



您需要执行以下 *** 作以确保已安装所有模块

pip install requests explicit selenium retry pyvirtualdisplay

The script:

#!/usr/bin/pythonfrom __future__ import print_function  # Makes your pre portableimport osimport globimport zipfilefrom contextlib import contextmanagerimport requestsfrom retry import retryfrom explicit import waiter, XPATH, IDfrom selenium import webdriverfrom pyvirtualdisplay import Displayfrom selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keysfrom import WebDriverWaitDOWNLOAD_DIR = "/tmp/shKLSE/"def build_profile():    profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()    profile.set_preference('', 2)    profile.set_preference('', False)    profile.set_preference('', DOWNLOAD_DIR)    # I think your `/zip` mime type was incorrect. This works for me    profile.set_preference('browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk',     'application/,application/zip')    return profile# Retry is an elegant way to retry the browser creation# Though you should narrow the scope to whatever the actual exception is you are# retrying on@retry(Exception, tries=5, delay=3)@contextmanager  # This turns get_browser into a context managerdef get_browser():    # Use a context manager with Display, so it will be closed even if an    # exception is thrown    profile = build_profile()    with Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)):        browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile)        print("firefox")        try: yield browser        finally: # Let a try/finally block manage closing the browser, even if an # exception is called browser.quit()def main():    print("hello from python 2")    with get_browser() as browser:        browser.get("")        # Click the login button        # waiter is a helper function that makes it easy to use explicit waits        # with it you dont need to use time.sleep() calls at all        login_xpath = '//*/div[@]/a'        waiter.find_element(browser, login_xpath, XPATH).click()        print(browser.current_url)        # Log in        username = "bkcollection"        username_id = "sic_login_header_username"        password = "123456"        password_id = "sic_login_header_password"        waiter.find_write(browser, username_id, username, by=ID)        waiter.find_write(browser, password_id, password, by=ID, send_enter=True)        # Wait for login process to finish by locating an element only found        # after logging in, like the Logged In Nav        nav_id = 'sic_loggedInNav'        waiter.find_element(browser, nav_id, ID)        print("log in done")        # Load the target page        target_url = ("""type=price_download_all_stocks_bursa")        browser.get(target_url)        print(browser.current_url)        # CLick download button        all_data_xpath = ("//*[@href='/prices/"    "type=history_all&market=bursa']")        waiter.find_element(browser, all_data_xpath, XPATH).click()        # This is a bit challenging: You need to wait until the download is complete        # This file is 220 MB, it takes a while to complete. This method waits until        # there is at least one file in the dir, then waits until there are no        # filenames that end in `.part`        # Note that is is problematic if there is already a file in the target dir. I        # suggest looking into using the tempdir module to create a unique, temporary        # directory for downloading every time you run your script        print("Waiting for download to complete")        at_least_1 = lambda x: len(x("{0}/*.zip*".format(DOWNLOAD_DIR))) > 0        WebDriverWait(glob.glob, 300).until(at_least_1)        no_parts = lambda x: len(x("{0}/*.part".format(DOWNLOAD_DIR))) == 0        WebDriverWait(glob.glob, 300).until(no_parts)        print("Download Done")        # Now do whatever it is you need to do with the zip file        # zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(DOWNLOAD_DIR, 'r')        # zip_ref.extractall(DOWNLOAD_DIR)        # zip_ref.close()        # os.remove(zip_ref)        print("Done!")if __name__ == "__main__":    main()




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