var prefix = "/daily"; $(function() { load(); }) function reLoad(){ $('#exampleTable').bootstrapTable('refresh'); } function load() { $('#exampleTable').bootstrapTable('destroy'); $('#exampleTable').bootstrapTable({ method : 'get', // 服务器数据的请求方式 get or post url : prefix + "/getDailyList", // 服务器数据的加载地址 striped : true, // 设置为true会有隔行变色效果 dataType : "json", // 服务器返回的数据类型 pagination : true, // 设置为true会在底部显示分页条 // queryParamsType : "limit", // //设置为limit则会发送符合RESTFull格式的参数 singleSelect : false, // 设置为true将禁止多选 iconSize : 'outline', toolbar : '#exampleToolbar', contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", // //发送到服务器的数据编码类型 pageSize : 10, // 如果设置了分页,每页数据条数 pageNumber : 1, // 如果设置了分布,首页页码 search : false, // 是否显示搜索框 showColumns : false, // 是否显示内容下拉框(选择显示的列) showRefresh: false, //是否显示刷新按钮 sidePagination : "server", // 设置在哪里进行分页,可选值为"client" 或者 "server" queryParams : function(params) { var ee= window.sessionStorage.getItem("UID"); $('#userCode').val(ee); console.log('当前用户',ee); return { // 说明:传入后台的参数包括offset开始索引,limit步长,sort排序列,order:desc或者,以及所有列的键值对 limit : params.limit, offset : params.offset, employeeName:$.trim($("#employeeName").val()), dailyDateStart:$.trim($("#dailyDateStart").val()), dailyDateEnd:$.trim($("#dailyDateEnd").val()), userCode:$.trim($("#userCode").val()) // isForget:$.trim($("#isForget").val()), // isOutside:$.trim($("#isOutside").val()), // isBusTrip:$.trim($("#isBusTrip").val()), // isComeLate:$.trim($("#isComeLate").val()), // isLeave:$.trim($("#isLeave").val()), // isOvertimeValid:$.trim($("#isOvertimeValid").val()) }; }, // 返回false将会终止请求 columns : [ { field : 'id', title : ' *** 作', align:'center', formatter : function(value, row, index) { var e = '编辑 '; return e ; } }, { field : 'workTime', align:'center', title : '工作时间' }, { field : 'employeeName', align:'center', title : '员工姓名' },{ field : 'dailyDate', align:'center', title : '打卡日期' }, { title : '上班打卡时间', align:'center', field : 'checkinTime' }, { title : '下班打卡时间', align:'center', field : 'checkoutTime' }, { title : '上下时差', align:'center', field : 'diffTime' }, { title : '考勤说明', align:'center', field : 'explainTime' }, { title : '考勤描述', align:'center', field : 'remarks' } // { // title : '时间差', // align:'center', // field : 'overtimeHour' // }, // { // title : '加班是否有效', // align:'center', // field : 'isOvertimeValid', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '有效'; // } else{ // return '无效'; // } // } // }, // { // title : '缺勤时长(时)', // align:'center', // field : 'absenceHour' // }, // { // title : '迟到分钟数(分钟)', // align:'center', // field : 'lateMinute' // }, // { // title : '忘打卡', // align:'center', // field : 'isForget', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '外出', // align:'center', // field : 'isOutside', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '出差', // align:'center', // field : 'isBusTrip', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '迟到', // align:'center', // field : 'isComeLate', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '早退', // align:'center', // field : 'isLeaveEarly', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '请假', // align:'center', // field : 'isLeave', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '是'; // } else{ // return '否'; // } // } // },{ // title : '请假类型', // align:'center', // field : 'leaveType', // formatter:function(value,row,index){ // if (value == 1) { // return '调休'; // } else if(value == 2){ // return '事假'; // }else if(value == 3){ // return '病假'; // }else if(value == 4){ // return '年假'; // }else if(value == 5){ // return '其他'; // }else if(value == 6){ // return '产假'; // }else if(value == 7){ // return '婚假'; // } // } // },{ // title : '请假时长(小时)', // align:'center', // field : 'leaveHour' // } ] }); } //详情 function edit(id){ var detailPage = layer.open({ type : 2, title : '编辑考勤记录', maxmin : true, shadeClose : false, // 点击遮罩关闭层 area : [ '800px', '520px' ], content : prefix + '/edit/' + id // iframe的url }); layer.full(detailPage); } function choose(id){ $("#"+id).val(''); $("#"+id).click(); } function importRecord(id,formId,url){ var file = $("#"+id).val(); //没有选择文件清空 if(!file){ return; } var exec = (/[.]/.exec(file)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(file.toLowerCase()) : ''; if (exec != "xlsx" && exec !="xls") { alert("文件格式错误,请下载模块导入!"); return false; } $('#'+formId).ajaxSubmit({ url:url, cache:false, dataType:'json', success: function(result) { if (result.code == "000000") { layer.msg(result.msg); reLoad(); } else { layer.alert(result.msg); } } }); } 三、controller
