find_left方法,以及一些私有方法,让低级别的 *** 作,打破了光标抽象。我还添加了一种
基本上,应该(只要)保证,只要您仅使用公共函数,光标就始终指向顶级对象,并且所有插入和删除 *** 作都在顶级进行。从这里,你应该能够安全地实施
>>> l1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]>>> l2 = [5, 6, 7, 8]>>> l3 = [l1, l2]>>> l3[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
>>> nli = NestedListIter(l3)>>> nli.find(5)>>> nli.insert(9)>>> nli.nested_list[[1, 2, 3, 4], [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
>>> nli._insert_at(nli.stack[:-1], 10)>>> nli.nested_list[[1, 2, 3, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]>>> nli.get_item()Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 130, in get_item return self._get_item_at(self.stack) File "nestedlistiterator.py", line 39, in _get_item_at item = item[i]TypeError: 'int' object is unsubscriptable
>>> nli.go_to_head()>>> nli.find(4)>>> nli.insert(11)>>> nli.nested_list[[1, 2, 3, 11, 4], 10, [9, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
import collectionsclass NestedListIter(object): '''A mutable container that enables flat traversal of a nested tree of lists. nested_list should contain only a list-like mutable sequence. To preserve a clear demarcation between 'leaves' and 'branches', empty sequences are not allowed as toplevel objects.''' def __init__(self, nested_list): if not nested_list: raise ValueError, 'nested_list must be a non-empty sequence' self.nested_list = nested_list # at some point, vet this to make sure self.go_to_head() # it contains no empty sequences def _is_sequence(self, item=None): '''Private method to test whether an item is a non-string sequence. If item is None, test current item.''' if item is None: item = self._get_item_at(self.stack) return isinstance(item, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(item, basestring) def _is_in_range(self, index_tuple=None): '''Private method to test whether an index is in range. If index is None, test current index.''' if index_tuple is None: index_tuple = self.stack if any(x < 0 for x in index_tuple): return False try: self._get_item_at(index_tuple) except IndexError: return False else: return True def _get_item_at(self, index_tuple): '''Private method to get item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking.''' item = self.nested_list for i in index_tuple: item = item[i] return item def _set_item_at(self, index_tuple, value): '''Private method to set item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking. Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.''' if self._is_sequence(value) and not value: raise ValueError, "Cannot set an empty list!" containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]) containing_list[index_tuple[-1]] = value def _insert_at(self, index_tuple, value): '''Private method to insert item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking. Throws a ValueError if value is an empty non-string sequence.''' if self._is_sequence(value) and not value: raise ValueError, "Cannot insert an empty list!" containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]) containing_list.insert(index_tuple[-1], value) def _delete_at(self, index_tuple): '''Private method to delete item at an arbitrary index, with no bounds checking. Recursively deletes a resulting branch of empty lists.''' containing_list = self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]) del containing_list[index_tuple[-1]] if not self._get_item_at(index_tuple[:-1]): self._delete_at(index_tuple[:-1]) def _increment_stack(self): '''Private method that tires to increment the top value of the stack. Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).''' try: self.stack[-1] += 1 except IndexError: return False else: return True def _decrement_stack(self): '''Private method that tries to decrement the top value of the stack. Returns True on success, False on failure (empty stack).''' try: self.stack[-1] -= 1 except IndexError: return False else: return True def go_to_head(self): '''Move the cursor to the head of the nested list.''' self.stack = [] while self._is_sequence(): self.stack.append(0) def go_to_tail(self): self.stack = [] '''Move the cursor to the tail of the nested list.''' while self._is_sequence(): self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1) def right(self): '''Move cursor one step right in the nested list.''' while self._increment_stack() and not self._is_in_range(): self.stack.pop() if not self.stack: self.go_to_tail() return False while self._is_sequence(): self.stack.append(0) return True def left(self): '''Move cursor one step left in the nested list.''' while self._decrement_stack() and not self._is_in_range(): self.stack.pop() if not self.stack: self.go_to_head() return False while self._is_sequence(): self.stack.append(len(self.get_item()) - 1) return True def move_cursor(self, index_tuple): '''Move cursor to the location indicated by index_tuple. Raises an error if index_tuple is out of range or doesn't correspond to a toplevel object.''' item = self._get_item_at(index_tuple) if self._is_sequence(item): raise IndexError, 'index_tuple must point to a toplevel object' def get_item(self): '''Get the item at the cursor location.''' return self._get_item_at(self.stack) def set_item(self, value): '''Set the item a the cursor locaiton.''' return self._set_item_at(self.stack, value) def insert(self, value): '''Insert an item at the cursor location. If value is a sequence, cursor moves to the first toplevel object in value after insertion. Otherwise, cursor does not move.''' temp_stack = self.stack[:] self.left() self._insert_at(temp_stack, value) self.right() def delete(self): '''Deete an item at the cursor location. Cursor does not move.''' temp_stack = self.stack[:] self.left() self._delete_at(temp_stack) self.right() def iterate(self): '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in sequence''' self.go_to_head() yield self.get_item() while self.right(): yield self.get_item() def iterate_left(self): '''Iterate over the values in nested_list in reverse.''' self.go_to_tail() yield self.get_item() while self.left(): yield self.get_item() def find(self, value): '''Search for value in nested_list; move cursor to first location of value.''' for i in self.iterate(): if i == value: break def find_left(self, value): '''Search for value backwards in nested_list; move cursor to last location of value.''' for i in self.iterate_left(): if i == value: breakdef _NLI_Test(): l = [1, 2, 3, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 4, ['d', 'e', [100, 200, 300]], 5, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 6] nli = NestedListIter(l) print nli.nested_list for i in nli.iterate(): print i, print for i in nli.iterate_left(): print i, print nli.go_to_head() for i in range(5): nli.right() nli.insert('cow') nli.insert(['c', ['o', 'w']]) print nli.nested_list nli.find('cow') print nli.get_item() nli.delete() print nli.nested_list nli.find('c') nli.delete() print nli.nested_list nli.find_left('w') nli.delete() nli.find('o') nli.delete() print nli.nested_list print nli.nested_list == l nli.find(100) nli.set_item(100.1) print nli.nested_listif __name__ == '__main__': _NLI_Test()