POU程序组织单元POU(Programming Organisation Unit)是IEC61131-3标准中重要的、被广泛使用的基本IEC编程单位。POU由3种类型的基本斗帆单元组成:程序(Program)、功能块(Function Block)、函数(Function)。
IEC61131-3规定 Program Organization Units(POU)包含Program,Fuction Block,Fuction,POU是个封装的弯姿誉单元,可以独立编译,并作为其他程序埋段的部件,经册稿编译的POU可以连接在一起组成完整的程序。cortex a7上PoC和PoU的概念如下: PoC: the PoC is the point at which all blocks, for example, cores, DSPs, or DMA engines, that canaccess memory are guaranteed to see the same copy of a memory location. PoU: the PoU for a core is the point at which the instruction and data caches of the core are guaranteed to see the same copy of a memory location. PoC和PoU只手郑猜是看待内存的主体不一样而已,PoC是具体的agent看同一块内存的数据应该保毕型持一致,而丛闭PoU是指的cache L1看同一块内存的数据应该保持一致欢迎分享,转载请注明来源:内存溢出