作为一个数据开发工程师,hive sql是我们必备的技能,好的hql语句让我们事半功倍。
#错误示范 select * from user_info where age = 18 #正确示范 select uid ,uname ,sex from user_info where age = 18
当列很多时,如果select * ,全列扫描效率很低。
建议:不要图省事select *,应该进行列剪裁。
#错误示范 select uid ,uname ,sex from user_info where age = 18 #正确示范 select uid ,uname ,sex from user_info where dt_ymd >= '20190201' and dt_ymd <= '20190224' and age = 18
#错误示范 select distinct uid ,uname ,sex from user_info #正确示范 select uid ,uname ,sex from user_info group by uid ,uname ,sex
建议:用group by替代。
#错误示范 select user_id ,uid ,uname ,sex from user_info t1 left join orer_info t2 on t1.user_id = t2.user_id where t1.age = 18 #正确示范 select uid ,uname ,sex from (select user_id,uid,uname,sex from user_info where age = 18)t1 left join orer_info t2 on t1.user_id = t2.user_idinsert into代替union all
#错误示范 insert overwtite table xxxx select a, b, c from table1 union all select d, e, f from table2 union all select h, i, j from table3 #正确示范 1 drop table if exists table xxxx; insert into table xxxx select a, b, c from table1; insert into table xxxx select d, e, f from table2; insert into table xxxx select h, i, j from table3; #正确示范 2 insert into table xxxx1 select a, b, c from table1; insert into table xxxx2 select d, e, f from table2; insert into table xxxx3 select h, i, j from table3; insert overwtite table xxxx select a, b, c from xxxx1 union all select d, e, f from xxxx2 union all select h, i, j from xxxx3union all替代join
#错误示范 select ep.productid ,productname ,count(st.tduserid) ,count(distinct sl.tduserid) ,count(distinct sn.tduserid) ,avg(sl.interval_level) from(select productid ,productname from xxx.product where productid = '3006090' ) ep join(select tduserid ,productid from xxx_page_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) ) st on ep.productid=st.productid join(select tduserid ,interval_level ,productid from xxx_launch_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) ) sl on st.productid=sl.productid join(select tduserid ,productid from xxx_newuser_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) ) sn on sl.productid=sn.productid group by ep.productid ,productname ; 刚开始然后写出的hql语句基本没啥优化,然后在生产集群跑了20分钟没跑完。用union all只跑了1m26s,写起来可能复杂些,不多说代码如下: #正确示范 select '2019-04-07' dates, '3006090' productid, max(pro) productname, sum(pv) pv, sum(uv) uv, cast(sum(duration) as decimal(10,4)) duration, sum(new_uv) new_uv from (select productname pro, '0' pv, '0' uv, '0' duration, '0' new_uv from xxx.product where productid = '3006090' union all select '0' pro, count(tduserid) pv, '0' uv, '0' duration, '0' new_uv from xxx_page_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) and productid = '3006090' union all select '0' pro, '0' pv, count(distinct tduserid) uv, avg(interval_level) duration, '0' new_uv from xxx_launch_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) and productid = '3006090' union all select '0' pro, '0' pv, '0' uv, '0' duration, count(distinct tduserid) new_uv from xxx_newuser_ex where l_date <= '2019-04-07' and l_date >= date_add('2019-04-07', -6) and productid = '3006090' ) t; 那么数值的可以用sum求和,当有汉字时怎么办呢,用max就可以解决这个问题。join基础优化
build table(小表)前置在最常见的hash join方法中,一般总有一张相对小的表和一张相对大的表,小表叫build table,大表叫probe table。如下图所示。
Hive在解析带join的SQL语句时,会默认将最后一个表作为probe table,将前面的表作为build table并试图将它们读进内存。如果表顺序写反,probe table在前面,引发OOM的风险就高了。
在维度建模数据仓库中,事实表就是probe table,维度表就是build table。假设现在要将日历记录事实表和记录项编码维度表来join:
