一、NSOperation 抽象类
NSOperation 是一个"抽象类",不能直接使用。抽象类的用处是定义子类共有的属性和方法。NSOperation 是基于 GCD 做的面向对象的封装。相比较 GCD 使用更加简单,并且提供了一些用 GCD 不是很好实现的功能。苹果公司推荐使用的并发技术。两个子类:NSInvocationoperation (调用)NSBlockOperation (块)相比NSInvocationoperation推荐使用NSBlockOperation,代码简单,同时由于闭包性使它没有传参问题。
NSOperationQueue 队列
二、 NSOperation 和 GCD 的核心概念
GCD的核心概念:将 任务(block) 添加到队列,并且指定执行任务的函数。NSOperation 的核心概念:将 *** 作 添加到 队列。三、NSOperation 和 GCD的区别:
将任务(block)添加到队列(串行/并发/主队列),并且指定任务执行的函数(同步/异步)GCD是底层的C语言构成的APIiOS 4.0 推出的,针对多核处理器的并发技术在队列中执行的是由 block 构成的任务,这是一个轻量级的数据结构要停止已经加入 queue 的 block 需要写复杂的代码需要通过 barrIEr 或者同步任务设置任务之间的依赖关系只能设置队列的优先级高级功能:一次性 once延迟 *** 作 after调度组NSOperation
核心概念:把 *** 作(异步)添加到队列。OC 框架,更加面向对象,是对 GCD 的封装。iOS 2.0 推出的,苹果推出 GCD 之后,对 NSOperation 的底层全部重写。Operation作为一个对象,为我们提供了更多的选择。可以跨队列设置 *** 作的依赖关系可以设置队列中每一个 *** 作的优先级高级功能:最大 *** 作并发数(GCD不好做)继续/暂停/全部取消跨队列设置 *** 作的依赖关系四、代码实践
1 // 2 // VIEwController.m 3 NSOperationTest 4 5 Created by mayl on 2018/1/5. 6 copyright © 2018年. All rights reserved. 7 // 8 9 #import "VIEwController.h" 10 11 @interface VIEwController () 12 @property(nonatomic,strong) NSOperationQueue *gOpQueue; 13 @end 14 15 @implementation VIEwController 16 17 - (voID)vIEwDIDLoad { 18 [super vIEwDIDLoad]; 19 [self setUpUI]; 20 21 [self aysncCon]; 22 [self maxConCount]; 23 [self oftenUse]; 24 [self setUpDependence]; 25 [self waitUntilFinished]; 26 } 27 28 - ()setUpUI{ 29 30 暂停,继续按钮 31 UIbutton *lBtn4Pause = [UIbutton buttonWithType:UIbuttonTypeCustom]; 32 [self.vIEw addSubvIEw:lBtn4Pause]; 33 34 lBtn4Pause.frame = CGRectMake(10,100,1)">50); 35 [lBtn4Pause setTitle:@"挂起" forState:UIControlStatenormal]; 36 lBtn4Pause.TitleLabel.numberOflines = 0; 37 [lBtn4Pause setTitlecolor:[UIcolor blackcolor] forState:UIControlStatenormal]; 38 [lBtn4Pause addTarget:self action:@selector(pauseBtnDIDClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventtouchUpInsIDe]; 39 40 取消所有任务按钮 41 UIbutton *lBtn4CancelAll = 42 [self.vIEw addSubvIEw:lBtn4CancelAll]; 43 44 lBtn4CancelAll.frame = CGRectMake(150,1)"> 45 [lBtn4CancelAll setTitle:cancel all 46 [lBtn4CancelAll setTitlecolor:[UIcolor redcolor] forState:UIControlStatenormal]; 47 [lBtn4CancelAll addTarget:self action:@selector(cancelAllBtnDIDClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventtouchUpInsIDe]; 48 49 50 #pragma mark - action 51 52 /** 53 队列挂起,当前"没有完成的 *** 作",是包含在队列的 *** 作数中的。 54 队列挂起,不会影响已经执行 *** 作的执行状态。 55 队列一旦被挂起,再添加的 *** 作不会被调度。 56 */ 57 - (voID)pauseBtnDIDClick:(UIbutton *)btn{ 58 NSLog(队列中 *** 作数:%zd,self.gOpQueue.operationCount); 59 if (0 == self.gOpQueue.operationCount) { 60 NSLog(队列中无 *** 作 61 return 62 } 63 64 NSLog(3:%d 65 self.gOpQueue.suspended = !self.gOpQueue.isSuspended; 66 NSLog(4:%d 67 if (self.gOpQueue.isSuspended) { 68 NSLog(队列挂起 69 [btn setTitle:继续 70 forState:UIControlStatenormal]; 71 }else{ 72 NSLog(队列继续 73 [btn setTitle: 74 75 76 77 78 79 取消队列中所有的 *** 作。 80 不会取消正在执行中的 *** 作。 81 不会影响队列的挂起状态 82 83 - (voID)cancelAllBtnDIDClick:(UIbutton * 84 85 NSLog( 86 87 88 89 NSLog(取消队列中所有 *** 作,此方法不会改变队列挂起状态 90 [self.gOpQueue cancelAllOperations]; 91 92 NSLog(1:%d 93 self.gOpQueue.suspended = ! 94 NSLog(2:%d 95 96 97 * 默认是:异步,并发 98 - ()aysncCon{ 99 NSOperationQueue *lQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];100 for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {101 [lQueue addOperationWithBlock:^102 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1];103 NSLog(%d,%@104 }];105 106 107 108 * 最大并发数:The maximum number of queued operations that can execute at the same time.109 - ()maxConCount{110 NSOperationQueue *lQueue =111 lQueue.maxConcurrentoperationCount = 2112 30; ++113 [lQueue addOperationWithBlock:^114 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:115 NSLog(116 117 118 119 self.gOpQueue = lQueue;120 121 122 * 常用:子线程耗时,主线程更新UI 123 - ()oftenUse{124 NSOperationQueue *lQ =125 126 [lQ addOperationWithBlock:^127 