Persistent Data Structures(可持久化的数据结构)ted博客园

Persistent Data Structures(可持久化的数据结构)ted博客园,第1张

Persistent Data Structures(可持久化的数据结构) - ted - 博客园

Persistent Data Structures可持久化的数据结构Contents内容
  • Introduction                          介绍
  • Persistent Singly Linked Lists   可持久化单向链表
  • Persistent Binary Trees           可持久化二叉树
  • Random Access Lists              随机存取列表
  • ImmutableCollections              不可变类型集合类
    • Stack                                 堆栈
    • SortedList                          有序列表
    • ArrayList                            动态数组
    • Array                                 数组
    • RandomAccessLists             随机存取列表
  • Conclusion                              结论

When you hear the word persistence in programming, most often, you think of an application saving its data to some type of storage, such as a database, so that the data can be retrieved later when the application is run again. There is, however, another meaning for the word persistence when it is used to describe data structures, particularly those used in functional programming languages. In that context, a persistent data structure is a data structure capable of preserving the current version of itself when modified. In essence, a persistent data structure is immutable.


An example of a class that uses this type of persistence in the .NET Framework is the string class. Once a string object is created, it cannot be changed. Any operation that appears to change a string generates a new string instead. Thus, each version of a string object can be preserved. An advantage for a persistent class like the string class is that it basically gives you undo functionality built-in. As newer versions of a persistent object are created, older versions can be pushed onto a stack and popped off when you want to undo an operation. Another advantage is that because persistent data structures cannot change state, they are easier to reason about and are thread safe.

.NET Framework中的String类正好是使用了持久化能力的一个例子。一旦创建了一个String类型实例,它便不能被改变了,对于欲改变其值的任何 *** 作都将被产生一个新的String对象,通过这样,每一个版本的String实例都将被驻留下来。这样的具有持久化特点的类型像String类型都内置了撤销(Undo)功能,当该对象的新一个版本产生的时候,旧版本将被压入栈中,如果需要执行撤销动作的时候,只需将旧版本从堆栈中取出。另外一个优点是由于可持久化数据类型不能更改其内部状态,很容易得知它是线程安全的。

There is an overhead that comes with persistent data structures, however. Each operation that changes a persistent data structure creates a new version of that data structure. This can involve a good deal of copying to create the new version. This cost can be mitigated to a large degree by reusing as much of the internal structure of the old version in creating a new one. I will explore this idea in making two common data structures persistent: the singly linked list and the binary tree, and describe a third data structure that combines the two. I will also describe several classes I have created that are persistent versions of some of the classes in the System.Collections namespace.

然而持久化的数据结构会带来一些开销,任何改变持久化数据结构的 *** 作都将创建一个新的版本,这可能会涉及到大量的拷贝 *** 作,通常我们可以通过重用旧版本对象的内部数据结构来创建一个新的对象,这种办法可以极大地降低拷贝 *** 作所带来的消耗。我将会通过两个常用的数据结构来阐述这个思想:单向列表以及二叉树,然后通过这两个数据结构来组合第三个数据结构。同时我也会讲述System.Collection命名空间下面的那些持久化的类型。   

Persistent Singly Linked Lists持久化的单向链表

The singly linked list is one of the most widely used data structures in programming. It consists of a series of nodes linked together one right after the other. Each node has a reference to the node that comes after it, and the last node in the list terminates with a null reference. To traverse a singly linked list, you begin at the head of the list and move from one node to the next until you have reached the node you are looking for or have reached the last node:



Let's insert a new item into the list. This list is not persistent, meaning that it can be changed in-place without generating a new version. After taking a look at the insertion operation on a non-persistent list, we'll look at the same operation on a persistent list.

让我们插入一个新的节点到这个链表中去,并且该链表是非持久化的,也就是说这个链表可以被改变而无需产生一个新的版本。在查看了非持久化链表的插入 *** 作之后,我们将会查看同样的 *** 作在持久化链表中。

Inserting a new item into a singly linked list involves creating a new node:


We will insert the new node at the fourth position in the list. First, we traverse the list until we've reached that position. Then the node that will precede the new node is unlinked from the next node...