import com.dj.constants.WebConstants; import com.dj.erp.common.annotation.Log; import com.dj.erp.domain.common.PageUtils; import com.dj.erp.domain.oa.Daily; import com.dj.erp.domain.oa.DailySummary; import com.dj.erp.service.oa.DailyService; import com.dj.erp.service.oa.DailySummaryService; import com.dj.util.ResponseResult; import com.dj.util.excel.ExcelHelper; import com.dj.util.excel.HssfExcelHelper; import com.dj.util.excel.XssfExcelHelper; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; /** * @Description 考勤记录 * @Author jinjian * @Date 2022/4/20 * @Version 1.0 **/ @Controller @RequestMapping("/daily") public class DailyController { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DailyController.class); @Autowired private DailyService dailyService; @Autowired private DailySummaryService dailySummaryService; @GetMapping String index() { return "oa/daily/dailyList"; } @GetMapping("/edit/{id}") String edit(@PathVariable("id") Integer id, Model model) { Daily daily = dailyService.getDaily(id); model.addAttribute("obj", daily); model.addAttribute("id", id); return "oa/daily/edit"; } @RequestMapping("/getDailyList") @ResponseBody PageUtils getDailyList(@RequestParam Mapparam) { return dailyService.getDailyList(param); } @RequestMapping("/updateDaily") @ResponseBody ResponseResult updateDaily(Daily daily) { ResponseResult result = new ResponseResult(); try { dailyService.updateDaily(daily); result.setCode(WebConstants.SUCCESS); result.setMsg("修改成功"); return result; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("updateDaily error",e); result.setCode(WebConstants.ERROR); result.setMsg("修改失败"); return result; } } @RequestMapping("/importCardRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入打卡记录") public ResponseResult importCardRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("cardRecord") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"workTime","userCode","employeeName","dailyDate", "checkinTime", "checkoutTime","diffTime","explainTime","remarks"}; int[] cells = new int[]{1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } //开始读取测试 List list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.dealCardRecord(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importCardRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importSumTimeRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入汇总记录") public ResponseResult importSumTimeRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("sumTimeRecord") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"userCode","year","month","employeeName","department","cardRecord", "lateCount1", "lateCount2","lateCount3","noRecordCount1","noRecordCount2","noRecordCount3","casualLeaveHours","absenceHours","sickLeaveHours","annualLeaveDays","marriageLeaveDays","outLeaveDays","matemityLeaveDays","businessTripDays","surplusAnnualLeaveDays","employmentDate","leaveDate","casualLeaveSum","overtimeHour","leaveInLieu","remainder","remark"}; int[] cells = new int[]{1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } //开始读取测试 List list = eh3.readExcel(DailySummary.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailySummaryService.batchDailySummary(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importSumRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importLeaveRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入请假记录") public ResponseResult importLeaveRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("leaveRecord") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"checkoutTime", "checkinTime", "leaveHour", "employeeName","leaveTypeName","beginDate","endDate","leaveDay"}; int[] cells = new int[]{3, 4, 5,7, 13,15,16,17}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } List list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.leaveRecord(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importLeaveRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importFillRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入补卡记录") public ResponseResult importFillRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("fillRecord") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"employeeName", "checkinTime", "checkoutTime"}; int[] cells = new int[]{4, 5, 