NSLog(耗时 *** 作开始,1)">128 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:3129 NSLog(耗时 *** 作结束130 131 [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^132 NSLog(主线程更新UI,%@133 [NSThread currentThread]);134 135 136 }];137 138 139 * 设置依赖 140 - ()setUpDependence{141 NSOperationQueue *lQ =142 143 [lQ addOperationWithBlock:^144 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:145 NSLog(do something,1)">146 [NSThread currentThread]);147 148 149 NSBlockOperation *lOp1 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^150 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:151 NSLog(1:登录,1)">152 153 154 155 NSBlockOperation *lOp2 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^156 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:157 NSLog(2:购买点券,1)">158 159 160 161 NSBlockOperation *lOp3 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^162 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:163 NSLog(3:使用点券,1)">164 165 166 167 NSBlockOperation *lOp4 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^168 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:169 NSLog(4:返回结果,1)">170 171 172 173 [lOp2 addDependency:lOp1];174 [lOp3 addDependency:lOp2];175 [lOp4 addDependency:lOp3];176 177 下面加的话会循环依赖,导致任何 *** 作都无法进行,程序不会崩溃。178 [lOp1 addDependency:lOp4];179 180 [lQ addOperations:@[lOp4,lOp3] waitUntilFinished:NO];181 [lQ addOperations:@[lOp2,lOp1] waitUntilFinished:NO];182 183 184 *执行效果如下:185 2018-01-05 19:54:31.721539+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156322] come in186 2018-01-05 19:54:33.727691+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156342] 0:do others,<NSThread: 0x1c027f740>{number = 3,name = (null)}187 2018-01-05 19:54:34.731836+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156342] 1:登录,1)">188 2018-01-05 19:54:35.737375+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156342] 2:购买点券,1)">189 2018-01-05 19:54:36.742936+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156342] 3:使用点券,1)">190 2018-01-05 19:54:37.746491+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156342] 4:show Time,1)">191 2018-01-05 19:54:38.764408+0800 NSOperationTest[578:156341] 5:[lQ addOperations:@[lOp4,lOp3] waitUntilFinished:YES];实现了不设置依赖,且我需要最后执行,<NSThread: 0x1c04631c0>{number = 4,1)">192 193 - ()waitUntilFinished{194 NSOperationQueue *lQ =195 196 NSLog(come in197 NSBlockOperation *lOp0 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^198 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:199 NSLog(0:do others,1)">200 201 202 203 NSBlockOperation *lOp1 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^204 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:205 NSLog(206 207 208 209 NSBlockOperation *lOp2 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^210 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:211 NSLog(212 213 214 215 NSBlockOperation *lOp3 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^216 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:217 NSLog(218 219 220 221 NSBlockOperation *lOp4 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^222 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:223 NSLog(4:show Time,1)">224 225 226 227 NSBlockOperation *lOp5 = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^228 [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:229 230 NSLog(5:[lQ addOperations:@[lOp4,1)">231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 执行顺序跟在数组中的顺序无关239 waitUntilFinished:If YES,the current thread is blocked until all of the specifIEd operations finish executing. If NO,the operations are added to the queue and control returns immediately to the caller.(If YES,当前线程会被阻塞,直到数组中所有 *** 作执行完毕。下局代码是直到lOp5执行完毕,才会执行后续 *** 作)240 [lQ addOperations:@[lOp0] waitUntilFinished:YES];241 242 243 244 245 [lQ addOperation:lOp5];246 247 248 @end