#错误写法 select a.event_type,a.event_code,a.event_desc,b.upload_time from ( select event_type,upload_time from calendar_record_log where pt_date = 20190225 ) a inner join calendar_event_code b on a.event_type = b.event_type; #正确写法 select a.event_type,a.event_code,a.event_desc,b.upload_time from calendar_event_code a inner join ( select event_type,upload_time from calendar_record_log where pt_date = 20190225 ) b on a.event_type = b.event_type;
这种情况会将多个join合并为一个MR job来处理,例如:
错误写法 select a.event_type,a.event_code,a.event_desc,b.upload_time from calendar_event_code a inner join ( select event_type,upload_time from calendar_record_log where pt_date = 20190225 ) b on a.event_type = b.event_type inner join ( select event_type,event_code,upload_time from calendar_record_log_2 where pt_date = 20190225 ) c on a.event_code = c.event_code; 正确写法 select a.event_type,a.event_code,a.event_desc,b.upload_time from calendar_event_code a inner join ( select event_type,upload_time from calendar_record_log where pt_date = 20190225 ) b on a.event_type = b.event_type inner join ( select event_type,event_code,upload_time from calendar_record_log_2 where pt_date = 20190225 ) c on a.event_type = c.event_type;
如果上面两个join的条件不相同,比如改成a.event_code = c.event_code,就会拆成两个MR job计算。
map join特别适合大小表join的情况。Hive会将build table和probe table在map端直接完成join过程,消灭了reduce,效率很高。
#错误写法 select t1.order_id ,t2.city_name from edw.bs_order t1 left join edw.bs_city t2 on t1.city_id = t2.city_id where t1.dt_ymd = '20191212' #正确写法 select t1.order_id ,t2.city_name from edw.bs_order t1 left join edw.bs_city t2 on t1.city_id = t2.city_id where t1.dt_ymd = '20191212'
上面的语句中加了一条map join hint,以显式启用map join特性。早在Hive 0.8版本之后,就不需要写这条hint了。map join还支持不等值连接,应用更加灵活。
map join的配置项是hive.auto.convert.join,默认值true,对应逻辑优化器是MapJoinProcessor。
还有一些参数用来控制map join的行为,比如hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize,当build table大小小于该值就会启用map join,默认值25000000(25MB)。还有hive.mapjoin.cache.numrows,表示缓存build table的多少行数据到内存,默认值25000。
分桶表map joinmap join对分桶表还有特别的优化。由于分桶表是基于一列进行hash存储的,因此非常适合抽样(按桶或按块抽样)。
这个配置与上面group by的倾斜均衡配置项异曲同工,通过hive.optimize.skewjoin来配置,默认false。
如果开启了,在join过程中Hive会将计数超过阈值hive.skewjoin.key(默认100000)的倾斜key对应的行临时写进文件中,然后再启动另一个job做map join生成结果。通过hive.skewjoin.mapjoin.map.tasks参数还可以控制第二个job的mapper数量,默认10000。
select a.uid,a.event_type,b.nickname,b.age from ( select (case when uid is null then cast(rand()*-10240 as int) else uid end) as uid, event_type from calendar_record_log where pt_date >= 20190201 ) a left outer join ( select uid,nickname,age from user_info where status = 4 ) b on a.uid = b.uid;单独处理倾斜key
举个例子,假如我们有一旧一新两张日历记录表,旧表的记录类型字段是(event_type int),新表的是(event_type string)。为了兼容旧版记录,新表的event_type也会以字符串形式存储旧版的值,比如’17’。当这两张表join时,经常要耗费很长时间。其原因就是如果不转换类型,计算key的hash值时默认是以int型做的,这就导致所有“真正的”string型key都分配到一个reducer上。所以要注意类型转换:
select a.uid,a.event_type,b.record_data from calendar_record_log a left outer join ( select uid,event_type from calendar_record_log_2 where pt_date = 20190228 ) b on a.uid = b.uid and b.event_type = cast(a.event_type as string) where a.pt_date = 20190228;build table过大
有时,build table会大到无法直接使用map join的地步,比如全量用户维度表,而使用普通join又有数据分布不均的问题。这时就要充分利用probe table的限制条件,削减build table的数据量,再使用map join解决。代价就是需要进行两次join。举个例子:
select a.uid,a.event_type,b.status,b.extra_info from calendar_record_log a left outer join ( select t.uid,t.status,t.extra_info from (select distinct uid from calendar_record_log where pt_date = 20190228) s inner join user_info t on s.uid = t.uid ) b on a.uid = b.uid where a.pt_date = 20190228;分区在以下情况下失效,应注意使用。
#错误写法 select order_id ,city_id ,courier_id ,user_id from order_info where substr(dt_ymd,1,6)='202109' #正确写法 select order_id ,city_id ,courier_id ,user_id from order_info where dt_ymd>='20210901' and dt_ymd<='20210931'