

1、你已经安装并配置好了 node.js (全局安装)

2、你已经用 npm 安装了 electron (全局安装)

3、你已经写好了前端网页(html、css、javascript 这些,或者基于这些的前端框架写好的网页)



1、找到你的前端网页项目文件夹,新建 package.json、main.js、index.html 三个文件(注:其中的 index.html 是你的网页首页)


├── package.json ├── main.js └── index.html

2、在 package.json 中添加如下内容

{ "name" : "app-name", "version" : "0.1.0", "main" : "main.js" }

3、在 main.js 中添加下面的内容,这个 main.js 文件就是上面 package.json 中的 "main"键 的值,所以可根据需要修改

const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron') const path = require('path') const url = require('url') // Keep a global reference of the window object, if you don't, the window will // be closed automatically when the JavaScript object is garbage collected. let win function createWindow () { // Create the browser window. win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600}) // and load the index.html of the app. win.loadURL(url.format({ pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'), protocol: 'file:', slashes: true })) // Open the DevTools. // win.webContents.openDevTools() // Emitted when the window is closed. win.on('closed', () =>{ // Dereference the window object, usually you would store windows // in an array if your app supports multi windows, this is the time // when you should delete the corresponding element. win = null }) } // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. app.on('ready', createWindow) // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on('window-all-closed', () =>{ // On macOS it is common for applications and their menu bar // to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.quit() } }) app.on('activate', () =>{ // On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (win === null) { createWindow() } }) // In this file you can include the rest of your app's specific main process // code. You can also put them in separate files and require them here.

4、如果你的网页首页的文件名不是 “index.html”,那么请在 main.js 中将其中的 'index.html' 修改为你的网页首页名

5、打开 DOS,cd 到你的项目目录(或直接在你的项目目录下空白的地方 shift+鼠标右键,然后点击在此处打开命令窗口,这里看不懂的,唉,百度吧少年)

6、在上一步的 DOS 下,输入 npm install electron-packager -g全局安装我们的打包神器

npm install electron-packager -g

7、安装好打包神器后,还是在上一步的 DOS 下,输入 electron-packager . app --win --out presenterTool --arch=x64 --version 1.4.14 --overwrite --ignore=node_modules 即可开始打包

electron-packager . app --win --out presenterTool --arch=x64 --version 1.4.14 --overwrite --ignore=node_modules


electron-packager . 可执行文件的文件名 --win --out 打包成的文件夹名 --arch=x64位还是32位 --version版本号 --overwrite --ignore=node_modules

8、打包成功后,会生成一个新的文件夹,点进去,找到 exe 文件,双击就可以看到网页变成了一个桌面应用啦!


我是楼主~! 也就是提问者!


// ----- ExeScript Options Begin -----

// ScriptType: window

// DestDirectory: temp

// Icon: default

// OutputFile: C:\Documents and Settings\cong\×ÀÃæ\v52.exe

// ----- ExeScript Options End -----

// Netratings SiteCensus v52.js

// COPYRIGHT 2006 Nielsen//Netratings

function random()


random.seed = (random.seed*random.a + random.c) % random.m

return random.seed / random.m





random.seed = (new Date()).getTime()%random.m

function _rsEH(){}

var _rsND=_rsLP+_rsDN

var _rsRD=(new Date()).getTime()

if (typeof(_rsCC)=="undefined") {var _rsCC=1} // cookie check

if (typeof(_rsDT)=="undefined") {var _rsDT=0} // doc.title

if (typeof(_rsSE)=="undefined") {var _rsSE=0} // surveys enabled

if (typeof(_rsSV)=="undefined") {var _rsSV=""}// survey id

if (typeof(_rsSM)=="undefined") {var _rsSM=0} // sample rate

if (typeof(_rsSS)=="undefined") {var _rsSS=1} // sample size

if (typeof(_rsUT)=="undefined") {var _rsUT=0} // use custom tags

if (typeof(_rsMP)=="undefined") {var _rsMP=1} // measure page

if (typeof(_rsIP)=="undefined") {var _rsIP=0} // use invisible pixel

if (typeof(_rsTC)=="undefined") {var _rsTC=500} // click timeout (_rsClick)

if (typeof(_rsSI)=="undefined") {var _rsSI=escape(window.location)}

if (typeof(_rsC0)=="undefined") {var _rsC0}

if (typeof(_rsC1)=="undefined") {var _rsC1}

if (typeof(_rsC2)=="undefined") {var _rsC2}

if (typeof(_rsC3)=="undefined") {var _rsC3}

if (typeof(_rsC4)=="undefined") {var _rsC4}

if (typeof(_rsC5)=="undefined") {var _rsC5}

if (typeof(_rsC6)=="undefined") {var _rsC6}

if (typeof(_rsC7)=="undefined") {var _rsC7}

if (typeof(_rsC8)=="undefined") {var _rsC8}

if (typeof(_rsC9)=="undefined") {var _rsC9}

var _rsClickDst

function _rsClick(_clickDest)


var _pixelSrc

var _pixel

var _eClickDest = escape(_clickDest)

