A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding
Officer: May I see your driver's license
Driver: I don't have one I had it suspended when I got my fifth DUI
Officer: Can I see the registration for this vehicle
Driver: Oh, it's not my car I stole it
Officer: The car is stolen
Driver: Yeah Oh, but come to think of it, I think I saw the registration in the glove compartment when I was putting my gun in there
Officer: You have a gun in there
Driver: Yes sir That's where I put it after I shot the lady who owns the car She's in the trunk
Officer: There's a BODY in the trunk!
The officer tells the man to hold on, backs off carefully, and calls for backup Quickly, the car is surrounded by police, and the captain approaches the driver to handle the situation
Captain: Sir, can I see your license
Driver: Sure, Officer
Captain: Hmm, this license is just fine Whose car is this
Driver: It's mine, officer Here's the registration
Captain: Could you slowly open the glove compartment, please, so I can see if there's a gun in there
Driver: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it
He opens it, and sure enough, there's no gun
Captain: Would you mind if we opened the trunk I was told you said there's a body in there
Driver: No problem
The trunk is opened, nothing in there but a spare tire
Captain: The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glove compartment, and that there was a dead body in the trunk
Driver: Yeah, I'll bet he told you I was speeding, too!
Best Way
Mary loved Tom, but she worried about all the money he squandered when they went out together "How can I stop Tom from spending so much money on me"She asked her mother
"Marry him!"
Dating for Mother
When the young waitress in the café in Tom's building started waving hello everyday Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he
One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single"
"Why, yes," Tom replied, smiling at her broadly
"So is my mom," she said "Would you like to meet her"
A New Drug 一种新药
Jack:I have invented a new drug which could kill lice effectively
Tom:That's wonderful How is it used
Jack:When you catch a louse, just put a little of that drug on its mouth and it will die immediately
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苹果公司(Apple Inc )是美国的一家高科技公司。由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗·韦恩(Ron Wayne)等人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc ),2007年1月9日更名为苹果公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。
苹果公司1980年12月12日公开招股上市,2012年创下6235亿美元的市值记录,截至2014年6月,苹果公司已经连续三年成为全球市值最大公司。苹果公司在2016年世界500强排行榜中排名第9名。[1] 2013年9月30日,在宏盟集团的“全球最佳品牌”报告中,苹果公司超过可口可乐成为世界最有价值品牌。2014年,苹果品牌超越谷歌(Google),成为世界最具价值品牌。
2016年7月20日,《财富》世界500强排行榜,苹果公司名列第九名[2] 。2016年9月8日凌晨1点,2016苹果秋季新品发布会在美国旧金山的比尔·格雷厄姆市政礼堂举行[3] 。10月,苹果公司成为2016年全球100大最有价值品牌第一名。2017年1月6日早晨8点整,“红色星期五”促销活动在苹果官网正式上线,瞬间大量用户涌入官网进行抢购,仅两分钟所有参与活动的耳机便被抢光。2017年2月,Brand Finance发布2017年度全球500强品牌榜单,苹果公司排名第二。[4] 2017年6月7日,2017年《财富》美国500强排行榜发布,苹果公司排名第3位。[5] 2017年7月20日,2017年世界500强排名第9位。[6] 2017天猫双十一“亿元俱乐部”榜单显示,苹果位列一名。
我们买过很多品牌的户外音响,我得建议首选特美声完美10号,待机时间太长了 80多个小时,蓝牙功能很实用,还能录音,收音,话筒适用范围测试将近100米有效距离。穿透力不错,我们社区买了几十台了,价位也不高,400多块钱,进口的10寸的喇叭穿透力远。淘宝就有卖的。中间有圆按键的手机除了苹果还有的手机有:
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