linux – Elastic Beanstalk日志轮换导致Apache重启

linux – Elastic Beanstalk日志轮换导致Apache重启,第1张

概述我已经完成了 AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Apache is restarting constantly 我们的d性beanstalk实例在error_log中报告以下消息 [Mon Jun 26 22:01:01.878892 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 8595] AH00173: SIGHUP received. Attempting 我已经完成了 AWS Elastic Beanstalk – Apache is restarting constantly


[Mon Jun 26 22:01:01.878892 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pID 8595] AH00173: SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart*** Error in (wsgi:wsgi)    ': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f564cced560 ***


[Tue Jun 27 00:01:01.215260 2017] [:error] [pID 6429] [remote XX.XXX.XX.195:29773] mod_wsgi (pID=6429): Exception occurred processing Wsgi script '/opt/python/current/app/site/settings/wsgi/'.[Tue Jun 27 00:01:01.215320 2017] [:error] [pID 6429] [remote XX.XXX.XX.195:29773] OSError: Failed to write data[Tue Jun 27 00:01:01.222407 2017] [:error] [pID 6430] [remote XX.XXX.XX.60:53313] mod_wsgi (pID=6430): Exception occurred processing Wsgi script '/opt/python/current/app/site/settings/wsgi/'.[Tue Jun 27 00:01:01.222460 2017] [:error] [pID 6430] [remote XX.XXX.XX.60:53313] OSError: Failed to write data[Tue Jun 27 00:01:04.554810 2017] [core:warn] [pID 8595] AH00045: child process 7614 still dID not exit,sending a SIGTERM[Tue Jun 27 00:01:04.554850 2017] [core:warn] [pID 8595] AH00045: child process 7615 still dID not exit,sending a SIGTERM[Tue Jun 27 00:01:05.555958 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pID 8595] AH00173: SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart*** Error in (wsgi:wsgi)    ': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f5640cae900 ****** Error in (wsgi:wsgi)    ': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f78649b7970 ***


[Mon Jun 26 22:01:01.878892 2017] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pID 8595] AH00173: SIGHUP received.  Attempting to restart



/var/log/httpd/* {size 10Mmissingoknotifemptyrotate 5sharedscriptscompressdateextdateformat -%screatepostrotate    /sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || trueendscriptolddir /var/log/httpd/rotated}


我可以通过执行sudo apachectl -k restart手动触发错误消息,虽然我无法找到在日志轮换期间运行的位置.



Apache / 2.4.18(亚马逊)mod_wsgi / 3.5 Python / 3.4.3

解决方法 简而言之,看起来当前的Elastic Beanstalk日志转换配置被破坏,导致服务停机,504网关超时.让我们来看看.


我们创建最简单的Python Wsgi应用程序.

import timedef application(environ,start_response):    # somewhat reaListic response duration    time.sleep(0.5)    status = '200 OK'    response_headers = [('Content-type','text/plain')]    start_response(status,response_headers)    return [b'Hello World!\n']

将其压缩到然后创建Elastic Beanstalk Python应用程序和环境,上传档案.确保使用您拥有的密钥对.保留其他设置默认值.等到它完成(几分钟).

ssh到底层的EC2实例中(参见EB日志中的实例标识符).输入(httpd的logrotate post-action,见下文):

sudo /sbin/service httpd reload


sIEge -v -b -c 10 -t 10S



** SIEGE 3.0.8** Preparing 10 concurrent users for battle.The server is Now under sIEge...http/1.1 200   0.63 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 200   0.65 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 200   0.64 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 200   0.60 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /...


http/1.1 504   0.06 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.07 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.08 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.10 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.11 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.66 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.19 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.20 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 504   0.09 secs:       0 bytes ==> GET  /


http/1.1 200   1.25 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 200   1.24 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /http/1.1 200   1.26 secs:      13 bytes ==> GET  /...lifting the server sIEge..      done.Transactions:                 75 hitsAvailability:              81.52 %Elapsed time:               9.40 secsData transferred:           0.00 MBResponse time:              1.21 secsTransaction rate:           7.98 trans/secThroughput:             0.00 MB/secConcurrency:                9.68Successful transactions:      75Failed transactions:          17Longest transaction:        4.27Shortest transaction:       0.06

请注意,ELB似乎对问题没有任何影响,并且可以通过两个SSH会话复制到底层EC2并且(Amazon AMI没有围攻):

ab -v 4 -c 10 -t 10



#!/bin/shtest -x /usr/sbin/logrotate || exit 0/usr/sbin/logrotate /etc/logrotate.elasticbeanstalk.hourly/logrotate.elasticbeanstalk.httpd.conf


/var/log/httpd/* {size 10Mmissingoknotifemptyrotate 5sharedscriptscompressdateextdateformat -%screatepostrotate    /sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || trueendscriptolddir /var/log/httpd/rotated}

请注意postrotate. / sbin / service只是/etc/init.d/中脚本的System V包装器.它的手册页说:

service runs a System V init script in as predictable environment as possible,removing most environment variables and with
current working directory set to /.

请注意,重新加载不是标准的Apache maintenance command.这是发行版的下游添加.让我们看一下init脚本/etc/init.d/httpd.相关部分如下:

reload() {        echo -n $"Reloading $prog: "        check13 || exit 1        killproc -p ${pIDfile} $httpd -HUP        RETVAL=$?        echo}

如您所见,它向Apache发送HUP信号,解释为Restart Now:

Sending the HUP or restart signal to the parent causes it to kill off its children like in TERM,but the parent doesn’t exit. It re-reads its configuration files,and re-opens any log files. Then it spawns a new set of children and continues serving hits.

TERM很好地解释了504s.但它可能应该如何完成是Graceful Restart,因为它也重新打开日志但不终止正在提供的请求:

The USR1 or graceful signal causes the parent process to advise the children to exit after their current request (or to exit immediately if they’re not serving anything). The parent re-reads its configuration files and re-opens its log files. As each child dIEs off the parent replaces it with a child from the new generation of the configuration,which begins serving new requests immediately.

The code was written to both minimize the time in which the server is unable to serve new requests (they will be queued up by the operating system,so they’re not lost in any event) and to respect your tuning parameters.


.ebextensions / 10_logs.config包含以下内容(基本上将“reload”替换为“graceful”):

files:    "/etc/logrotate.elasticbeanstalk.hourly/logrotate.elasticbeanstalk.httpd.conf":        mode: "000644"        owner: root        group: root        content: |            /var/log/httpd/* {                size 10M                missingok                notifempty                rotate 5                sharedscripts                compress                dateext                dateformat -%s                create                postrotate                    /sbin/service httpd graceful > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true                endscript                olddir /var/log/httpd/rotated            }

并重新部署您的Elastic Beanstalk环境.请注意,然而随后的亚秒优雅重启,我能够(零星地)产生503服务不可用,但是,对于日志轮换不是这样,因为均匀间隔的优雅重启没有错误.


以上是内存溢出为你收集整理的linux – Elastic Beanstalk日志轮换导致Apache重启全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决linux – Elastic Beanstalk日志轮换导致Apache重启所遇到的程序开发问题。




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