Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, n As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
s = "+-×÷"
Text1.Text = ""绝侍
n = Int(Rnd(1) * 4) + 1
a = Int(9 * Rnd(1)) + 1
b = Int(9 * Rnd(1)) + 1
If n = 2 And a <b Then t = a: a = b: b = a
If n = 4 Then c = b: b = a: a = a * c
Label1.Caption = a &Mid(s, n, 1) &b &"="
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Select Case n
Case 1
c = a + b
Case 2
c = a - b
Case 3
c = a * b
Case 4
c = a / b
End Select
If c = CInt(Text1.Text) Then
MsgBox ("对了,您耐虚真棒!")
MsgBox ("错了,再努力!")
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Label1.Caption = ""
Text1.Text = "昌宏燃"
Label1.FontSize = 20
Text1.FontSize = 20
End Sub
程序 *** 作方法:点击“出题”,将会显示题目。
Option Explicit '在使用变量前必须定义变量Dim QuestionCount As Integer '已做题目个数
Dim Correct As Integer '答对题目数
Dim strQuestions(19) As String '保存20道题目
Dim strOpr As String '保存运算符
Dim X, Y As Integer '保存待计算的2个数
Dim bMade As Boolean '是否出题
Private Sub CmdEnd_Click()
If QuestionCount < 20 Then '最多只能做20道题目
If TxtAnswer.Text <> "" And bMade Then '填写答案了并且出了题目才提交答案
Dim result As Integer
Select Case strOpr
Case "+"
result = X + Y
Case "-"
result = X - Y
Case ChrW(215)
result = X * Y
Case ChrW(247)
result = X / Y
End Select
strQuestions(QuestionCount) = LabShowQuestion.Caption & " " & TxtAnswer.Text
If Val(TxtAnswer.Text) = result Then
strQuestions(QuestionCount) = strQuestions(QuestionCount) & " √"
Correct = Correct + 1
bAnswer(QuestionCount) = True
strQuestions(QuestionCount) = strQuestions(QuestionCount) & " ×"
bAnswer(QuestionCount) = False
End If
QuestionCount = QuestionCount + 1
LabShowQuestion.Caption = ""
TxtAnswer.Text = ""
TxtAnswer.Left = LabShowQuestion.Left + LabShowQuestion.Width + 100
bMade = False
End If
MsgBox "最多只能做20道题目。", vbOKOnly, "提示"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CmdShowQuestion_Click()
LabShowQuestion.Caption = MakeQuestion
TxtAnswer.Left = LabShowQuestion.Left + LabShowQuestion.Width + 100
End Sub
Private Function MakeQuestion() As String
Dim opr As Integer '值域从0 到 3,分别表示加减乘除。
bMade = True
X = CInt(Rnd() * 1000) Mod 100 'CInt将Double或Float转换为Integer类型
Y = CInt(Rnd() * 1000) Mod 100 'Rnd() * 1000随机生成一个数
opr = Rnd() * 1000 Mod 4 '随机生成一个运算符
If opr = 3 Then
Y = IIf(Y = 0, 1, Y) '防止除数为0
End If
Select Case opr
Case 0
strOpr = "+"
薯孙 Case 1
strOpr = "-"
Case 2
strOpr = ChrW(215)
Case 3
strOpr = ChrW(247)
End Select
MakeQuestion = X & " " & strOpr & " " & Y & " ="
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
QuestionCount = 0
Correct = 0
bMade = False
End Sub
Private Sub LabShowResult_Click()
If QuestionCount > 0 Then
数穗链 Dim i As Integer
LabShowResult.Caption = ""
For i = 0 To QuestionCount - 1
LabShowResult.Caption = LabShowResult.Caption & strQuestions(i) & Chr(13)
Next i
TxtScore(0).Text = QuestionCount
TxtScore(1).Text = Correct
TxtScore(2).Text = QuestionCount - Correct
TxtScore(3).Text = CInt(Correct / QuestionCount * 100) & "%"
End If
End Sub