_rsClickDst = _clickDest

_pixelSrc = _rsND+'cgi-bin/m?rnd='+(new Date()).getTime()

_pixelSrc = _pixelSrc+'&ci='+_rsCI

_pixelSrc = _pixelSrc+'&cg='+escape(_rsCG)

_pixelSrc = _pixelSrc+'&cc='+_rsCC

_pixelSrc = _pixelSrc+'&si='+_rsCI+'-ctgw-'+_eClickDest

_pixelSrc = _pixelSrc+'&rp='+escape(window.location)

_pixel = new Image(1,1)

_pixel.src = _pixelSrc

setTimeout("window.location = _rsClickDst", _rsTC)


function rsCi()


var _rsUA=navigator.appName+" "+navigator.appVersion

var _rsRUA=navigator.userAgent

var _rsWS=window.screen

var _rsBV=navigator.appVersion.substring(0, 1)

var _rsNN=(_rsUA.indexOf('Netscape'))

var _rsMC=(_rsUA.indexOf('Mac'))

var _rsIE=(_rsUA.indexOf('MSIE'))

var _rsOP=(_rsRUA.indexOf('Opera'))

var _rsIEV=(parseInt(_rsUA.substr(_rsIE+5)))

var _rsRP=escape(document.referrer)

var _rsSR

var _rsCD

var _rsLG

var _rsJE

var _rsCK

var _rsTZ

var _rsCT

var _rsHP

var _rsTL

var _rsSW

var _rsSH

if (_rsMP==0) {return}


if (_rsDT==1) {



if((_rsIE>0)||((_rsNN!=-1)&&(_rsBV >=5))) {



if((_rsIE>=0)&&(_rsIEV>=5)&&(_rsMC==-1)&&(_rsOP==-1)) {






var _rsD = new Date()

_rsTZ = _rsD.getTimezoneOffset()/-60

if((typeof(_rsWS)!="undefined")&&(_rsWS!=null)) {





if((_rsNN!=-1)&&(_rsBV >=4)) {




if((_rsNN!=-1)&&(_rsBV >=4)||(_rsOP>=0)) {



if((_rsIE!=-1)&&(_rsBV >=4)&&(_rsOP==-1)) {



var _rsPR=""

_rsPR='<img src="'

_rsPR=_rsPR+_rsND+'cgi-bin/m?rnd='+(new Date()).getTime()




if (_rsSR!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&sr='+_rsSR}

if (_rsCD!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&cd='+_rsCD}

if (_rsLG!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&lg='+_rsLG}

if (_rsJE!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&je='+_rsJE}

if (_rsCK!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&ck='+_rsCK}

if (_rsTZ!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&tz='+_rsTZ}

if (_rsCT!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&ct='+_rsCT}

if (_rsHP!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&hp='+_rsHP}

if (_rsTL!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&tl='+_rsTL}

if (_rsUT==1) {

if (_rsC0!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c0='+escape(_rsC0)}

if (_rsC1!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c1='+escape(_rsC1)}

if (_rsC2!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c2='+escape(_rsC2)}

if (_rsC3!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c3='+escape(_rsC3)}

if (_rsC4!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c4='+escape(_rsC4)}

if (_rsC5!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c5='+escape(_rsC5)}

if (_rsC6!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c6='+escape(_rsC6)}

if (_rsC7!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c7='+escape(_rsC7)}

if (_rsC8!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c8='+escape(_rsC8)}

if (_rsC9!=null) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'&c9='+escape(_rsC9)}




if (_rsIP==1) {_rsPR=_rsPR+'" style="display:none'}

_rsPR=_rsPR+'" width="1" height="1" alt=""/>'



if((_rsSE)&&(random() <= _rsSM)) {

var _rsIM='<scr'+'ipt language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="'+_rsND+'cgi-bin/j?ci='+_rsCI+'&ss='+_rsSS+'&cc='+_rsCC+'&rd='+_rsRD+'&se='+_rsSE+'&sv='+_rsSV+'"><\/scr'+'ipt>'



else {




原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11393767.html

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