...and relinked to the new node. The new node is, in turn, linked to the remaining nodes in the list:


Inserting a new item into a persistent singly linked list will not alter the existing list but create a new version with the item inserted into it. Instead of copying the entire list and then inserting the item into the copy, a better strategy is to reuse as much of the old list as possible. Since the nodes themselves are persistent, we don't have to worry about aliasing problems.


To insert a new node at the fourth position, we traverse the list as before only copying each node along the way. Each copied node is linked to the next copied node:


The last copied node is linked to the new node, and the new node is linked to the remaining nodes in the old list:


On an average, about N/2 nodes will be copied in the persistent version for insertions and deletions, where N equals the number of nodes in the list. This isn't terribly efficient but does give us some savings. One persistent data structure where this approach to singly linked list buys us a lot is the stack. Imagine the above data structure with insertions and deletions restricted to the head of the list. In this case, N nodes can be reused for pushing items onto a stack and N - 1 nodes can be reused for popping a stack.

平均来看,对于插入和删除 *** 作,大约有N/2的节点将被拷贝,而N等于链表长度。这并不是特别的高效,仅仅只是节省了一些空间。与通过这样的方式来构建单向链表一样的一个数据结构是堆栈,我们可以想象一下在链表起始位置的插入以及删除 *** 作,在这个场景中,对于堆栈来讲,压栈 *** 作时全部节点都可以被重用,而出栈 *** 作也有N-1个节点被重用。 

Persistent Binary Trees持久化二叉树

A binary tree is a collection of nodes in which each node contains two links, one to its left child and another to its right child. Each child is itself a node, and either or both of the child nodes can be null, meaning that a node may have zero to two children. In the binary search tree version, each node usually stores a key/value pair. The tree is searched and ordered according to its keys. The key stored at a node is always greater than the keys stored in its left descendents and always less than the keys stored in its right descendents. This makes searching for any particular key very fast.


Here is an example of a binary search tree. The keys are listed as numbers; the values have been omitted but are assumed to exist. Notice how each key as you descend to the left is less than the key of its predecessor, and vice versa as you descend to the right:


Changing the value of a particular node in a non-persistent tree involves starting at the root of the tree and searching for a particular key associated with that value, and then changing the value once the node has been found. Changing a persistent tree, on the other hand, generates a new version of the tree. We will use the same strategy in implementing a persistent binary tree as we did for the persistent singly linked list, which is to reuse as much of the data structure as possible when making a new version.


Let's change the value stored in the node with the key 7. As the search for the key leads us down the tree, we copy each node along the way. If we descend to the left, we point the previously copied node's left child to the currently copied node. The previous node's right child continues to point to nodes in the older version. If we descend to the right, we do just the opposite.


This illustrates the "spine" of the search down the tree. The red nodes are the only nodes that need to be copied in making a new version of the tree:


You can see that the majority of the nodes do not need to be copied. Assuming the binary tree is balanced, the number of nodes that need to be copied any time a write operation is performed is at most O(Log N), where Log is base 2. This is much more efficient than the persistent singly linked list.

你能够发现大多数节点是不要拷贝的,假定二叉树是平衡的,在每一次节点值的写 *** 作中需要拷贝的节点数目大约是O(LogN),对数的底为2。显然比起持久化的单向链表效率很高。

Insertions and deletions work the same way, only steps should be taken to keep the tree in balance, such as using an AVL tree. If a binary tree becomes degenerate, we run into the same efficiency problems as we did with the singly linked list.

插入以及删除 *** 作将按照同样的方式进行,但是一些额外的保持树平衡的 *** 作还是必须的,例如使用AVL树作为底层数据结构的时候。如果二叉树变得很不平衡,我们将会碰到同样的效率问题如同在持久化单向链表是一样。  

Random Access Lists

An interesting persistent data structure that combines the singly linked list with the binary tree is Chris Okasaki's random-access list. This data structure allows for random access of its items as well as adding and removing items from the beginning of the list. It is structured as a singly linked list of completely balanced binary trees. The advantage of this data structure is that it allows access, insertion, and removal of the head of the list in O(1) time as well as provides logarithmic performance in randomly accessing its items.