6}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; //开始读取测试 List list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.fillRecord(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importFillRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importOverTimeRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入加班记录") public ResponseResult importOverTimeRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("overTime") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"workTime","userCode","employeeName","dailyDate", "checkinTime", "checkoutTime","diffTime","explainTime","remarks"}; int[] cells = new int[]{1,2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8,9}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } //开始读取测试 List list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.overTimeRecord(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importOverTimeRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importOutSideRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入外出记录") public ResponseResult importOutSideRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("outSide") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"employeeName", "dailyDate", "checkinTime", "checkoutTime"}; int[] cells = new int[]{3, 4, 5, 6}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } //开始读取测试 List list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.outSideRecord(list); System.out.println(list +"测试结果list001"); System.out.println(fieldNames +"测试结果fieldnames001"); System.out.println(filePath +"测试结果fielpath001"); System.out.println(file +"测试结果file001"); File file1 = new File(filePath); //creating a new file instance FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file1); //obtaining bytes from the file //creating Workbook instance that refers to .xlsx file XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); //creating a Sheet object to retrieve object Iterator itr = sheet.iterator(); //iterating over excel file while (itr.hasNext()) { Row row = itr.next(); Iterator
cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); //iterating over each column while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell cell = cellIterator.next(); switch (cell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: //field that represents string cell type System.out.print(cell.getStringCellValue() + "\t\t\t"); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: //field that represents number cell type System.out.print(cell.getNumericCellValue() + "\t\t\t"); break; default: } } System.out.println(""+"mytest 000111111"); } System.out.println(list +"测试结果list002"); System.out.println(fieldNames +"测试结果fieldnames002"); System.out.println(filePath +"测试结果fielpath002"); System.out.println(file +"测试结果file002"); System.out.println(file1 +"测试结果file1002"); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importOutSideRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } } @RequestMapping("/importBusTripRecordExcel") @ResponseBody @Log("批量导入出差记录") public ResponseResult importBusTripRecordExcel(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam("busTrip") MultipartFile file) { String suffix = file.getOriginalFilename().substring(file.getOriginalFilename().lastIndexOf("."), file.getOriginalFilename().length()); // 文件保存路径 String filePath = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/") + "upload/" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + suffix; try { // 转存文件 file.transferTo(new File(filePath)); //读取excel String[] fieldNames = new String[]{"employeeName", "beginDate", "endDate"}; int[] cells = new int[]{9, 17, 19}; ExcelHelper eh3 = null; if (suffix.indexOf("xlsx") > -1) { eh3 = XssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } else { eh3 = HssfExcelHelper.getInstance(new File(filePath)); } //开始读取测试 List | list = eh3.readExcel(Daily.class, fieldNames, cells, true); dailyService.overTimeRecord(list); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.SUCCESS, "导入成功", null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("importBusTripRecordExcel error:", e); return new ResponseResult(WebConstants.ERROR, "导入失败", null); } }
