layer和线性产品层数。 在每层数之内的结
are充分地连接了到早先层数结。 输入变数其中每碧销一被分配到在输入层数的结并且被连接直接地到暗藏的层数,不用重量。 暗藏的层数结是RBF单位。 结计橘饥算中心和网络输入传染媒介之间的欧几里德的距离,并且通过结果一个非线性作用[17]。 产品层数结是RBF的被衡量的线性组合在暗藏的层数的。 一个RBF神经网络的The结构与n输入的,
Where,输入x = [x1、x2,…, xn] T和w = [w1, w2,…, wq] T是神经网络重量。 ui是a
where ci = (ci1, ci2,…, cij) T, j=1, 2,…, n,是ith RBF暗藏的单位的中心,并且双是ith RBF暗藏的单位的宽度。 然后ith RBF网络产品可以代表作为q依据作用的一个线性地被衡量的总和
Let y (k)代表网络的指标值在时间k。 网络的The错误在时间k的被定义如下:
using梯度下降做法。 因此,变动的
output重量wi、中心cij和宽度双是坚定的 根据以下等式的 :
where α是动量期限,并且η是学习的率, α ∈ [0,1], η ∈ [0, 1]。 期限_wi、_cij和_bi被定义如下: 我们编程体会RBF算法的When,怎么
choose以下三个参量的最宜的原始价值在Eqs的。 (5)–(7) : 产品重量wi、中心cij和宽度双,是非常重要的。 如果他们没有适当地被选择, RBF神经网络也许贬低塑造的有效性和准确性。 因此一种基因算法被用于优选RBF神经网络参量。
Agenetic算法是维护的一个交互式做法 构成套候选人解答对具体串的a人口[第18个问题]。 在每个世代时,在当前人口的串为他们的有效率是额定的作为解答。 通过使用基因 *** 作,例如选择、天桥和变化,根据这些评估,候选人解答的新的人口被形成。 有要求的四主要步使用基因算法解决问题,包括,健身的悔伍游编码,评估,基因 *** 作和终止标准。
#include <pic.h>
#include <pic16f684.h>
#include <则帆明math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void Init()
void PID()
void Set_Constants()
bit flag1,do_PID,int_flag
signed char en0, en1, en2, en3, term1_char, term2_char, off_set
unsigned char temp
short int temp_int
unsigned short int ki, kd, kp
signed int SumE_Min, SumE_Max, SumE, integral_term, derivative_term, un
signed long Cn
// Positional PID 256 Hz
//Main() - Main Routine
void main()
Init() //Initialize 12F629 Microcontroller
Set_Constants() //Get PID coefficients ki, kp and kd
while(1) //Loop Forever
//Init - Initialization Routine
void Init()
TRISA = 0b00101101 // Set RA4 and RA2 as outputs
TRISC = 0b00000011 // Set RC0 and RC1 as inputs, rest outputs
CMCON0 = 0x07 // Disable the comparator
IRCF0 = 1 // Used to set intrc speed to 8 MHz
IRCF1 = 1 //孙告 Used to set intrc speed to 8 MHz
IRCF2 = 1 // Used to set intrc speed to 8 MHz
CCP1CON = 0b01001100 // Full bridge PWM forward
ECCPAS = 0 // Auto_shutdown is disabled for now
PR2 = 0x3F /轿隐/ Sets PWM Period at 31.2 kHz
T2CON = 0 // TMR2 Off with no prescale
CCPR1L = 0 // Sets Duty Cycle to zero
TMR2ON = 1 // Start Timer2
ANSEL = 0b00110101 // Configure AN0,AN2,AN4 and AN5 as analog
VCFG = 0 // Use Vdd as Ref
ADFM = 1 // Right justified A/D result
ADCS0 = 1 // 16 TOSC prescale
ADCS1 = 0
ADCS2 = 1
CHS0 = 0 // Channel select AN0
CHS1 = 0
CHS2 = 0
ADON = 1 //Turn A/D on
en0 = en1 = en2 = en3 = term1_char = term2_char =0
ki = kd = 0
kp = off_set = 0
temp_int = integral_term = derivative_term = un =0
SumE_Max = 30000
SumE_Min = 1 - SumE_Max
do_PID = 1 // Allowed to do PID function
T0CS = 0 // Timer0 as timer not a counter
TMR0 = 10 // Preload value
PSA = 0 // Prescaler to Timer0
PS0 = 0 // Prescale to 32 =>256 Hz
PS1 = 0
PS2 = 1
PIE1 = 0
T0IE = 1 // Enable Timer0 int
GIE = 1
void PID() // The from of the PID is C(n) = K(E(n) + (Ts/Ti)SumE + (Td/Ts)[E(n) - E(n-1)])
integral_term = derivative_term = 0
// Calculate the integral term
SumE = SumE + en0 // SumE is the summation of the error terms
if(SumE >SumE_Max){ // Test if the summation is too big
SumE = SumE_Max
if(SumE <SumE_Min){ // Test if the summation is too small
SumE = SumE_Min
} // Integral term is (Ts/Ti)*SumE where Ti is Kp/Ki
// and Ts is the sampling period
// Actual equation used to calculate the integral term is
// Ki*SumE/(Kp*Fs*X) where X is an unknown scaling factor
// and Fs is the sampling frequency
integral_term = SumE / 256 // Divide by the sampling frequency
integral_term = integral_term * ki // Multiply Ki
integral_term = integral_term / 16 // combination of scaling factor and Kp
// Calculate the derivative term
