visual-firebug - Visual Firebug is a chrome extension to editor online pages' style. It helps visual designer, interactive designer, operators and other peoples to modify the online pages' css style quickly and easily. - Google Project Hosting
Visual Firebug是一个编辑在线页面样式的chrome插件。它的产生是为了让一些不会使用firebug的视觉、交互、运营等同学能够快速、方便地修改在线页面。
Visual Firebug is a chrome extension to editor online pages' style.It helps visual designer, interactive designer, web site operator and other peoples modify the online pages quickly and easily.
Operators can type the generated code in the cms' node style properties; visual designer and interactive designer don't need to open Photoshop, Axure and other tools, but directly open the tools to edit,save and then throw the file to frontend; frontend check the code,then coding based on the generated code.