import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @Description TODO * @Author jinjian * @Date 2022/04/20 * @Version 1.0 **/ public interface DailyService { ListexcelToList(InputStream dailyList); PageUtils getDailyList(Map param); void batchAddDaily(List dailyList); void updateDaily(Daily daily) throws Exception; Daily getDaily(Integer id); /** * 处理导入的考勤记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void dealCardRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; /** * 处理加班导入记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void overTimeRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; /** * 处理补卡导入记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void fillRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; /** * 处理外出导入记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void outSideRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; /** * 处理请假导入记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void leaveRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; /** * 处理出差导入记录 * @param dailyList * @throws Exception */ void busTripRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception; }
import com.dj.erp.service.oa.DailyService; import com.dj.util.ListUtil; import com.dj.util.StringUtil; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.io.InputStream; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.*; import java.util.stream.Stream; /** * @Description 考勤记录服务类 * @Author jinjian * @Date 2022/8/20 * @Version 1.0 **/ @Service public class DailyServiceImpl implements DailyService { @Autowired private DailyDao dailyDao; @Autowired private ScheduleDateDao scheduleDateDao; @Override public ListexcelToList(InputStream dailyList) { return null; } @Override public PageUtils getDailyList(Map param) { List list = dailyDao.getDailyList(param); int count = dailyDao.getDailyCount(param); return new PageUtils(list, count); } @Override public void batchAddDaily(List dailyList) { List> splitList = ListUtil.splitList(dailyList, 500); for (List list : splitList) { dailyDao.batchAddDaily(list); } } @Override public void updateDaily(Daily daily) throws Exception { dailyDao.updateDaily(daily); } @Override public Daily getDaily(Integer id) { return dailyDao.getDailyById(id); } @Override public void dealCardRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { // Daily daily = dailyList.get(0); // Map scheduleMap = getScheduleMap(daily.getDailyDate(), "/"); // calculationDateTime(dailyList, scheduleMap); // Map param = new HashMap<>(); // param.put("dailyList", dailyList); // dailyDao.deleteDaily(param); // batchAddDaily(dailyList); dailyDao.batchAddDaily(dailyList); } /** * 计算工时 * * @param dailyList 考勤记录 * @param scheduleMap 排班日期 * @throws Exception */ private void calculationDateTime(List dailyList, Map scheduleMap) throws Exception { Integer isWeekDay = null; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); //上班规定最晚打卡时间 Date workStartTime = df.parse("09:30"); //午饭休息一个小时 long lunchTime = 3600000; //晚饭半个小时 long dinnerTime = 1800000; //工作时间8小时 long workTime = 28800000; //上午下班时间 Date amEndTime = df.parse("12:00"); //下午上班时间 Date pmStartTime = df.parse("13:00"); //上班打卡时间 Date checkinTime = null; //下班打卡时间 Date checkoutTime = null; for (Daily temp : dailyList) { temp.setDailyDate(dealDate(temp.getDailyDate())); isWeekDay = scheduleMap.get(temp.getDailyDate()); temp.setIsBusTrip(OAConstant.isBusTrip.NO);//出差 temp.setIsOutside(OAConstant.isOutside.NO);//外出 if (temp.getIsOvertimeValid() == null) { temp.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.NO);//加班是否生效 } temp.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.NO);//是否请假 temp.setLeaveHour(0f);//请假时长 //休息日 if (isWeekDay != null && isWeekDay == 2) { //加班场景 temp.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); temp.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); temp.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); temp.setAbsenceHour(0f); temp.setLateMinute(0); if (!StringUtil.isBlank(temp.getCheckinTime()) && !StringUtil.isBlank(temp.getCheckoutTime())) { checkinTime = df.parse(temp.getCheckinTime()); checkoutTime = df.parse(temp.getCheckoutTime()); BigDecimal[] overTime = new BigDecimal(checkoutTime.getTime() - checkinTime.getTime()).divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(lunchTime)); Double sum = 0d; //余数超过半个小时,则加半个小时 if (overTime[1].intValue() > dinnerTime) { sum = overTime[0].intValue() + 0.5; } else { sum = overTime[0].doubleValue(); } temp.setOvertimeHour(sum.floatValue()); } else { temp.setOvertimeHour(0f); } } else {//工作日 //忘打卡场景 if (StringUtil.isBlank(temp.getCheckinTime()) || StringUtil.isBlank(temp.getCheckoutTime())) { temp.