- Oracle中则可以将插入语句放在开头
- lateral view 几种用法
- lateral view 除了explode还有json_tupe等函数联用
with a as ( select * from test ), b as ( select * from test2 ) insert into/overwrite table select * from a join b on a. id =b.idOracle中则可以将插入语句放在开头
insert into/overwrite table with a as ( select * from test ), b as ( select * from test2 ) select * from a join b on a. id =b.idlateral view 几种用法
hive> select explode(Array("a","b","c","d")); OK a b c d Time taken: 0.505 seconds, Fetched: 4 row(s)
--错误 hive> select explode(co),c from ( select collect_list(id) as co,'wo'as c from sys_community )t ; FAILED: SemanticException 1:19 only a single expression in the SELECt clause is supported with UDTF's. Error encountered near token 'c' --正确写法 hive> select c,b from ( select collect_list(id) as co,'wo'as c from sys_community )t lateral view explode(co) rr as b;lateral view 除了explode还有json_tupe等函数联用
hive> select json_tuple("{"nong":5.0,"fast":5.0,"strong":5.0,"beautiful":5.0,"power":5.0}","nong","fast","strong",'beautiful','power'); OK 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Time taken: 0.177 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) hive> select a,b,c from sys_community lateral view json_tuple("{"nong":5.0,"fast":5.0,"strong":5.0,"beautiful":5.0,"power":5.0}","nong","fast","strong") rr as a,b,c limit 1; OK 5.0 5.0 5.0 Time taken: 0.437 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)