echo "This is script show the param use:"
echo "This is the script name: $0"
echo "This is the first param is: $1"
echo "This is the second param is: $2"
echo "This is the third param is: $3"
echo "This is the fourth param is: $4"
echo "This is the fifth param is: $5"
echo "This is the sixth param is: $6"
echo "This is the seventh param is: $7"
echo "This is the eighth param is: $8"
echo "This is the ninith param is: $9"
echo "This total param num is: $#"
echo "This total param is: $*" 使用的时候直接把你要参数
加到脚本后面例如下面:[kinyou_xy@localhost shell]$ sh param.sh one two thr good night wubi shell study last
This is script show the param use:
This is the script name: param.sh
This is the first param is: one
This is the second param is: two
This is the third param is: thr
This is the fourth param is: good
This is the fifth param is: night
This is the sixth param is: wubi
This is the seventh param is: shell
This is the eighth param is: study
This is the ninith param is: last
This total param num is: 9
This total param is: one two thr good night wubi shell study lastLinux sort命令用于将文本文件内容加以排序,sort可针对文本文件的内容,以行为单位来排序。
Linux sort命令参数:
一般来说可以用 $(xxxxx) 或者 `xxxxx` (数字1左边的那个引号)做命令的嵌套
jiangtao@Gentoo ~/temp $ date
2013年 03月 07日 星期四 21:44:23 CST
jiangtao@Gentoo ~/temp $ echo 现在时间是:`date`
现在时间是:2013年 03月 07日 星期四 21:44:45 CST
jiangtao@Gentoo ~/temp $ echo 现在时间是:$(date)
现在时间是:2013年 03月 07日 星期四 21:44:57 CST
jiangtao@Gentoo ~/temp $