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.YES); temp.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); temp.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); temp.setAbsenceHour(8f); temp.setLateMinute(0); temp.setOvertimeHour(0f); continue; } else { if (temp.getIsForget() == null) { temp.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); } } checkinTime = df.parse(temp.getCheckinTime()); checkoutTime = df.parse(temp.getCheckoutTime()); //迟到 if (checkinTime.getTime() > workStartTime.getTime()) { temp.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.YES); BigDecimal[] lateMinute = new BigDecimal(checkinTime.getTime() - workStartTime.getTime()).divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(60000)); temp.setLateMinute(lateMinute[0].intValue()); } else { temp.setLateMinute(0); temp.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); } long timeCount = checkoutTime.getTime() - checkinTime.getTime() - lunchTime; //缺勤,不满8小时 if (timeCount < workTime) { BigDecimal[] absenceHour = new BigDecimal(workTime - timeCount).divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(lunchTime)); Double sum = 0d; //余数超过半个小时,则加半个小时 if (absenceHour[1].intValue() > dinnerTime) { sum = absenceHour[0].intValue() + 0.5; } else { sum = absenceHour[0].doubleValue(); } temp.setAbsenceHour(sum.floatValue()); temp.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.YES); } else { temp.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); temp.setAbsenceHour(0f); } //加班 if (timeCount - workTime - dinnerTime > 0) { BigDecimal[] overHour = new BigDecimal(timeCount - workTime - dinnerTime).divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(lunchTime)); Double sum = 0d; //余数超过半个小时,则加半个小时 if (overHour[1].intValue() > dinnerTime) { sum = overHour[0].intValue() + 0.5; } else { sum = overHour[0].doubleValue(); } temp.setOvertimeHour(sum.floatValue()); } else { temp.setOvertimeHour(0f); } } } } @Override public void overTimeRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { // List resultList = new ArrayList (); // List dateList = null; // Daily temp = null; // for (Daily daily : dailyList) { // if (daily.getBeginDate().equals(daily.getEndDate())) { // daily.setDailyDate(dealDate(daily.getBeginDate())); // daily.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.YES); // resultList.add(daily); // } else { // dateList = getBetweenDate(daily.getBeginDate(), daily.getEndDate()); // for (String date : dateList) { // temp = new Daily(); // temp.setEmployeeName(daily.getEmployeeName()); // temp.setDailyDate(date); // temp.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.YES); // resultList.add(daily); // } // } // } // dailyDao.batchUpdate(resultList); dailyDao.batchAddDaily(dailyList); } /** * 获取两个日期间隔的所有日期 * * @param start 格式必须为'2018-01-25' * @param end 格式必须为'2018-01-25' * @return */ public List getBetweenDate(String start, String end) { List list = new ArrayList<>(); LocalDate startDate = LocalDate.parse(start); LocalDate endDate = LocalDate.parse(end); long distance = ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(startDate, endDate); if (distance < 1) { return list; } Stream.iterate(startDate, d -> { return d.plusDays(1); }).limit(distance + 1).forEach(f -> { list.add(f.toString()); }); return list; } @Override public void fillRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("dailyList", dailyList); List list = dailyDao.getDailyList(param); if (list.size() == 0) { return; } Map importMap = getDailyMap(dailyList); Daily temp = null; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); //上下班分割时间 Date normalTime = df.parse("12:00"); Date signTime = null; for (Daily daily : list) { temp = importMap.get(daily.getEmployeeName() + daily.getDailyDate()); if (temp == null) { continue; } if (StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getCheckinTime())) { daily.setCheckinTime(temp.getSignTime()); } else if (StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getCheckoutTime())) { daily.setCheckoutTime(temp.getSignTime()); } else { signTime = df.parse(temp.getSignTime()); if (signTime.getTime() >= normalTime.getTime()) { daily.setCheckoutTime(temp.getSignTime()); } else { daily.setCheckinTime(temp.getSignTime()); } } } Map scheduleMap = getScheduleMap(dailyList.get(0).getDailyDate(), "-"); calculationDateTime(list, scheduleMap); param.clear(); param.put("dailyList", list); dailyDao.deleteDaily(param); batchAddDaily(list); } @Override public void outSideRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("dailyList", dailyList); List list = dailyDao.getDailyList(param); if (list.size() == 0) { return; } for (Daily daily : list) { daily.setCheckinTime("08:30"); daily.setCheckoutTime("17:30"); daily.setIsOutside(OAConstant.isOutside.YES); daily.setIsBusTrip(OAConstant.isBusTrip.NO); daily.