derivative_term = en0 - en3
if(derivative_term >120){ // Test if too large
derivative_term = 120
if(derivative_term <-120){ // test if too small
derivative_term = -120
} // Calculate derivative term using (Td/Ts)[E(n) - E(n-1)]
// Where Td is Kd/Kp
// Actual equation used is Kd(en0-en3)/(Kp*X*3*Ts)
derivative_term = derivative_term * kd // Where X is an unknown scaling factor
derivative_term = derivative_term >>5 // divide by 32 precalculated Kp*X*3*Ts
if(derivative_term >120){
derivative_term = 120
if(derivative_term <-120){
derivative_term = -120
// C(n) = K(E(n) + (Ts/Ti)SumE + (Td/Ts)[E(n) - E(n-1)])
Cn = en0 + integral_term + derivative_term // Sum the terms
Cn = Cn * kp / 1024 // multiply by Kp then scale
if(Cn >= 1000) // Used to limit duty cycle not to have punch through
Cn = 1000
if(Cn <= -1000)
Cn = -1000
if(Cn == 0){ // Set the speed of the PWM
DC1B1 = DC1B1 = 0
CCPR1L = 0
if(Cn >0){ // Motor should go forward and set the duty cycle to Cn
P1M1 = 0 // Motor is going forward
temp = Cn
DC1B0 = 1
DC1B0 = 0
DC1B1 = 1
DC1B1 = 0
CCPR1L = Cn >>2 // Used to stop the pendulum from continually going around in a circle
off_set = off_set +1 // the offset is use to adjust the angle of the pendulum to slightly
if(off_set >55){ // larger than it actually is
off_set = 55
else { // Motor should go backwards and set the duty cycle to Cn
P1M1 = 1 // Motor is going backwards
temp_int = abs(Cn) // Returns the absolute int value of Cn
temp = temp_int // int to char of LS-Byte
DC1B0 = 1
DC1B0 = 0
DC1B1 = 1
DC1B1 = 0
CCPR1L = temp_int >>2 // Used to stop the pendulum from continually going around in a circle
off_set = off_set -1
if(off_set <-55){
off_set = -55
en3 = en2 // Shift error signals
en2 = en1
en1 = en0
en0 = 0
do_PID = 0 // Done
RA4 = 0 // Test flag to measure the speed of the loop
void Set_Constants()
ANS2 = 1 // Configure AN2 as analog
ANS4 = 1 // Configure AN4 as analog
ANS5 = 1 // Configure AN5 as analog
ADFM = 1 // Right justified A/D result
CHS0 = 0 // Channel select AN4
CHS1 = 0
CHS2 = 1
temp = 200 // Gives delay
temp = 0 // Does nothing.....
ki = ADRESH <<8 // Store the A/D result to Integral Constant
ki = ki + ADRESL
CHS0 = 1 // Channel select AN5
CHS1 = 0
CHS2 = 1
temp = 200 // Gives delay
temp = 0 // Does nothing.....
kd = ADRESH <<8 // Store the A/D result to Differential Constant
kd = kd + ADRESL
CHS0 = 0 // Channel select AN2
CHS1 = 1
CHS2 = 0
temp = 200 // Gives delay
temp = 0 // Does nothing.....
kp = ADRESH <<8 // Store the A/D result to Proportional Constant
kp = kp + ADRESL
CHS0 = 0 // Channel select AN0
CHS1 = 0
CHS2 = 0
void interrupt Isr()
TMR0 = 10 // Preload value
T0IF = 0 // Clear Int Flag
// flag1 = (!flag1)
RA4 = 1
temp_int = 0
temp_int = ADRESH <<8 // Store the A/D result with offset
temp_int = temp_int + ADRESL - 512
en0 = temp_int + off_set/8 // Store to error function asuming no over-flow
do_PID = 1 // Allowed to do PID function
GODONE = 1 // Start next A/D cycle
PIR1 = 0
RAIF = 0
INTF = 0
if(temp_int >180){ //Check if error is too large (positive)
DC1B0 = DC1B1 = 0 // Stop PWM
CCPR1L = 0
en0 = en1 = en2 = en3 = term1_char = term2_char = off_set = 0 // Clear all PID constants
Cn = integral_term = derivative_term = SumE = RA4 = 0
do_PID = 0 // Stop doing PID
if(temp_int <-180){ //Check if error is too large (negative)
DC1B0 = DC1B1 = 0 // Stop PWM
CCPR1L = 0
en0 = en1 = en2 = en3 = term1_char = term2_char = off_set = 0 // Clear all PID constants
Cn = integral_term = derivative_term = SumE = RA4 = 0
do_PID = 0 // Stop doing PID