演示测试import stringfrom ctypes import Structure,c_int,c_char_p,POINTER,cast,pointer,byref,CDLLclass Row(Structure): _fields_ = [('cols_count', c_int), ('cols', POINTER(c_char_p))] def __init__(self,cols): self.cols_count = cols # Allocate an array of character pointers pc = (c_char_p * cols)() self.cols = cast(pc,POINTER(c_char_p))class Unit(Structure): _fields_ = [('rows_count', c_int), ('rows',POINTER(Row))] def __init__(self,rows,cols): self.rows_count = rows # Allocate an array of Row structures. # This does NOT call __init__. pr = (Row * rows)() # Call init manually with the column size. for r in pr: r.__init__(cols) self.rows = cast(pr,POINTER(Row))unit = Unit(2,3)# Stuff some strings ('aaaaa','bbbbb',etc.)for i in xrange(unit.rows_count): for j in xrange(unit.rows[i].cols_count): unit.rows[i].cols[j] = string.ascii_lowercase[i*5+j]*5dll = CDLL('test.dll')dll.my_func(byref(unit))
生成文件#include <stdio.h>struct _rows { int cols_count; char **cols;};struct _unit { int rows_count; struct _rows *rows;};__declspec(dllexport) int my_func(struct _unit *param){ int i,j; for(i=0;i<param->rows_count;i++) for(j=0;j<param->rows[i].cols_count;j++) printf("%d,%d = %sn",i,j,param->rows[i].cols[j]); return 0;}
与Visual Studio 2010一起编译。
输出量test.dll: test.c cl /W4 /LD test.c
0,0 = aaaaa0,1 = bbbbb0,2 = ccccc1,0 = fffff1,1 = ggggg1,2 = hhhhh