一、报错 报错内容大致如下二、原因/xxxx/xxx.xcodeproj Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework ‘xxx.framework’ was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
WWDC 2019
推出 XCFramework
启,其实 XCode 11 开始就会有这个问题,但在 XCode 11
上一直是 warning 也就没太注意XCode12.3
开始,针对类似于 iOS + iOS Simulator
这种多平台的包,强制使用 XCFramework
架构,否则 error
( 好坑啊 )
这里提供三套方案,前两套比较简单,修改主项目配置即可;第三套是 Apple
建议的方法,也就是重新打包 framework
为 XCFramework
3.1 Validate WorkSpace
启用 Validate WorkSpace
,让 XCode
对 frameworks
打开项目路径 - Build Setting > Build Options > Validate WorkSpace
3.3 是 Apple
建议的方法 ,建议改成xcframework。
The framework isn't built with a supported configuration -- iOS and iOS Simulator should never appear in the same binary. You should follow-up with the support channel for the framework vendor and see if they have a fixed version (which needs to be a XCFramework).
Embedded frameworks architectures … | Apple Developer Forums