如果不能联网,请从前述下载的iso镜像文件中(Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso-3.41G),拷取package中相应的gcc包和gcc-c++包,需要说明的是,如果你想安装NCTUns 6.0,最好使用Fedora 12,否则需要将gcc-c++更新至更高的版本。
#rpm –ivh packagename.rpm
大概安装readline-devel 、ncurses-devel、gcc、gcc-c++、glibc-devel、glibc-headers、kernel-headers、libstdc、ncurses-devel、readline-devel、rpm-libs等包
下载 NCTUns5.0-allinone-linux-我好像改过文件名了~),解压缩并运行安装程序:
# tar zxvf NCTUns5.0-allinone-linux-
# cd NCTUns-5.0/
# sh install.sh
# reboot
重启,选择NCTUns内核,运行 NCTUns 会出现下面问题:
failed to load the logo以及cannot find the file containing the module list的提示
如果重启后运行 NCTUns出现下面问题:
$ /usr/local/nctuns/bin/nctunsclient
/usr/local/nctuns/bin/nctunsclient.bin: error while loading shared libraries:
libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
则需要修改 .bashrc 配置文件:
$ vi .bashrc
export NCTUNSHOME=/usr/local/nctuns
export NCTUNS_BIN=/usr/local/nctuns/bin
export NCTUNS_TOOLS=/usr/local/nctuns/tools
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/nctuns/lib
提醒大家:以root用户打开run simulation时,GUI所需密码默认是nctuns。请注意区别!
1、How to solve "login failed. please check your username and password" problem
It is because the account/password doesn't match with the user information in the dispatcher setting.
To solve the problem, run the nctunsclient and then goto G_Setting ->Dispatcher.
Under user information, give an ordinary username and its password (the account can't be root).
Of course, the ordinary user account should be previously created in your linux machine.
2、How to solve "No Idle Server" error
The no idle server shows up may be the reason that the program terminates unexpectedly on the previous simulation.
You can use "ps aux | grep nctuns" to see what programs are still running and then use "killall [ProgramName]" to kill that process.
Example: killall stg
3、出现了“Connect to Dispatcher at failed”,
执行Dispatcher,,还要另外开启coordinator才能run simulation,注意,要开三个终端,其中一个开Dispatcher,一个开coordinator,一个执行Nctuns
4、以root身份登录fedora 10
# auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
# auth required pam_succeed_if.so user != root quiet
Before running all of the NCTUns 5.0 programs, three environment
variables must be set.
If you install the NCTUns 5.0 package into the default
/usr/local/nctuns directory, in the following description
${where-you-install} should be replaced with /usr/local/nctuns.
NCTUNSHOME should be set to ${where-you-install}, NCTUNS_TOOLS
should be set to ${where-you-install}/tools, and NCTUNS_BIN
should be set to ${where-you-install/bin
E.g., if you use tcsh, you can add the following lines to your
.cshrc shell configuration file
setenv NCTUNSHOME ${where-you-install}
setenv NCTUNS_TOOLS ${where-you-install}/tools
setenv NCTUNS_BIN ${where-you-install}/bin
E.g., if you use bash, you can add the following lines to your
.bashrc shell file
export NCTUNSHOME=${where-you-install}
export NCTUNS_TOOLS=${where-you-install}/tools
export NCTUNS_BIN=${where-you-install}/bin
You can also use the ${where-you-install}/etc/nctuns.{csh|bash} to
help you set all environment variables
E.g., if you use tcsh, you can add the following lines to your
.cshrc shell configuration file
source ${where-you-install}/etc/nctuns.csh
E.g., if you use bash, you can add the following lines to your
.bashrc shell configuration file
source ${where-you-install}/etc/nctuns.bash
If you do not add these commands to your .cshrc or .bashrc file,
you will need to manually set these variables in each opened
xterm window before executing a NCTUns 5.0 program.