BlankVIEw blank = new BlankVIEw(mContext);              this.addVIEw(blank,lp);            }          }          this.addVIEw(childs[end]);          start = i;          i --;          linetotal = 0;        } else {          this.addVIEw(childs[i]);          start = i + 1;          linetotal = 0;        }      } else {        linetotal += spaces[i];      }    }    for (int i = start; i < count; i++) {      this.addVIEw(childs[i]);    }  }  /**   * use both of relayout methods together   */  public voID relayoutToCompressAndalign(){    this.relayoutToCompress();    this.relayoutToAlign();  }  /**   * cut the flowlayout to the specifIEd num of lines   * @param line_num   */  public voID specifylines(int line_num) {    int childNum = 0;    if (line_num > lineNumList.size()) {      line_num = lineNumList.size();    }    for (int i = 0; i < line_num; i++) {      childNum += lineNumList.get(i);    }    List<VIEw> vIEwList = new ArrayList<VIEw>();    for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {      vIEwList.add(getChildAt(i));    }    removeAllVIEws();    for (VIEw v : vIEwList) {      addVIEw(v);    }  }  @OverrIDe  protected LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(LayoutParams p) {    return new marginLayoutParams(p);  }  @OverrIDe  public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs)  {    return new marginLayoutParams(getContext(),attrs);  }  @OverrIDe  protected LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {    return new marginLayoutParams(super.generateDefaultLayoutParams());  }  class BlankVIEw extends VIEw {    public BlankVIEw(Context context) {      super(context);    }  }}


package comskyball.addflowlayout;import java.util.ArrayList;import androID.content.Context;import androID.os.Handler;import androID.os.Message;import androID.util.Log;import androID.vIEw.VIEw;import androID.vIEw.VIEw.OnClickListener;import androID.vIEw.VIEwGroup;import androID.Widget.BaseAdapter;import androID.Widget.ImageVIEw;import androID.Widget.linearLayout;import androID.Widget.TextVIEw;import androID.Widget.Toast;public class categoryLvAdapter extends BaseAdapter {  public Context context;  public ArrayList<category> List;  public boolean isMore=true;  public categoryLvAdapter(Context context,ArrayList<category> List) {    this.context=context;    this.List=List;  }  @OverrIDe  public int getCount() {    return List.size();  }  @OverrIDe  public Object getItem(int position) {    return 0;  }  @OverrIDe  public long getItemID(int position) {    return 0;  }  @OverrIDe  public VIEw getVIEw(final int position,VIEw convertVIEw,VIEwGroup parent) {    VIEwHolder vIEwHolder=null;    if(convertVIEw==null){      convertVIEw=VIEw.inflate(context,R.layout.lv_category_item,null);      vIEwHolder=new VIEwHolder();      vIEwHolder.iv_lv_category_img=(ImageVIEw) convertVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.iv_lv_category_img);      vIEwHolder.tv_lv_category=(TextVIEw) convertVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.tv_lv_category);      vIEwHolder.flow_layout_lv_category=(FlowLayout) convertVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.flow_layout_lv_category);      vIEwHolder.ll_lv_category_add=(linearLayout) convertVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.ll_lv_category_add);      vIEwHolder.iv_lv_category_arrow=(ImageVIEw) convertVIEw.findVIEwByID(R.ID.iv_lv_category_arrow);      convertVIEw.setTag(vIEwHolder);    }else{      vIEwHolder=(VIEwHolder) convertVIEw.getTag();    }//   ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(AppConfig.APP_URL+List.get(position).getimg(),vIEwHolder.iv_lv_category_img,App.normalOption);    vIEwHolder.tv_lv_category.setText(List.get(position).getCate_name());    vIEwHolder.iv_lv_category_arrow.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.arrow_down);    vIEwHolder.flow_layout_lv_category.removeAllVIEws();    Utils.addflow(context,6,List.get(position).getNext(),vIEwHolder.flow_layout_lv_category);    final FlowLayout flowLayoutLvcategory = vIEwHolder.flow_layout_lv_category;    final ImageVIEw ivLvcategoryArrow = vIEwHolder.iv_lv_category_arrow;    vIEwHolder.ll_lv_category_add.setonClickListener(new OnClickListener() {      @OverrIDe      public voID onClick(VIEw v) {        if(isMore){          isMore=false;          flowLayoutLvcategory.removeAllVIEws();          Utils.addflow(context,List.get(position).getNext().size(),flowLayoutLvcategory);          ivLvcategoryArrow.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.arrow_up);        }else{          isMore=true;          flowLayoutLvcategory.removeAllVIEws();          Utils.addflow(context,flowLayoutLvcategory);          ivLvcategoryArrow.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.arrow_down);        }      }    });     return convertVIEw;   }  public class VIEwHolder{    public ImageVIEw iv_lv_category_img;    public TextVIEw tv_lv_category;    public FlowLayout flow_layout_lv_category;    public linearLayout ll_lv_category_add;    public ImageVIEw iv_lv_category_arrow;  }}

adapter item布局

<?xml version="1.0" enCoding="utf-8"?><relativeLayout   xmlns:androID=""  xmlns:app=""  androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"  androID:layout_height="match_parent"  >   <linearLayout      androID:layout_height="wrap_content"     androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"     androID:orIEntation="vertical"     >     <relativeLayout        androID:layout_height="35dp"       androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"       >       <ImageVIEw         androID:ID="@+ID/iv_lv_category_img"                   />       <TextVIEw         androID:ID="@+ID/tv_lv_category"                  androID:text="衣食"         androID:layout_toRightOf="@ID/iv_lv_category_img"         />     </relativeLayout>     <VIEw               />     <ScrollVIEw       androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"       androID:layout_height="match_parent"       >       <relativeLayout        androID:layout_height="match_parent"        androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"        >       <comskyball.addflowlayout.FlowLayout        androID:ID="@+ID/flow_layout_lv_category"        androID:layout_wIDth="match_parent"        androID:layout_height="wrap_content"        app:linespacing="10dp"        app:maxline="3"        androID:background="#F0F0F0"        androID:layout_margintop="5dp"        />       <linearLayout          androID:ID="@+ID/ll_lv_category_add"                  androID:layout_height="35dp"         androID:layout_below="@ID/flow_layout_lv_category"         >         <ImageVIEw            androID:ID="@+ID/iv_lv_category_arrow"                      androID:background="@drawable/arrow_down"           />         <VIEw                       />        </linearLayout>        </relativeLayout>      </ScrollVIEw>   </linearLayout></relativeLayout>

以上所述是小编给大家介绍的AndroID 实现伸缩布局效果,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对编程小技巧网站的支持!


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