一个比较有意思的持久化数据结构是Chris Okasaki的随机存取列表,它结合了单向链表和二叉树的特点。这个数据结构除了允许用户随机 *** 作其节点外,还支持在列表的起始位置添加和删除节点。它被组织成为一个使用二叉树来平衡的单向链表,其优点是当在其起始位置进行节点 *** 作时,只需要O(1)的复杂度,而在随机 *** 作节点的时候,也只有O(Log(N)).

Here is a random-access list with 13 items:


When a node is added to the list, the first two root nodes (if they exist) are checked to see if they both have the same height. If so, the new node is made the parent of the first two nodes; the current head of the list is made the left child of the new node, and the second root node is made the right child. If the first two root nodes do not have the same height, the new node is simply placed at the beginning of the list and linked to the next tree in the list.


To remove the head of the list, the root node at the beginning of the list is removed, with its left child becoming the new head and its right child becoming the root of the second tree in the list. The new head of the list is right linked with the next root node in the list:


The algorithm for finding a node at a specific index is in two parts: in the first part, we find the tree in the list that contains the node we're looking for. In the second part, we descend into the tree to find the node itself. The following algorithm is used to find a node in the list at a specific index:


  1. Let I be the index of the node we're looking for. Set T to the head of the list where T will be our reference to the root node of the current tree in the list we're examining.


  1. If I is equal to 0, we've found the node we're looking for; terminate algorithm. Else if I is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in T, subtract the number of nodes in T from I and set T to the root of the next tree in the list and repeat step 2. Else if I is less than the number of nodes in T, go to step 3.


  1. Set S to the number of nodes in T divided by 2 (the fractional part of the division is ignored. For example, if the number of nodes in the current subtree is 3, S will be 1).


  1. If I is less than S, subtract 1 from I and set T to T's left child. Else subtract (S + 1) from I and set T to T's right child.


  1. If I is equal to 0, we've found the node we're looking for; terminate algorithm. Else go to step 3.


This illustrates using the algorithm to find the 10th item in the list:


Keep in mind that all operations that change a random-access list do not change the existing list but rather generate a new version representing the change. As much of the old list is reused in creating a new version.

记住所有改变随机存取列表的 *** 作都不会改变现有列表,而是创建一个新的版本,并且在创建新版本的时候要尽可能充用现有列表。 

Immutable Collections不可改变集合类型

Included with this article are a number of persistent collection classes I have created. These classes are in a namespace called ImmutableCollections. I have created persistent versions of some of the collection classes in the System.Collections namespace. I will describe each one and some of the challenges in making them persistent. There are several collection classes that are currently missing; I need to add a queue, for example. Hopefully, I will get to those in time. Also, even though I've taken steps to make these classes efficient, they cannot compete with the System.Collections classes in terms of speed, but they really aren't meant to. They are meant to provide the advantages of immutability while providing reasonable performance.



This one was easy. Simply create a persistent singly linked list and limit insertions and deletions to the head of the list. Since this class is persistent, popping a stack returns a new version of the stack with the next item in the old stack as the new top. In the System.Collections.Stack version, popping the stack returns the top of the stack. The question for the persistent version was how to make the top of the stack available since it cannot be returned when the stack is popped. I chose to create a Top property that represents the top of the stack.

这个类是比较容易的,可以创建一个持久化的单向链表,然后限定只能在起始位置进行插入和删除 *** 作。因为这个类是持久化的,出栈 *** 作将会返回一个新版本的堆栈,这个堆栈以旧堆栈的第二个节点为头节点。在System.Collection命名空间下,出栈 *** 作仅仅只是删除栈顶元素并返回。


The SortedList uses AVL tree algorithms to keep the tree in balance. I found it useful to create an IAvlNode interface. Two classes implement this interface, the AvlNode class and the NullAvlNode class. The NullAvlNode class implements the null object design pattern. This simplified many of the algorithms.



