LVM的基本组成块(building blocks)如下:
物理卷Physical volume (PV):可以在上面建立卷组的媒介,可以是硬盘分区,也可以是硬盘本身或者回环文件(loopback file)。物理卷包括一个特殊的header,其余部分被切割为一块块物理区域(physical extents)。 Think of physical volumes as big building blocks which can be used to build your hard drive.
卷组Volume group (VG):将一组物理卷收集为一个管理单元。Group of physical volumes that are used as storage volume (as one disk). They contain logical volumes. Think of volume groups as hard drives.
逻辑卷Logical volume (LV):虚拟分区,由物理区域(physical extents)组成。A "virtual/logical partition" that resides in a volume group and is composed of physical extents. Think of logical volumes as normal partitions.
物理区域Physical extent (PE):硬盘可供指派给逻辑卷的最小单位(通常为4MB)。A small part of a disk (usually 4MB) that can be assigned to a logical Volume. Think of physical extents as parts of disks that can be allocated to any partition.
基本数据类型可以指定int的长度:类似的,还有uint32_t和uint64_t其它数据类型1,size_t:跟机器字长一样;2,off_t:32位机器下默认是32位长,这时无法对大于4G的文件偏移 *** 作,这时off_t = __off_t;如果想进行大于4G的文件偏移 *** 作,可以在程序中加入头文件之前定义这时off_t = __off64_t,具体定义在unistd.h中;对于64位机,默认就是64位长。#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 643,ino_t:跟机器字长一样。32位的Linux的内存最大支持到4GB,64位的Linux的最大支持内存在EB级别上。实际上最大支持多大的内容跟 *** 作系统的种类无关,而是跟 *** 作系统是32位还是64位有关。32位的Linux和32位的Windows支持的最大内存是4GB,2的32次方字节=4294967296字节