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.NO); daily.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); daily.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); daily.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); daily.setAbsenceHour(0f); daily.setLateMinute(0); } param.clear(); param.put("dailyList", list); dailyDao.deleteDaily(param); batchAddDaily(list); } /** * 获取休息日集合 * * @return */ private List getPlayDateList() { Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("isWeekday", 2); return scheduleDateDao.getDateList(param); } @Override public void leaveRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { List playDateList = getPlayDateList(); Daily temp = null; List newDailyList = new ArrayList (); for (Daily daily : dailyList) { if (StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getBeginDate()) || StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getEndDate()) || StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getEmployeeName())) { continue; } //一天内请假场景 if (daily.getBeginDate().equals(daily.getEndDate())) { daily.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.YES); daily.setDailyDate(daily.getBeginDate()); if (daily.getLeaveDay() != null && daily.getLeaveDay() != 0d) { daily.setLeaveHour((float) (daily.getLeaveDay() * 8)); } daily.setLeaveType(getLeaveType(daily.getLeaveTypeName())); newDailyList.add(daily); } else { //处理跨天请假场景 List dateList = getBetweenDate(daily.getBeginDate(), daily.getEndDate()); for (String date : dateList) { if (playDateList.contains(date)) { continue; } temp = new Daily(); temp.setEmployeeName(daily.getEmployeeName()); temp.setDailyDate(date); temp.setLeaveType(getLeaveType(daily.getLeaveTypeName())); newDailyList.add(temp); } } } Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("dailyList", newDailyList); List list = dailyDao.getDailyList(param); if (list.size() == 0) { return; } dealLeaveData(newDailyList, list); } /** * 将请假类型名称转换为请假类型值 * * @param leaveTypeName * @return */ private int getLeaveType(String leaveTypeName) { int leaveType = 0; switch (leaveTypeName) { case "调休": leaveType = 1; break; case "事假": leaveType = 2; break; case "病假": leaveType = 3; break; case "年假": leaveType = 4; break; case "其他": leaveType = 5; break; case "产假": leaveType = 6; break; case "婚假": leaveType = 7; break; } return leaveType; } /** * 计算请假时间 * * @param newDailyList 解析excel得到的请假数据 * @param list 存在的考勤记录 */ private void dealLeaveData(List newDailyList, List list) { Map dailyMap = getDailyMap(newDailyList); Daily dailyTemp = null; for (Daily daily : list) { dailyTemp = dailyMap.get(daily.getEmployeeName() + daily.getDailyDate()); if (dailyTemp == null) { continue; } //没有打卡记录,则是请假8小时 if (StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getCheckinTime()) && StringUtil.isBlank(daily.getCheckoutTime())) { daily.setCheckinTime("08:30"); daily.setCheckoutTime("17:30"); daily.setLeaveType(dailyTemp.getLeaveType()); daily.setLeaveHour(8f); daily.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.YES); daily.setOvertimeHour(0f); daily.setAbsenceHour(0f); daily.setLateMinute(0); daily.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); daily.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.NO); daily.setIsBusTrip(OAConstant.isBusTrip.NO); daily.setIsOutside(OAConstant.isOutside.NO); daily.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); daily.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); } else { //有打卡记录,则将缺勤时长更改为请假时长,缺勤时长和迟到置0 daily.setLeaveType(dailyTemp.getLeaveType()); daily.setLeaveHour(daily.getAbsenceHour()); daily.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.YES); daily.setOvertimeHour(0f); daily.setAbsenceHour(0f); daily.setLateMinute(0); daily.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); daily.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.NO); daily.setIsBusTrip(OAConstant.isBusTrip.NO); daily.setIsOutside(OAConstant.isOutside.NO); daily.