This is the class that proved most challenging. Like the SortedList, it uses a persistent AVL tree as its data structure. However, unlike the SortedList, items are accessed by index (or by position) rather than by key. I have to admit that the algorithms for accessing and inserting items in a binary tree by index weren't intuitive to me, so I turned to Knuth. Specifically, I used Algorithms B and C in section 6.2.3 in volume 3 of The Art of Computer Programming.

这个类的实现会遇到更多的挑战。与有序列表相同的是它也使用了持久化的AVL树来作为其底层的数据结构,不同的地方是是用户只能通过顺序索引来 *** 作列表元素而不是字符串索引。不得不说的是我的本意并不是在一个二叉树上按照顺序索引来 *** 纵和插入列表元素,所以我查看了Knuth的书籍,准确地来讲是使用了计算机编程的艺术第三卷6.2.3中的算法B和C。

I made an assumption about the ArrayList in order to improve performance. I assumed that the Add method is by far the most used method. However, adding items to the ArrayList one right after the other causes a lot of tree rotations to keep the tree in balance. To solve this, I created a template tree that is already completely balanced. Since this template tree is immutable, it can exist at the class level and be shared amongst all of the instances of the class.

为了提高动态数组的性能,我做了一个假设。假定Add方法是动态数组使用最多的方法,然而为了保持树的平衡,添加对象 *** 作会引起多次的树旋转。为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个完全平衡的模板树,因为这个树是不可更改的,它可以在类的级别上存在,且能够被所有类的实例所共享。

When an instance of the ArrayList class is created, it takes a small subtree of the template tree. As items are added, the nodes in the template tree are replaced with new nodes. Since the tree is completely balanced, no rebalancing is necessary. If the subtree gets filled up, another subtree of equal height is taken from the template tree and joined to the existing tree. Insertions and deletions are handled normally with rebalancing performed if necessary. Again, the assumption is that adding items to the ArrayList occurs much more frequently than inserting or deleting items.

当一个动态数组的实例被创建的时候,它会抓住模板树的一个子树。当添加子节点的时候,模板树上的节点将会被新添的节点所替换,因为模板树本身就是平衡的,所以无需平衡树的 *** 作。如果这个子树已经被填满,则会在模板树上抓取高度相同的另外一个子树,然后加入当前存在的树。当然插入和删除 *** 作就需要进行平衡 *** 作了。再一次强调的是我们的假设是添加节点的 *** 作会远多于插入以及删除 *** 作,才可以这样做。


The Array class uses the random access list structure to provide a persistent array with logarithmic performance. Unlike a random access list, it has a fixed size.



This class does not have a parallel in the System.Collections namespace, but it was one of the first persistent classes I wrote, and I decided to include it here. It's a straightforward implementation of Chris Okasaki's random-access list described above. This data structure was designed to be used in functional languages where lists have three basic operations: Cons, Head, and Tail. Cons adds an item to the head of the list, Head is the first item in the list, and Tail represents all of the items in the list except for the Head.

这个类型在.NET类库的System.Collection命名空间下没有对应的实现类,但是它是我写的第一个持久化类,所以我决定在这里也介绍一下。在Chris Okasaki的文章中有一个简单易懂的实现,在一些函数式语言中会经常用到这个数据结构,通常它有三个基本 *** 作:Cons,Head和Tail,Cons会添加一个新的对象到这个列表对象的开头,而Head将会返回列表的第一个对象,通过Tail会得到列表中除了第一个对象外的所有对象。


Persistent data structures help simplify programming by eliminating a whole class of bugs associated with side-effects and synchronization issues. They are not a cure-all but are a useful tool for helping a programmer deal with complexity. I have explored ways of making data structures persistent and have provided a small .NET library of persistent data structures. I hope you have enjoyed the article, and as always, I welcome feedback.


2008.11.13 更新:

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