

Dim i As Integer

Dim j As Integer

Dim k As Integer

Dim X As String

Dim Y As String

Dim m As Integer

Dim n As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Label1.Caption = "该黑棋" &gamer1 &"走"

blackwhite = True

heibaiqi = True


For i = 5 To -5 Step -1

Picture1.Line (-4.5, i - 0.5)-(4.5, i - 0.5)

QBColor (0)

Picture1.Line (i - 0.5, -4.5)-(i - 0.5, 4.5)

QBColor (0)


For j = -4 To 4 Step -1

For k = -4 To 4 Step -1

a(j, k) = 0



a(j, k) = 0

Picture1.FillStyle = 0

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(0)

Picture1.Circle (0, 0), 0.3, QBColor(0)

Picture1.Circle (1, 1), 0.3, QBColor(0)

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(15)

Picture1.Circle (0, 1), 0.3, QBColor(15)

Picture1.Circle (1, 0), 0.3, QBColor(15)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Form2.Picture1.Scale (-5, 5)-(5, -5)

Text1.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub kaishi_Click()

Label1.Caption = "该黑棋" + gamer1 + "走"

blackwhite = True

heibaiqi = True


For i = 5 To -5 Step -1

Picture1.Line (-4.5, i - 0.5)-(4.5, i - 0.5)

QBColor (0)

Picture1.Line (i - 0.5, -4.5)-(i - 0.5, 4.5)

QBColor (0)


For j = -4 To 4 Step -1

For k = -4 To 4 Step -1

a(j, k) = 0



a(j, k) = 0

Picture1.FillStyle = 0

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(0)

Picture1.Circle (0, 0), 0.3, QBColor(0)

Picture1.Circle (1, 1), 0.3, QBColor(0)

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(15)

Picture1.Circle (0, 1), 0.3, QBColor(15)

Picture1.Circle (1, 0), 0.3, QBColor(15)

End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If CInt(X) >= -4 And CInt(Y) >= -4 And heibaiqi = True Then

m = CInt(X)

n = CInt(Y)

Picture1.FillStyle = 0

If blackwhite = True And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 0 Then

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(0)

Picture1.Circle (CInt(X), CInt(Y)), 0.3, QBColor(0)

a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 1

Label1.Caption = "该白棋" &gamer2 &"走"

blackwhite = Not blackwhite

End If

If blackwhite = False And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 0 Then

Picture1.FillColor = QBColor(15)

Picture1.Circle (CInt(X), CInt(Y)), 0.3, QBColor(15)

a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 2

Label1.Caption = "该黑棋" &gamer1 &"走"

blackwhite = Not blackwhite

End If

End If


For i = 1 To 7

For j = 0 To i - 1

If a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 1 And a(CInt(X) - i, CInt(Y)) = 1 And a(CInt(X) - i + j, CInt(Y)) = 2 Then

a(CInt(X) - i + j, CInt(Y)) = 1

End If

If a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 1 And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i) = 1 And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i + j) = 2 Then

a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i + j) = 1

End If

If a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 2 And a(CInt(X) - i, CInt(Y)) = 2 And a(CInt(X) - i + j, CInt(Y)) = 1 Then

a(CInt(X) - i + j, CInt(Y)) = 2

End If

If a(CInt(X), CInt(Y)) = 2 And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i) = 2 And a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i + j) = 1 Then

a(CInt(X), CInt(Y) - i + j) = 2

End If




for(i=-4i<=4i++) 吧

绘9纵9横的棋盘 /*绘制水平方向的线*/

line(max_x/2-4*40 ,max_y/2+i*40, max_x/2+4*40, max_y/2+i*40)

起点x ,起点y,终点x,终点y 因为水平,所以第2 4个计算式是一样的

而且设计者设置了每行/每列间距为40 则棋盘正中间为最大x/2 最大y/2

每一行所在y为 最大y/2+行距(40)*行位(-4~+4 +/-表示在中间的上或下)

每一行X起止为 最大x/2±棋盘最大的一半(8*40/2)



原文地址: http://outofmemory.cn/yw/11510732.html

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