主要功能加载图像,对其进行序列化,使用libb64对其进行编码,然后对其进行解码,对其进行反序列化并将其显示在窗口中。这应该模拟您要尝试执行的 *** 作。
// Serialize a cv::Mat to a stringstreamstringstream serialize(Mat input){ // We will need to also serialize the width, height, type and size of the matrix int width = input.cols; int height = input.rows; int type = input.type(); size_t size = input.total() * input.elemSize(); // Initialize a stringstream and write the data stringstream ss; ss.write((char*)(&width), sizeof(int)); ss.write((char*)(&height), sizeof(int)); ss.write((char*)(&type), sizeof(int)); ss.write((char*)(&size), sizeof(size_t)); // Write the whole image data ss.write((char*)input.data, size); return ss;}// Deserialize a Mat from a stringstreamMat deserialize(stringstream& input){ // The data we need to deserialize int width = 0; int height = 0; int type = 0; size_t size = 0; // Read the width, height, type and size of the buffer input.read((char*)(&width), sizeof(int)); input.read((char*)(&height), sizeof(int)); input.read((char*)(&type), sizeof(int)); input.read((char*)(&size), sizeof(size_t)); // Allocate a buffer for the pixels char* data = new char[size]; // Read the pixels from the stringstream input.read(data, size); // Construct the image (clone it so that it won't need our buffer anymore) Mat m = Mat(height, width, type, data).clone(); // Delete our buffer delete[]data; // Return the matrix return m;}void main(){ // Read a test image Mat input = imread("D:\test\test.jpg"); // Serialize the input image to a stringstream stringstream serializedStream = serialize(input); // base64 enpre the stringstream base64::enprer E; stringstream enpred; E.enpre(serializedStream, enpred); // base64 depre the stringstream base64::deprer D; stringstream depred; D.depre(enpred, depred); // Deserialize the image from the depred stringstream Mat deserialized = deserialize(depred); // Show the retrieved image imshow("Retrieved image", deserialized); waitKey(0);}