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); daily.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); } } Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("dailyList", list); dailyDao.deleteDaily(param); batchAddDaily(list); } @Override public void busTripRecord(List dailyList) throws Exception { List playDateList = getPlayDateList(); Daily temp = null; List newDailyList = new ArrayList (); for (Daily daily : dailyList) { List dateList = getBetweenDate(daily.getBeginDate(), daily.getEndDate()); for (String date : dateList) { if (playDateList.contains(date)) { continue; } temp = new Daily(); temp.setEmployeeName(daily.getEmployeeName()); temp.setDailyDate(date); temp.setCheckinTime("08:30"); temp.setCheckoutTime("17:30"); temp.setOvertimeHour(0f); temp.setAbsenceHour(0f); temp.setLateMinute(0); temp.setIsForget(OAConstant.isForget.NO); temp.setIsOvertimeValid(OAConstant.isOvertimeValid.NO); temp.setIsBusTrip(OAConstant.isBusTrip.YES); temp.setIsOutside(OAConstant.isOutside.NO); temp.setIsLeave(OAConstant.isLeave.NO); temp.setIsComeLate(OAConstant.isComeLate.NO); temp.setIsLeaveEarly(OAConstant.isLeaveEarly.NO); temp.setLeaveHour(0f); newDailyList.add(temp); } } Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("dailyList", newDailyList); dailyDao.deleteDaily(param); batchAddDaily(newDailyList); } private Map getDailyMap(List dailyList) { Map map = new HashMap<>(); if (dailyList == null || dailyList.size() == 0) { return map; } for (Daily daily : dailyList) { map.put(daily.getEmployeeName() + daily.getDailyDate(), daily); } return map; } /** * 将日期格式转为2018-08-01 * * @param date 日期,格式为:2018/7/1 * @return */ private String dealDate(String date) { //如果日期是'-'连接,直接返回 if (date.indexOf("-") > -1) { return date; } String[] arr = date.split("/"); StringBuffer newDate = new StringBuffer(); newDate.append(arr[0]); if (arr[1].length() == 1) { newDate.append("-0").append(arr[1]); } else { newDate.append("-").append(arr[1]); } if (arr[2].length() == 1) { newDate.append("-0").append(arr[2]); } else { newDate.append("-").append(arr[2]); } return newDate.toString(); } private Map getScheduleMap(String dailyDate, String regex) { Map scheduleMap = new HashMap<>(); String[] arr = dailyDate.split(regex); StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer(); key.append(arr[0]); if (arr[1].length() == 1) { key.append("0").append(arr[1]); } else { key.append(arr[1]); } Map param = new HashMap<>(); param.put("scheduleDate", key.toString()); List scheduleDateList = scheduleDateDao.getScheduleList(param); if (scheduleDateList.size() == 0) { return scheduleMap; } for (ScheduleDate scheduleDate : scheduleDateList) { scheduleMap.put(scheduleDate.getDate(), scheduleDate.getIsWeekday()); } return scheduleMap; } // // // public static List excelToShopIdList(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { // Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream); // inputStream.close(); // // 在工作簿获取目标工作表 // Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); // // 获取到最后一行 // int physicalNumberOfRows = sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows(); // // 该集合用来储存行对象 // ArrayList detaileds = new ArrayList<>(); // // 遍历整张表,从第二行开始,第一行的表头不要,循环次数不大于最后一行的值 // for (int i = 1; i < physicalNumberOfRows; i++) { // // 该对象用来储存行数据 // Daily daily = new Daily(); // // 获取当前行数据 // Row row = sheet.getRow(i); // // 获取目标单元格的值并存进对象中 // daily.setWorkTime(row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue()); // daily.setEmployeeName((row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue())); // daily.setDailyDate(row.getCell(2).getStringCellValue()); // daily.setCheckinTime(row.getCell(3).getStringCellValue()); // daily.setCheckoutTime((row.getCell(4).getStringCellValue())); // daily.setDiffTime((row.getCell(5).getStringCellValue())); // daily.setExplainTime(row.getCell(6).getStringCellValue()); // daily.setRemarks(row.getCell(7).getStringCellValue()); // // 把对象放到集合里 // detaileds.add(daily); // System.out.println("获取到的当前行数据:" + daily); // } // return detaileds; // // } }
