用途在Art中Hook JNI相关函数。存在jobject jclass 参数时需要得到具体的类名。
获取类名重点在art::mirror::Class类中,通过分析Class 类发现在art/runtime/mirror/class-inlh头文件中存在一个获取类名的方法
using System;
using SystemIO;
using SystemRuntimeInteropServices;
using SystemText;
namespace Sx_Mdi
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1
/// </summary>
public class IniFile
public string Path;
private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,string key,string val,string filePath);
private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string section,string key,string def,StringBuilder retVal,int size,string filePath);
public IniFile(string inipath)
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
Path = inipath;
public void IniWriteValue(string Section,string Key,string Value)
public string IniReadValue(string Section,string Key)
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(255);
int i = GetPrivateProfileString(Section,Key,"",temp,255,thisPath);
return tempToString();
*** 作范例:
public static SqlConnection MyConnection()
string sPath;
string ServerName,userId,sPwd,DataName;
sPath = GetPath();
IniFile ini = new IniFile(sPath);
ServerName = iniIniReadValue ("Database","server");
userId = iniIniReadValue ("Database","uid");
sPwd = iniIniReadValue ("Database","pwd");
DataName = iniIniReadValue ("Database","database");
string strSql = "server =" + ServerName+";uid ="+ userId +";pwd =;database ="+ DataName;
SqlConnection myConn=new SqlConnection(strSql);
return myConn;
由上CreateWindow()的调用可以看出,windows ce中的每次系统调用都会导致多个进程之间频繁切换,而且系统调用所涉及的数据也需要在多个进程之间迁移,这样势必会使整个系统的效率降低。其实,在系统调用的整个过程中,并没有发生真正的线程上下文切换。Windows ce内核负责把api调用转到实现该api的PSL进程。PSL进程会把进行系统调用的执行线程从一个进程迁移到下一个进程。比如说,上个例子中,虽然CreateWindow系统调用会在应用程序、NKEXE和GWESEXE中来回切换,但是在3个进程中招待的纯种是同一个线程。而所谓的“切换”只是把执行进程的虚拟地址空间映射到了Slot 0。Windows ce内核负责把应用程序中的用户态线程改变访问权限,然后把它迁移到系统进程中,在整个系统调用过程中,这个线程在3个进程中使用同一个栈和同一些寄存器。当这个线程离开PSL进程的时候,windows ce内核再把它的特殊访问权限移除。内核NKEXE系统运行时,windows ce的内核表现为NKEXE进程。NKEXE是所有windows ce的系统中都存在的核心进程,它表现了win32 API核心中进程创建加载、纯种高度、中断处理和内在管理等核心功能。NKEXE由NKLIB与OALLIB组成。NKLIB是由微软提供的,它的代码与CPU指令体系结构相关而与具体的外设无关,此种设计可使OAL尽可能小OALLIB是OEM层中的OAL代码编译后的输出。
外文名:Application Programming Interface
存在:Visual C++ 60
API:Application Programming Interface(应用编程适配器), 语言、框架以及类库对外提供的编码的适配器
使用J SE API读取Properties文件的六种方法 使用java util Properties类的load()方法示例 InputStream in = lnew BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name));Properties p = new Properties();p load(in); 使用java util ResourceBundle类的getBundle()方法示例 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle getBundle(name Locale getDefault()); 使用java util PropertyResourceBundle类的构造函数示例 InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name));ResourceBundle rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(in); 使用class变量的getResourceAsStream()方法示例 InputStream in = JProperties class getResourceAsStream(name);Properties p = new Properties();p load(in); 使用class getClassLoader()所得到的java lang ClassLoader的getResourceAsStream()方法示例 InputStream in = JProperties class getClassLoader() getResourceAsStream(name);Properties p = new Properties();p load(in); 使用java lang ClassLoader类的getSystemResourceAsStream()静态方法示例 InputStream in = ClassLoader getSystemResourceAsStream(name);Properties p = new Properties();p load(in);补充Servlet中可以使用javax servlet ServletContext的getResourceAsStream()方法示例 InputStream in = context getResourceAsStream(path);Properties p = new Properties();p load(in);完整的示例 可以参考附件文件如何上传文件 谁知道请告诉以下 只好把source都贴上来了JProperties java文件/ This program is free sofare You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Sofare Foundation Version of the license should be included with this distribution in the file LICENSE as well as l If the license is not included with this distribution you may find a copy at the FSF web site at or or you may write to the Free Sofare Foundation Mass Ave Cambridge MA USA THIS SOFARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND NOT EVEN THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY THE AUTHOR OF THIS SOFARE ASSUMES _NO_ RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY CONSEQUENCE RESULTING FROM THE USE MODIFICATION OR REDISTRIBUTION OF THIS SOFARE /package kindani;//import javax servlet ServletContext;import java util ;import java io InputStream;import java io IOException;import java io BufferedInputStream;import java io FileInputStream;/ 使用J SE API読取Properties文件的六种方法 User: SYNFORM Date: / / Time: : : To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates /public class JProperties {public final static int BY_PROPERTIES = ;public final static int BY_RESOURCEBUNDLE = ;public final static int BY_PROPERTYRESOURCEBUNDLE = ;public final static int BY_CLASS = ;public final static int BY_CLASSLOADER = ;public final static int BY_SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER = ;public final static Properties loadProperties(final String name final int type) throws IOException {Properties p = new Properties();InputStream in = null;if (type == BY_PROPERTIES) {in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name));assert (in != null);p load(in);} else if (type == BY_RESOURCEBUNDLE) {ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle getBundle(name Locale getDefault());assert (rb != null);p = new ResourceBundleAdapter(rb);} else if (type == BY_PROPERTYRESOURCEBUNDLE) {in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(name));assert (in != null);ResourceBundle rb = new PropertyResourceBundle(in);p = new ResourceBundleAdapter(rb);} else if (type == BY_CLASS) {assert (JProperties class equals(new JProperties() getClass()));in = JProperties class getResourceAsStream(name);assert (in != null);p load(in);//return new JProperties() getClass() getResourceAsStream(name);} else if (type == BY_CLASSLOADER) {assert (JProperties class getClassLoader() equals(new JProperties() getClass() getClassLoader()));in = JProperties class getClassLoader() getResourceAsStream(name);assert (in != null);p load(in);// return new JProperties() getClass() getClassLoader() getResourceAsStream(name);} else if (type == BY_SYSTEM_CLASSLOADER) {in = ClassLoader getSystemResourceAsStream(name);assert (in != null);p load(in);}if (in != null) {in close();}return p;}// servlet used/public static Properties loadProperties(ServletContext context String path) throws IOException {assert (context != null);InputStream in = context getResourceAsStream(path);assert (in != null);Properties p = new Properties();p load(in);in close();return p;}/// support class/ ResourceBundle Adapter class /public static class ResourceBundleAdapter extends Properties {public ResourceBundleAdapter(ResourceBundle rb) {assert (rb instanceof java util PropertyResourceBundle);this rb = rb;java util Enumeration e = rb getKeys();while (e hasMoreElements()) {Object o = e nextElement();this put(o rb getObject((String) o));}}private ResourceBundle rb = null;public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName) {return ResourceBundle getBundle(baseName);}public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName Locale locale) {return ResourceBundle getBundle(baseName locale);}public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName Locale locale ClassLoader loader) {return ResourceBundle getBundle(baseName locale loader);}public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {return rb getKeys();}public Locale getLocale() {return rb getLocale();}public Object getObject(String key) {return rb getObject(key);}public String getString(String key) {return rb getString(key);}public String[] getStringArray(String key) {return rb getStringArray(key);}protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {return ((PropertyResourceBundle) rb) handleGetObject(key);}}}JPropertiesTest java文件/ This program is free sofare You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Sofare Foundation Version of the license should be included with this distribution in the file LICENSE as well as l If the license is not included with this distribution you may find a copy at the FSF web site at or or you may write to the Free Sofare Foundation Mass Ave Cambridge MA USA THIS lishixinzhi/Article/program/Java/JSP/201311/19664
远程过程调用(RPC):通过作用在共享数据缓存器上的过程(或任务)实现程序间的通信。标准查询语言(SQL):是标准的访问数据的查询语言,通过通用数据库实现应用程序间的数据共享。文件传输:文件传输通过发送格式化文件实现应用程序间数据共享。信息交付:指松耦合或紧耦合应用程序间的小型格式化信息,通过程序间的直接通信实现数据共享。当前应用于API的标准包括ANSI标准SQLAPI。另外还有一些应用于其它类型的标准尚在制定之中。API可以应用于所有计算机平台和 *** 作系统。这些API以不同的格式连接数据(如共享数据缓存器、数据库结构、文件框架)。每种数据格式要求以不同的数据命令和参数实现正确的数据通信,但同时也会产生不同类型的错误。因此,除了具备执行数据共享任务所需的知识以外,这些类型的API还必须解决很多网络参数问题和可能的差错条件,即每个应用程序都必须清楚自身是否有强大的性能支持程序间通信。相反由于这种API只处理一种信息格式,所以该情形下的信息交付API只提供较小的命令、网络参数以及差错条件子集。正因为如此,交付API方式大大降低了系统复杂性,所以当应用程序需要通过多个平台实现数据共享时,采用信息交付API类型是比较理想的选择。
版本 2 DLL命令 取进程线程标识符_, 整数型, "user32dll", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", , GetWindowThreadProcessId,获取与指定窗口关联在一起的一个线程和进程标识符 参数 窗口句柄, 整数型, , hwnd,指定窗口句柄 参数 进程标识符
以上就是关于获取input中的file IE不支持.files 是否有类似兼容IE的API全部的内容,包括:获取input中的file IE不支持.files 是否有类似兼容IE的API、android 从jobject、jclass获取类名(API>19)(一)、windows API获取ini文件中所有项的名称等相关内容解答,如果想了解更多相关内容,可以关注我们,你们的支持是我们更新的动力!