vb 编写一个程序,在2个TextBox中输入某人的身高(cm)和体重(kg),按下式确定其体重是否为标准、过胖或

vb 编写一个程序,在2个TextBox中输入某人的身高(cm)和体重(kg),按下式确定其体重是否为标准、过胖或,第1张

Private Sub Command1_Click()’


If Val(Text2.Text) <Val(Text1.Text) - 100 - 5 Then

MsgBox "你的身体太瘦,请注意营养", , "太瘦"

ElseIf Val(Text2.Text) >= Val(Text1.Text) - 100 - 5 And Val(Text2.Text) <= Val(Text1.Text) - 100 + 5 Then

MsgBox "你的身体标准,请继续保持", , "标准"

ElseIf Val(Text2.Text) >Val(Text1.Text) - 100 + 5 Then

MsgBox "你的身体太胖,请注意减肥", , "太胖"

End If

End Sub

20 <= x <= 22

vb不能连等 if x>=? and x<=? then

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Text3.Text = Round(Val(Text2.Text / (Text1.Text) ^ 2), 2)

Dim x


x = Val(Text3.Text)

If 20 <= x And x <= 22 Then

Picture1.Print "最佳"

ElseIf 18.5 <= x And x <20 Then

Picture1.Print "正常"

ElseIf 22 <x And x <24 Then

Picture1.Print "正常"

ElseIf x <18.5 Then

Picture1.Print "偏瘦"

ElseIf 24 <= x And x <28 Then

Picture1.Print "超重"


Picture1.Print "肥胖"

End If

End Sub

你的公式不对a/(b*2),我帮你改成a/(b*1.6),看起来差不多,实际公式是a=b-1.05是标准身材。 Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim a As Single, b As Single, c As Single

a = Val(Text1)

b = Val(Text2)

c = Round(a / (b * 1.6))

Label6.Caption = c

If Option1.Value Then

If c <20 Then

Label8.Caption = "过轻"

ElseIf c <25 Then

Label8.Caption = "适中"

ElseIf c <30 Then

Label8.Caption = "过重"

ElseIf c <35 Then

Label8.Caption = "肥胖"

ElseIf c >= 35 Then

Label8.Caption = "非常肥胖"

End If


If c <19 Then

Label8.Caption = "过轻"

ElseIf c <24 Then

Label8.Caption = "适中"

ElseIf c <29 Then

Label8.Caption = "过重"

ElseIf c <34 Then

Label8.Caption = "肥胖"

ElseIf c >= 34 Then

Label8.Caption = "非常肥胖"

End If

End If

End Sub


原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11296588.html

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