mport java.io.Serializable; /** * @Description 考勤记录对象 * @Author jinjian * @Date 2022/04/13 * @Version 1.0 **/ public class Daily implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7611355236436301485L; private Integer id; private String workTime;//工作时间 private String userCode;//员工姓名 private String employeeName;//员工姓名 private String dailyDate;//打卡日期 private String checkinTime;//上班打卡时间 private String checkoutTime;//下班打卡时间 private String diffTime;//时间差 private String explainTime;//考勤说明 private String remarks;//考勤描述 private Float overtimeHour;//加班时长 private Float absenceHour;//缺勤时长 private Integer lateMinute;//迟到分钟数 private Integer isForget;//1:忘记打卡,2:没有忘打卡 private Integer isOvertimeValid;//加班时长是否有效,1:有效,2:无效 private Integer isBusTrip;//是否出差,1:是,2:否 private Integer isOutside;//是否外出,1:是,2:否 private Integer isLeave;//是否请假,1:是,2:否 private Integer isComeLate;//是否迟到,1:是,2:否 private Integer isLeaveEarly;//是否早退,1:是,2:否 private Float leaveHour;//请假时长 private Double leaveDay;//请假天数 private Integer leaveType;//请假类型,1:调休,2:事假,3:病假,4:年假,5:其他 private String leaveTypeName;//请假类型,导入解析使用 private String beginDate; //开始日期 private String endDate; //结束日期 private String signTime;//签卡时间 private String username;//ERPUSER public String getUserCode() { return userCode; } public void setUserCode(String userCode) { this.userCode = userCode; } public String getUsername() { return username; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public String getWorkTime() { return workTime; } public void setWorkTime(String workTime) { this.workTime = workTime; } public String getDiffTime() { return diffTime; } public void setDiffTime(String diffTime) { this.diffTime = diffTime; } public String getExplainTime() { return explainTime; } public void setExplainTime(String explainTime) { this.explainTime = explainTime; } public String getRemarks() { return remarks; } public void setRemarks(String remarks) { this.remarks = remarks; } public String getLeaveTypeName() { return leaveTypeName; } public void setLeaveTypeName(String leaveTypeName) { this.leaveTypeName = leaveTypeName; } public Double getLeaveDay() { return leaveDay; } public void setLeaveDay(Double leaveDay) { this.leaveDay = leaveDay; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } public String getEmployeeName() { return employeeName; } public void setEmployeeName(String employeeName) { this.employeeName = employeeName; } public String getDailyDate() { return dailyDate; } public void setDailyDate(String dailyDate) { this.dailyDate = dailyDate; } public String getCheckinTime() { return checkinTime; } public void setCheckinTime(String checkinTime) { this.checkinTime = checkinTime; } public String getCheckoutTime() { return checkoutTime; } public void setCheckoutTime(String checkoutTime) { this.checkoutTime = checkoutTime; } public Float getOvertimeHour() { return overtimeHour; } public void setOvertimeHour(Float overtimeHour) { this.overtimeHour = overtimeHour; } public Float getAbsenceHour() { return absenceHour; } public void setAbsenceHour(Float absenceHour) { this.absenceHour = absenceHour; } public Integer getLateMinute() { return lateMinute; } public void setLateMinute(Integer lateMinute) { this.lateMinute = lateMinute; } public Integer getIsForget() { return isForget; } public void setIsForget(Integer isForget) { this.isForget = isForget; } public Integer getIsOvertimeValid() { return isOvertimeValid; } public void setIsOvertimeValid(Integer isOvertimeValid) { this.isOvertimeValid = isOvertimeValid; } public Integer getIsBusTrip() { return isBusTrip; } public void setIsBusTrip(Integer isBusTrip) { this.isBusTrip = isBusTrip; } public Integer getIsOutside() { return isOutside; } public void setIsOutside(Integer isOutside) { this.isOutside = isOutside; } public Integer getIsLeave() { return isLeave; } public void setIsLeave(Integer isLeave) { this.isLeave = isLeave; } public Integer getIsComeLate() { return isComeLate; } public void setIsComeLate(Integer isComeLate) { this.isComeLate = isComeLate; } public Integer getIsLeaveEarly() { return isLeaveEarly; } public void setIsLeaveEarly(Integer isLeaveEarly) { this.isLeaveEarly = isLeaveEarly; } public String getBeginDate() { return beginDate; } public void setBeginDate(String beginDate) { this.beginDate = beginDate; } public String getEndDate() { return endDate; } public void setEndDate(String endDate) { this.endDate = endDate; } public String getSignTime() { return signTime; } public void setSignTime(String signTime) { this.signTime = signTime; } public Float getLeaveHour() { return leaveHour; } public void setLeaveHour(Float leaveHour) { this.leaveHour = leaveHour; } public Integer getLeaveType() { return leaveType; } public void setLeaveType(Integer leaveType) { this.leaveType = leaveType; } }