#include "stdlib.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "conio.h "
#define PI 3.1425926
int gdriver=DETECT,gmode,errorcode
int a[10],b[10],x,y,c,r,i,j,t
double rad = 0.0
/* initialize graphics and local variables */
initgraph(&gdriver , &gmode ,"")
/* read result of initialization */
errorcode = graphresult()
if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */
printf("Graphics error : %s/n",grapherrormsg(errorcode))
printf("Please any key to halt:")
exit(1) /* terminate with an error code */
for(r = 0 r <= 8 r++ ) /*烟花的大小设定*/
for(i = 0,rad = 0.0 rad <2*PIrad += 0.78 ) /*设定坐标*/
a[i++] = x + (int)r *10* cos(rad)
b[ i ] = y + (int)r *10* sin(rad)
t = i
setcolor(c) /*功能:将当前图形屏幕的当前笔画颜色置为color.*/
circle(a[i],b[i],1)/* a[i],b[i] 为圆心 1 为半径 画圆 */
函数名: cleardevice
功 能: 清除图形屏幕
用 法: void far cleardevice(void)
函数名: closegraph
功 能: 关闭图形系统
用 法: void far closegraph(void)
void Init( int i )
// 分别为:烟花中心到图片边缘的最远距离、烟花中心到图片左上角的距离 (x、y) 两个分量
int r[13] = { 120, 120, 155, 123, 130, 147, 138, 138, 130, 135, 140, 132, 155 }
int x[13] = { 120, 120, 110, 117, 110, 93, 102, 102, 110, 105, 100, 108, 110 }
int y[13] = { 120, 120, 85, 118, 120, 103, 105, 110, 110, 120, 120, 104, 85 }
/**** 初始化烟花 *****/
Fire[i].x = 0// 烟花中心坐标
Fire[i].y = 0
Fire[i].width = 240// 图片宽
Fire[i].height = 240// 图片高
Fire[i].max_r = r[i]// 最大半径
Fire[i].cen_x = x[i]// 中心距左上角距离
Fire[i].cen_y = y[i]
Fire[i].show = false// 是否绽放
Fire[i].dt = 5// 绽放时间间隔
Fire[i].t1 = timeGetTime()
Fire[i].r = 0// 从 0 开始绽放
/**** 初始化烟花d *****/
Jet[i].x = -240// 烟花d左上角坐标
Jet[i].y = -240
Jet[i].hx = -240// 烟花d发射最高点坐标
Jet[i].hy = -240
Jet[i].height = 0// 发射高度
Jet[i].t1 = timeGetTime()
Jet[i].dt = rand() % 10// 发射速度时间间隔
Jet[i].n = 0// 烟花d闪烁图片下标
Jet[i].shoot = false// 是否发射
package love
import java.applet.Applet
import java.awt.Color
import java.awt.Graphics
import java.net.URL
import java.util.Random
@author enjoy
public class Q extends Applet implements Runnable
public int speed, variability, Max_Number, Max_Energy, Max_Patch,
Max_Length, G
public String sound
private int width, height
private Thread thread = null
private BeaClassDemo bcd[]
public void init()
int i
this.setSize(1900, 900)
width = getSize().width - 1
height = getSize().height - 1
speed = 1 // 烟花绽放的速度
variability = 10
Max_Number = 980 // 可发出烟花的最大数目
Max_Energy = width + 50
Max_Patch = 90 // 最大的斑点数
Max_Length = 90 // 斑点的最大距离
G = 150 // 向地面弯曲的力度
bcd = new BeaClassDemo[Max_Number]
for (i = 0i <Max_Numberi++)
bcd[i] = new BeaClassDemo(width, height, G)
public void start() {
if (thread == null) {
thread = new Thread(this)
public void stop() {
if (thread != null) {
thread = null
@SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "static-access" })
public void run() {
int i
int E = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Energy * 3 / 4) + Max_Energy / 4 + 1
int P = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Patch * 3 / 4) // 烟花的斑点数
+ Max_Patch / 4 + 1
int L = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Length * 3 / 4) // 烟花可发射出的距离
+ Max_Length / 4 + 1
long S = (long) (Math.random() * 10000)
boolean sleep
Graphics g = getGraphics()
URL u = null
while (true) {
try {
thread.sleep(1000 / speed)
catch (InterruptedException x) {
sleep = true
for (i = 0i <Max_Numberi++)
sleep = sleep &&bcd[i].sleep
if (sleep &&Math.random() * 100 <variability) {
E = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Energy * 3 / 4) + Max_Energy / 4
+ 1
P = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Patch * 3 / 4) + Max_Patch / 4
+ 1
L = (int) (Math.random() * Max_Length * 3 / 4) + Max_Length / 4
+ 1
S = (long) (Math.random() * 10000)
for (i = 0i <Max_Numberi++) {
if (bcd[i].sleep &&Math.random() * Max_Number * L <1)
bcd[i].init(E, P, L, S)
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.fillRect(0, 0, width + 1, height + 1)
class BeaClassDemo
public boolean sleep = true
private int energy, patch, length, width, height, G, Xx, Xy, Ex[], Ey[], x,
y, Red, Blue, Green, t
private Random random
public BeaClassDemo(int a, int b, int g)
width = a
height = b
G = g
public void init(int e, int p, int l, long seed)
int i
energy = e
patch = p
length = l
// 创建一个带种子的随机数生成器
random = new Random(seed)
Ex = new int[patch]
Ey = new int[patch]
Red = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128
Blue = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128
Green = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 128) + 128
Xx = (int) (Math.random() * width / 2) + width / 4
Xy = (int) (Math.random() * height / 2) + height / 4
for (i = 0i <patchi++) {
Ex[i] = (int) (Math.random() * energy) - energy / 2
Ey[i] = (int) (Math.random() * energy * 7 / 8) - energy / 8
public void start
t = 0
sleep = false
public void show(Graphics g)
if (!sleep)
if (t <length)
int i, c
double s
Color color
c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Red
if (c >= 0 &&c <256)
Red = c
c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Blue
if (c >= 0 &&c <256)
Blue = c
c = (int) (random.nextDouble() * 64) - 32 + Green
if (c >= 0 &&c <256)
Green = c
color = new Color(Red, Blue, Green)
for (i = 0i <patchi++)
s = (double) t / 100
x = (int) (Ex[i] * s)
y = (int) (Ey[i] * s - G * s * s)
g.drawLine(Xx + x, Xy - y, Xx + x, Xy - y)
if (t >= length / 2)
int j
for (j = 0j <2j++)
s = (double) ((t - length / 2) * 2 + j) / 100
x = (int) (Ex[i] * s)
y = (int) (Ey[i] * s - G * s * s)
g.drawLine(Xx + x, Xy - y, Xx + x, Xy - y)
C语言是世界上最流行、使用最广泛的高级程序设计语言之一。在 *** 作系统和系统使用程序以及需要对硬件进行 *** 作的场合,用C语言明显优于其它高级语言,许多大型应用软件都是用C语言编写的。
Java是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台(即JavaSE, JavaEE, JavaME)的总称。
C++这个词在中国大陆的程序员圈子中通常被读做“C加加”,而西方的程序员通常读做“C plus plus" , "CPP”。 它是一种使用非常广泛的计算机编程语言。C++是一种静态数据类型检查的、支持多重编程范式的通用程序设计语言。